"Mr. Mo Yi——"

As the three of them were walking, the middle-aged uncle asked casually:

"Have you not eaten yet?"

Because of explicit rules, the cost of pork chop rice has been excluded from the office budget. Now it is up to whoever hires the person to pay for it, especially on a luxury cruise ship. It is probably very expensive.

A middle-aged man whose monthly salary is directly deposited into his wife's card wants to secretly save some pocket money, which is obviously not a simple matter. Buying a pork chop rice here will not be enough to sell many packs of cigarettes.

"have eaten."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Just came out of the cafeteria."

Middle-aged uncle: "..."

"Ahem, aren't you full?"


Seeing the pained look on the other person's face, Grandpa Mo Yi joked:

"I just thought that if I eat for free, I can pack it back and make a late-night snack."

Middle-aged uncle: "..."

Boy, you really have some ideas.

More than two minutes later, the three of them finally came to a room. When Grandpa Mo Yi walked in, he saw an orange-haired woman wearing a green windbreaker, clinging to the table, seemingly studying something.

"Mr. Mo Yi, this is Police Officer Aang Qi Chengzi. She will conduct the next questioning."

After the middle-aged uncle said this, he turned around and said:

"I'm going to buy you some pork chop rice. Well, what kind of sauce do you like?"

"Black pepper."

When Grandpa Mo Yi answered, the other party had already waved his hands and walked out of the door.

"Well, we're here."

At this time, Aozaki Orange looked up from the copywriting, gestured to the chair opposite, and said:

"Please take a seat——"

By the way, why does Aozaki Orange appear here?

After receiving the task entrustment from Mr. Midori, Aozaki Orange arrived on the cruise ship named "King Kong" as quickly as possible, and then quickly launched a data investigation. After learning that the opponent was a man in black, After the organization, plus the guardianship on the surface, and the Valkyrie sent by the Green Trustee, they decided to find out the rats hiding in the darkness from other aspects.

The police from District 11 who also came here are obviously good tools.

Magicians are not a profession that involves direct combat. They can do whatever they can to accomplish their goals efficiently and effortlessly.

A magician like Director Kenneth who likes head-on duels will often overturn in the gutter and be crippled by an origin bullet from Kiritsugu, and then be shot and killed treacherously by the other party. This is the best evidence.

And Aozaki Orange is a standard practical magician. Compared to a greenhouse-style genius like Director Ken, Aozaki Orange has survived a real cruel battle, although this cruel life was caused by her own death. Come.

Aozaki Orange has grown up with the expectation of being the "heir of the magician" since she was born. However, when her grandfather was about to take over the dog, he passed on the fifth method to Aozaki Orange's younger sister, Aozaki Aoko.

This is undoubtedly a devastating mental blow to Aozaki Orange. She has been prescribed by others since she was born, and for more than ten years of hard work, her grandfather said, "Your sister's magic circuit is more in line with the fifth law." request', and then everything she had was rejected.

How do you accept this as Aozaki Orange?

She could lose to anyone, but she could lose to her own sister, who was inferior to her no matter how she looked at it. Both her own magic level and talent were far inferior to her sister. Aozaki Orange finally collapsed and was close to madness.

Finally, he killed his grandfather. (Don't look at it, this is all your fault. If you haven't decided who to pass it to at the beginning, don't act like 'this is all your responsibility'. Just let the two people compete fairly. This will suddenly change the decision, isn't it? Who else can blame you for your fault? In fact, Tokiomi Tosaka was not the earliest pot lord of Xingyue, the grandfather of the Aozaki sisters was the original pot.)

After assassinating his grandfather, Aozaki Orange escaped from District 11 and went to the Clock Tower to learn magic.

But I still couldn’t get angry afterward, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became—

Why is it that I can't compare to my silly little sister? I work so hard, but I have to be denied with the question of 'talent'? !

Aozaki Orange is worthy of the name of a genius. Even without magic, she was ridiculed and ridiculed in the Clock Tower. However, she relied on her own efforts and talents to shine in the Clock Tower. In the production of humanoids, she can be called the best in the world.

The doll she made was undoubtedly a real person. Even after her death, her soul was automatically transferred to the doll, and then resurrected from a certain perspective. (Orochimaru’s technique made him cry after seeing it. Why did he first transform himself into Yamata no Orochi in order to change his body? Then when he was reincarnated, he still had to fight the original soul for his soul. Every time he was reincarnated, his soul was weakened and even weaker. For a while, until finally he was killed instantly by a kid named 'Uchiha Itachi' with a pair of ancestral red eyes. Orochimaru: Coach, I want to learn magic!)

Because Aozaki Orange has no idea how many dolls based on herself he has made and buried all over the world. In a sense, Aozaki Orange is immortal.

Because of this unprecedented puppet technology, which no one in the entire clock tower can match, a custom-made puppet of Aozaki Orange can be bought for a sky-high price of 100 million.

In a certain ending of Fate Stay Night, in order to save Matou Sakura and eliminate Holy Grail-chan, Emiya Shirou had to project a curry stick to kill Holy Grail-chan instead of Daimao, and he himself collapsed because of this.

Later, on the premise that Illya sacrificed herself, the third method was used to fix the soul.

However, with only a soul and no body, how can it be considered a happy ending of sexual happiness?

So Matou Sakura sold the Matou family's property, bought a one-to-one figure of Emiya Daishi from Aozaki Yuko, and then installed the soul of Emiya Daishi on it. This was the real happy ending. .

Well, this is also the only true finale (Return of Spring) in which both sisters are reunited. Such an evil ending as Sakura Dream is simply a shame.

It is worth mentioning that, can the Hero Emiya created by Aozaki Orange have a child with Sakura Matou? Will the child he gives birth to be considered the biological child of Hero Emiya?

This question was probably something Emiya Shirou himself couldn't figure out.

However, Aozaki Orange judged that the Clock Tower was sealed by the Magic Association not because of the doll manufacturing technology, but because of Aozaki Orange's research on runes.

In the moon-shaped world, the most famous users of runes are Cu Chulainn and Scathach, but because both of them prefer to use gun skills to solve problems, the runes have become a similar useless plug-in. skills.

In fact, in the Xingyue world, the older something is, the higher the mystery and the stronger the power. Runes are one of the earliest magic systems. For magicians, they are a very A powerful and difficult-to-understand magic system.

With most of the runes lost, Aozaki Orange relied solely on his own research and understanding to patch up new runes.

What kind of concept is this? It's just that the previous things were lost. Now based on her own research, she has created her own runes that are passed down from generation to generation.

In the end, Aozaki Orange was on the blacklist designated by the seal.

Of course, compared to things like runes, which have far greater research significance than practical significance, doll-making technology is the real reason why she was targeted by some big figures in the Magic Association.

You only need hundreds of millions of dollars for a doll, which is very expensive, and it is also a monopoly. If you like it, buy it or not, and if you don’t, it’s strange that others are not jealous.

Any capable person would find a way to defeat her and use the opponent's skills to defeat her.

In particular, magicians have no moral integrity to begin with. The so-called seal designation-your skills are precious or dangerous, and you need us to protect them together. Isn't it just an excuse to be jealous of the other party's magic and snatch it away.

After being given the seal designation, Aozaki Orange must be dissatisfied. Why should his things be handed over to the other party for free, especially for a woman who has been injured like Aozaki Orange. When she goes crazy, she is even afraid of herself. Her grandfather and mentor said to kill her. Just kill.

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