He is the dignified master of the origin of the moon world. He is said to be a despicable magician. How can he go out and hang out in the future?


Aozaki Chengzi is the type of woman who I believe is infallible, unchangeable, and unrepentant. She thinks Grandpa Mo Yi is a magician, so in her eyes, he is a magician, no matter what Grandpa Mo Yi does Showing evidence and reasoning are unlikely to change the other person's mind.

"It's useless to say more——"

"Do you know how I, Aozaki Orange, treat my colleagues?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Isn't it just taking away the magic seal and taking away someone else's inheritance for generations? What's so great about it? !

He also broke someone else's third leg. Compared with losing the family inheritance, it seems worse to have a magic mark but not be able to have a child, and no one to inherit the family inheritance and wishes.

"If you continue to insult me ​​as a magician, I will be angry."

Aozaki Orange: "..."

This tone made it sound like a magician was like a dog. When did being a magician become an insult?


In response to Grandpa Mo Yi's teasing and teasing, Aang Qi Chengzi used one of the goddess's three special skills of "bath, sleep, haha" to deal with it.

Grandpa Mo Yi would naturally have no reservations about the other party's tone, and he would ridicule as much as he wanted.

"A sewer profession like a magician is too slow to move bricks——"

"I am a battle mage who has inherited the power of thousands of Douluo. To put it another way you can understand, I am a magician."

Chapter 479: Cry, scream, and watch the movie obediently!


The title of battle mage is not popular in the Xingyue world. The ideal profession closest to the battle mage is probably the magician.

Magician and magician seem to be one word apart, but in fact, they are worlds apart. One person is respected by the mysterious world, while the other is despised.

Magicians refer to magicians whose surnames are among the five major magics (plug-ins) of the Moon World. Magicians, on the other hand, do not engage in the study of magic, but turn it into a tool. They are despised by other magicians.

Well, Kiritsugu Kakaraki is one of the magicians in the Kotsutsuki world.

Although magicians are not favored by others and are despised in various ways, from Kiritsugu's experience, magicians who have always regarded magic as a scientific research career are better than magicians who have always used magic as a fighting tool and method. The actual combat ability is much different.

For example, as one of the monarchs of the Clock Tower, Kenneth's magic power is far superior to Kiritsugu's. He can be beaten by the opponent's fierce tactics of bombing the building, and all the magic defenses that he thinks are unbreakable are broken. What follows is even more He was shot and crippled.

It was the biggest foreshadowing for the subsequent tragedy.

Of course, a former wandering magician like Aozaki Yuko is different from those traditional magicians who claim to be aristocrats and hide in mansions all day long to study magic and turn their brains into sand sculptures. She does not have much prejudice against so-called magicians. .

But she had a strange feeling about the term magician.

Aozaki Orange has two of the most famous deeds. The first is to defeat the seal designator selected by the Magic Association and obtain the untitled title of 'Grand Puppet Master'. The second is to return to his hometown to plan the fifth method of family inheritance, but was The fledgling sister Aozaki Aoko cheated and defeated her, and was even cursed to never return to her hometown.

Of course, by replacing the body with a body that was no different from her own, she had already ignored the curse, but she had always abided by this agreement. Compared with the physical curse, the mental trauma was more profound.

Later, she wanted to get 'green', which is known as the three primary colors, but her sister got it, and she got 'red', the opposite color to green. This was probably the magic association's ridicule to her, and this incident made her hate their magic even more. Association, and her sister Aozaki Aoko who defeated herself and became a magician.

Now when I heard Grandpa Mo Yi talking about the 'Magician', my sensitive heart suddenly thought that the other party was mocking her for not being as good as her sister Aozaki Aoko.

"How long has it been since no one dared to mention anything in front of me?"

Aang Qi Chengzi, who was feeling furious, was no longer in the mood to talk nonsense with Grandpa Mo Yi. He attached numerous magical anti-teacher treasures such as 'Armor Breaking, Pain Amplification, and Demon Chopping' in his hand, and stabbed Grandpa Mo Yi's palm. go.

Although the Demon Eye Kill seems to have no effect on the opponent, the purpose of the Demon Eye she transformed herself from the beginning was not for lethality, but for the restraint effect.

As for her own appearance, Aozaki Orange was quite confident, and with the magic dagger in her hand that could amplify pain, she couldn't believe it and wouldn't let the other person speak.


A clear ringtone rang in Aozaki Orange's mind, and she woke up as if from a big dream. She found that the surrounding environment had changed. Her current state was like that of Jesus being tortured, tied to a huge cross.

Surrounded by a blood-red wilderness, the only sight is the blood-red full moon.

In such an environment, let alone being bound to a cross, the mere silence is enough to cause a person to have a nervous breakdown over time.

"Illusion magic, when did it happen?"

Aozaki Orange is a big boss in the magic world. Naturally, he will not panic and lose his sense of proportion. Death is just a change of body. Players will have no fear.

Illusion magic can be regarded as very common magic. Basically, a magician knows one or two tricks, such as urging people to die, suggesting, and erasing memories. It can also be regarded as illusion magic.

However, illusion magic is very useful against enemies whose strength is far inferior to one's own, but it is not so easy to use against magicians who also play a mysterious role.

Because illusion magic requires a corresponding medium to trigger it successfully, and the more powerful the illusion, the more complicated the preparations required.

If you deliberately prepare so many preparations, it would be more convenient to directly use these resources and energy to launch other great magic and directly destroy the opponent's body.

Without preparation, sound and gaze are the most commonly used triggering media for illusion magic. However, the mystery of this kind of magic is not very high. At most, it can seem very powerful in the real world, and it can be done with just one look. The extent to which others are fascinated.

Aang Qi Chengzi, who was tied to the cross, was not troubled by his condition. Instead, he was recalling all the details of the time when he saw Mo Yi and analyzing how he was tricked.

Obviously in one's own home court, the opponent cannot prepare the technique in advance and can only rely on simple media such as voice or eyes.

As a senior magician, it was a shame that she actually fell into illusion magic.

"You don't seem to be worried about what happens next?"

Grandpa Mo Yi gradually appeared in front of Aang Qi Chengzi like a dark shadow.

"Now that it's here, let's make peace with it. It's just a doll anyway."

Aang Qi Chengzi was not surprised by the appearance of Grandpa Mo Yi. The other party did not create a disorienting environment, but only tied himself up, obviously to torture himself.

Aozaki Orange said indifferently:

"Compared to this body, I am more curious, how did you do it?"

"If you satisfy my curiosity, it doesn't matter if I give this body to you."

This is just a joke. The essence of magic is mystery. If many people know the secrets of a magic, the mystery and power of the magic will be weakened. When a magic is recognized by many people, the magic will lose its effect. .

In order to keep magic hidden and prevent others from seeing through their magic, magicians even kill ordinary people who accidentally see their magic imagination to avoid any possibility of their magic being leaked.

In such a social atmosphere, how could anyone reveal the secret of their own magic?

"I'm not very interested in dolls——"

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