With his own superb magic skills and countless resurrection crosses, he was resurrected on another doll after being killed and came back to do it again. Aozaki Orange just killed one wave after another of the designated executions of seals. Or, finally the Magic Association also gave up the pursuit of her.

Although the Magic Association does not recognize you, your title of Puppet Master is recognized by all magicians.

Of course, the order to seal the order is still there, but it will no longer take the initiative to send people to arrest the other party. If it is directly revoked, the Magic Association will be shameless!

Facing the magician who was chasing her, Aozaki Chengzi was merciless. Not only did she kill people, but she also took away the magician's most precious property, thus making her reputation extremely bad.

Under the successive blows, Aozaki Orange felt even more unhappy. It was all his grandfather's fault!

If she is given the inheritance of the fifth method, her life will be as smooth and complete as she originally imagined.

Out of anger, Aozaki Orange returned to his hometown and challenged his sister Aozaki Aoko, who inherited the fifth method. Under the aura of the real protagonist (Mushroom Wife), Aozaki Orange, who initially beat down Aozaki Aoko, was finally defeated. The opponent's attack will kill him in seconds. It can be said that he comes with force and leaves in despair.

After the defeat, Aozaki Orange lived a wandering life, and later settled in Kanfuko City in District 11. Another story called "The Realm of the Sky" followed.

Well, in this world line, Aozaki Orange, who couldn't stay in the same place for too long, left Kanfuko again shortly after Ryōri and Mikiya Kurogiri got married, and lived a wandering life, and then met Destiny. Lord Otto.

Midorito-sama, who is determined to resurrect Kallen, naturally welcomes Aozaki Yuko, who has superb puppet technology.

One was rich, the other talented, and the two hit it off immediately. Aozaki Orange signed a contract to become Tianming's magic consultant, responsible for magic issues and technical assistance.

After using magic to sneak into the police team, Aozaki Chengzi integrated into the character and used the police's intelligence and power to search for the men in black on the ship.

As for inviting Grandpa Mo Yi to assist in the investigation, it was a decision made by the police before. After understanding the situation a little, she also felt that Grandpa Mo Yi was unlikely, but there was no need to make a decision to deny others.

The magic she uses is just like a kind of hypnosis. Too abnormal behavior will cause the magic to fail.

Now that she was caught, she, who happened to be appointed to take charge of the matter, just did a little investigation, and it didn't take much effort anyway.

When he heard the title "Officer Aozaki Orange", Grandpa Mo Yi felt a strange sense of disobedience. Did he walk out of the set, and was he also called the police officer Aozaki Orange in Conan?

Then, after the other party raised his head and observed each other, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that he had not gone to the wrong set, and that he was really the Aosaki Orange he knew.

Chapter 478: Chengzi: You are the skinniest man I have ever seen

"Aozaki Orange...Officer?"

Aozaki Orange is a typical smart girl, similar to her sister Wuhe Kotori who is good at waking up her brother with flying kicks on a certain set. When wearing glasses, her personality is that of a close big sister. Once she takes off Put on your glasses and you'll be in ice-cold magician mode.

So the question is, what should I do if my hands are entangled during the battle and I can't take off my glasses to transform?

After seeing the real Aozaki Orange, I couldn't help but secretly thought that it was interesting.

Aozaki Orange is here, is Aozaki Aoko still far away?

Grandpa Mo Yi is quite interested in the legendary Mushroom's wife. Well, it's just interest, not sexual interest. He has no feelings for old women, unless they are old women like his aunt who haven't grown up.

As for the five elders from the East, I just want to say that I can't afford it.


Aozaki Orange originally thought that the other party was just an ordinary unlucky guy, an ordinary high school student who was randomly named by a certain unlucky detective, but the other party was calm and unfazed at all because he was invited to eat pork chop rice by the police. The absence of May Day means that the other party has something to rely on, and he is a man who has seen big scenes.

But, what does this have to do with Aozaki Orange? She just wants to quickly find the clues of the men in black organization, and then catch these unlucky guys. Other than that, she has to work nine to five, clock in and eat. She didn't show off around her, and she didn't want to care at all.

She has long passed the grade where she likes to take action against self-righteous people, although she also has a hundred ways to make it difficult for those self-righteous people to survive.

However, things were different from what she imagined. From the tone and sentences of the other party calling her name, it could be inferred that the other party knew her identity.

If you know yourself, then even if you want to ignore it, it won’t work.

This time, Aang Qi Chengzi no longer glanced slightly, but stared at Grandpa Mo Yi seriously. After five seconds, he asked in a calm tone:

"you know me?"

The so-called calm tone was just an illusion of the young policeman on the side. In his impression, Officer Aozaki Orange had always been an experienced and gentle person. Well, this impression had only been implanted for a few hours.

As for Grandpa Mo Yi, why did he feel real pressure from the seemingly indifferent eyes of the other party? Similarly, such pressure placed on ordinary people can cause the other party's psychological defense to collapse instantly, as if being hypnotized, allowing the other party to rub.

But for Mo Yi, it can only be said that he is still too young - push harder and don't stop!

"Of course, Officer Aozaki Orange, I just heard the name called by the uncle."

"You know that's not what I'm talking about."

The more Grandpa Mo Yi acted so casually, the more sure Aang Qi Chengzi felt that his judgment was correct and that the other party did know him.

Knowing yourself, but daring to be so casual, it is absolutely impossible without some means.

Like those fledgling adventurers who play the leading role as experience monsters in the early stages of the novel, guys who seem to be first in heaven and second in me, there are very few in reality. Life is already so difficult. Unless they are the second generation of X, they will be so funny. , let alone wandering around in the world, being able to successfully graduate from the school's small world is already a miracle.

Reality is much crueler than the world of fantasy. There is no room for failure, and the loser can only live in the dust.

"Officer Inoue, you can go over and assist Officer Takagi. Just leave this to me."

Under Aozaki Orange's suggestive magic, the young policeman called Inoue simply left without worrying about Aozaki Orange at all. You know, in an interrogation room, there was a young and beautiful female policewoman, Coupled with a young and handsome guy, it looks like all the elements needed for the famous scene of the District 11 action movie. As long as the director is in place, filming can start immediately.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi was attracted by the young policeman's name, because this surname is so classic!

A long time ago, the people in District 11 did not have surnames. Only the emperor had a surname. Later, a surname policy was implemented to allow the people to give themselves a surname.

You know, at that time, the people in District 11 were poor and their education level was appalling. They could only eat two meals a day, and the problem of food and clothing was not solved. They had no time to think about philosophical issues such as life.

But forced by the government's requirements, the working people can only use their wisdom and change the form whenever they see it.

Of course, because of things like surnames, combined with having children, and there was no entertainment at that time, well, except for nightlife after turning off the lights at night.

Many people change their children's surnames to whatever is around them when they are having sex, so there are many surnames that are easy to understand at a glance - Yamanaka, Watanabe, Takahashi, and Kobayashi.

In the mountains, it refers to outdoor activities in the mountains; Watanabe refers to the riverside; Gaoqiao refers to the bridge; Kobayashi refers to a very classic and favorite grove for young lovers.

So the question is, how did Inoue do it?

The mouth of the well is empty, and even a super-powered girl like Sadako can only fall to the bottom of the well and be taken away. This shows how awesome the ancestor named Inoue is.

The alley-oop and the two-man bridge are so miraculous that they make modern people who lack imagination simply kneel down.

As the saying goes, masters are in the human world, and the ancestors named Inoue are masters, because those who missed are already in the underworld, so there is no need to worry about changing their surnames.

"It's just the two of us now."

Aozaki Orange said meaningfully:

"Why don't you take the initiative? Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable after I take action."


Grandpa Mo Yi was confused by the other party's bold speech. He just wanted to say something loudly. It's not that he was impure, but that the other party was driving too fast. He was not a school bus going to the kindergarten at all!

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