The seat next to Mo Yi was still occupied by the maroon girl who was only stronger than him in height. As for the other side, there was Kiana, who had issues with Grandpa Mo Yi.

When Jizi heard that Theresa was going to take her to a friend's place for dinner, she felt so happy, just like the subtle feeling of an old father's cabbage daughter who was finally mature enough to get married.

In Jizi's heart, There seemed to be no difference between Theresa and her daughter. In the past, she was worried that the other party was too withdrawn and had no friends. In just over a week, she heard that the other party had found friends, and there were more than one. How could she feel like that? Not complicated.

Wow, with so many friends, I am no longer the only one.

However, the matter was more serious than she expected. She had thought that besides Yae Sakura, she would have at most one or two new friends, but she never expected that it would be a bunch of new friends.

As the real captain of Hyperion (aren’t the other captains just the cleaners in charge of krypton gold?), Himeko’s observation skills are naturally very good. She also sees the problems that Theresa discovered. Seeing that there was not enough space present, he was going to tell Teresa and use the excuse of "I have something to be busy" to take the first step.

"Jiko, sit here-"

But before Ji Zi spoke, Theresa pulled the other person to sit in her original position.

In this case, Jizi can't refuse. As for Theresa?

Ji Zi originally wanted the other party to squeeze around her, but Theresa walked away quickly.

Himeko: "Meow meow meow?"

What the hell is this? Teresa, where are you going?

Then, she knew where Teresa had gone.

"There's no room left——"

Theresa walked up to Grandpa Mo Yi and sounded cute with her unique childish voice.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"How about I sit down for you?"

"don't want--"

Theresa refused:

"You're still eating."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Seeing Theresa's cute look, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't imagine what wonderful ideas the other party had in her little head.

"Okay, so what?"

"Sit tight for me -"

After Theresa finished speaking, she found a seat, sat directly on Grandpa Mo Yi's lap, and said with a smile:

"That'll be fine."

Who can withstand this? !

Because Theresa is a petite loli, it's not impossible to sit on Grandpa Mo Yi's lap like this.

Even Grandpa Mo Yi was confused by Theresa's coquettish behavior.

Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable cold air coming from the right,

It was obviously Asuna whose face turned dark.

"Mo Yijun, your behavior is very dangerous."

Asuna, why are you staring at me? Stop holding it hard, the chopsticks in your hand will break!

Asuna seemed to be staring at Grandpa Mo Yi, but in fact, she was making eye contact with Theresa——

"Get down here quickly!"

"No, I just won't leave, what can you do to me?!"

"Your aunt is always your aunt——"


Grandpa Mo Yi is also helpless and desperate!

Theresa has already sat down, can she still drive the other party away?

Regardless of how they will get along with each other in the future, in just the next second, they might be knocked to death by Judas.


If looks could kill, Grandpa Mo Yi would have received tons of damage. Well, half of the damage was done by Asuna.

Facing the eyes staring at him, Grandpa Mo Yi said with an upright face:

"The position is not enough, so it is understandable to make do with it a little bit."

"Besides, Teresa is still a child."

Asuna calmed down after hearing this. Although she was still unhappy, as the other party said, it wasn't because she didn't have enough space.

In addition, she only knew Theresa's name, but didn't know more accurate information. Naturally, she judged people by their appearance, thinking that Theresa was just a loli who was still in elementary school.

After thinking about it, I felt relieved. The other party might be a relative of Grandpa Mo Yi, and his current behavior was just out of child-like love. Just like when a favorite toy is snatched away, you will naturally feel unhappy and want to snatch it back directly.

As Grandpa Mo Yi said, she is just a child!


After snorting, Asuna said nothing more.

Seeing this, Theresa felt very proud, but she didn't know that Asuna treated her as a child, so she didn't care about it, otherwise she wouldn't be able to laugh.

Of all those who were watching the show, the one who felt the most moved was Jizi!

At first, she didn't pay attention to Grandpa Mo Yi sitting on the other side. After all, there were so many people here.

Until Theresa walked over, what happened next could be said to break her outlook again and again!

You must know that what Theresa usually cares about the most is being treated like a child. Today she actually took the initiative to act cute. Jizi will naturally not treat Theresa as a child and behave like a child.

Although Himeko has always failed in blind dates and has never been in love, in order to find a good man as soon as possible, she read a lot of books about love and marriage. She can be called a true master of theory and asked her to go to college. There is absolutely no problem in opening the 'Love Psychology' course. (When the author was in college, he took love psychology as an elective in his freshman year. It was quite interesting.)

Coupled with the series of reactions of the girl with long chestnut hair next to the man, Jizi felt that she had grasped the truth of everything.

This is clearly a case of jealousy!

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