Why does this happen?

She works so hard that she goes on blind dates whenever she has a vacation. After work, she never forgets to enrich herself and improve her various postures. She can be said to be able to walk in the hall, enter the kitchen, and beat the Honkai Beast. She can be said to be a model woman in the new era, but she is still I can't find my ideal partner, and I haven't even been in love once.

Before I knew it, I was almost running for three days!

Of course, Jizi still has no despair. Happiness needs to be obtained through comparison.

Although she is about to run away for three years, isn't there a forty-year-old woman beside her to keep her company?

Moreover, even though the other person is so old, he still acts like a child. He likes to hide in a quiet place and read comics, eat ice cream in winter, and act cute.

Every time she was unhappy, after thinking about Theresa, Jizi felt that her life was still full of sunshine and hope.

What does thirty mean?

Didn’t you see Theresa still living like a child in her forties?

But for all this, Theresa, the guarantee of Himeko's happiness, actually betrayed the revolution! Did you agree to stay single together until the end?

Jizi suddenly felt that her life had become gloomy and there was nothing to be afraid of.

At this time, Ji Zi had to cheer up and observe Lao Mo Yi carefully, and finally muttered in her heart:

"It fits my aesthetics quite well, but it's a pity."

Jizi looked at Theresa's very happy smile, and her mood finally recovered. It had been a long time since she saw Theresa smiling so happily. She probably only giggled like this when reading comics, right?

This seems good.

————The dividing line between Teresa’s world’s cutest people——————

After dinner, everyone left and went home.

And Grandpa Mo Yi is really blocked on the road at this moment.

"Mr. Mo Yi, hello——"

Two men showing their police ID blocked Grandpa Mo Yi.

"What's the matter?"

Speaking of which, this is the first time Grandpa Mo Yi has been visited by the police. He is a good and law-abiding citizen. He is a new-age youth who will hand over a penny to the police uncle if he picks up a penny on the side of the road.

As for things involving the mysterious side that cannot be revealed to others, under his magic, it is impossible for ordinary people to detect it, which can prevent organizations such as SHIELD and Dragon Team from coming to visit.

In the eyes of outsiders, Grandpa Mo Yi is just an ordinary high school student in District 11.

After the other party's brief explanation, Grandpa Mo Yi finally understood that there was a murder on the ship. The dead person was called "Sugou Nobuyuki" because he had temporarily registered on the ship, so the police wanted to invite Grandpa Mo Yi. Went to have a late night snack of pork chop rice.

Well, after listening to the other party's reasons, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that it was a bit nonsense. Just because he was temporarily registered, he was suspected?

If he was the murderer, how could he register on the ship today and remain a blackmailer forever? Wouldn't it be better?

At this moment, Grandpa Mo Yi was very worried about the life safety of the residents in District 11.

Of course, what concerned Grandpa Mo Yi more was the victim's name, "Sugou Nobuyuki". This name seemed somewhat familiar.

"Please come with us -"

After that, the two of them stared closely at Mo Yi, who seemed to be in a daze. This was the Pacific Ocean, not in District 11. The identity of a police officer was not necessarily easy to use.

"Okay, but-"

When they heard Grandpa Mo Yi say "no", the two of them immediately became vigilant. What they had to deal with now was the extremely vicious Men in Black organization. If the other party was really a member of the Men in Black organization, they might be killed in the next second. He took out two Desert Eagles and started shooting at them.

"Does Mr. Mo Yi have any requirements?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at the other party with approval. It seems that the police in District 11 can still be saved.

"Are you going to provide pork chop rice?" (If you are caught at the police station in District 11, the other party will probably treat you to pork chop rice.)

Chapter 477: Aozaki Orange

"Pork chop rice?"

The policeman, who looked like a middle-aged uncle, was obviously confused by Grandpa Mo Yi's imagination.

The delivery of pork chop rice to the 11th District Police Station can be regarded as an unspoken rule.

The reason is probably that when a prisoner who is full of psychological pressure smells the fragrant pork chop rice one night, the psychological defense that he has built up with great difficulty will most likely be unable to withstand it and will automatically collapse.

As the saying goes, coercion and inducement are good, and the interrogation at the police station is coercion, but the police cannot say that if you tell the truth, I will give you a small gift.

Pork chop rice was born in such an environment. Prisoners always have to eat, so providing a delicious pork chop rice is obviously a good temptation, and it is not expensive. In a state of physical and mental exhaustion and abnormal hunger, It's no worse than the delicacies from the mountains and seas, or a Man-Han banquet.

After achieving remarkable results, the police station's "pork chop rice" gradually became a common interrogation method.

But after the new century, due to lack of funds, the custom of "pork chop rice" was gradually abandoned.

But this middle-aged policeman happened to have experienced the era when "pork chop rice" was popular.

But you know, you know, it is the police who decide whether or not to treat you to pork chop rice. How can any suspect take the initiative to ask for it?

Young man, you were arrested to assist in the investigation. Do you think you are invited to be our guest?

The truth is this, but before he knew the other party's tricks, the middle-aged uncle still succumbed to the cruel life and reached out to stop the young policeman in his twenties who wanted to say something.

As a middle-aged uncle, he has long passed that period of youthful youth. Under the heavy pressure of life, no matter how many thoughts and passions he has, they will gradually be worn away by the trivialities and pressures of life.

Unlike young people, the other person is just on his own and cannot support himself. However, after getting married, the middle-aged uncle is not burdened by one person, but a family.

When he thought of the always-lit lamp at home every time he came home, and of his daughter's lovely smile, the middle-aged uncle felt that the world was actually very beautiful, and there was nothing that he couldn't live with.

What's the point of a small request like Mo Yi's?

While it's still early, just go to the cruise ship's restaurant and buy one. It's a waste of life to struggle with the other party.


After the middle-aged uncle stopped the young man, he directly agreed to Grandpa Mo Yi's somewhat nonsensical request.

"Then let's go."

Grandpa Mo Yi just mentioned it casually to liven up the atmosphere.

Well, I didn’t expect that the other party actually served you pork chop rice, which was considered a luxurious dinner during your student days. No wonder the police station in District 11 has an explosion of funds.

After seeing Grandpa Mo Yi's cooperation, the middle-aged uncle breathed a sigh of relief and finally took back his left hand behind his back.

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