After a few seconds, Aang Qi Chengzi finally discovered the difference in Grandpa Mo Yi's body, that is, the other person's eyes had changed from the original dark pupils to blood red, and there were patterns composed of black stripes inside.

"It's a high-level magic eye——"

The magic eye is a good thing. A high-level magic eye is like the pupil technique in Eye Legend (Naruto). Without understanding the situation, it can achieve a powerful effect of killing each other.

As for magic eyes, Aozaki Orange is not unfamiliar at all. More than ten years ago, she met a girl with the highest level of magic eyes, the "Demon Eye of Direct Death", and witnessed one after another. An interesting and unforgettable story.

In addition, she also met a girl with a twisted magic eye, who could twist things at will through her gaze and physically destroy everything. Even the steel bridge was twisted like tofu.

This kind of unreasonable ability can be said to be the nemesis of magicians. As long as they are within the opponent's magic sight, they will be killed directly.

Aozaki Orange has seen a lot of magic eyes, and even modified himself a pair of magic eyes that can perform unlimited binding magic, but he has never seen such fancy magic eyes.

Other people's magic eyes can only change colors at most, like azure, rainbow, or gradient. Anyway, there are many combinations of colors left for the magic eyes, but they have never been as strange and coquettish as the other person's.

That's right, how could she understand that Grandpa Mo Yi was paying homage to the Weasel Controller, the first brother of Hokage? How amazing it was to think that the flag tree would be 50/50 in seconds when they met!

You must know that Hatake is 50-50, but he is a man who can fight 50-50 against Zabu Zabuza at lower level, 50-50 against Tendou Payne in middle, and 50-50 against Kaguya Otsutsuki, the final big boss.

The reason why Naruto and Sasuke had such a hard time beating Madara, but it was much easier to beat Kaguya than it was when they beat Madara, was because Kakashi was trapped in the Kamui space by Obito and was not present to open the battle. Five-open halo'.

After Kakashi came out of Obito's Kamui Space, Naruto and Sasuke immediately started to fight and beat Madara. It was completely different from what happened before when Kakashi was not around.

This makes sense, why during the Fourth Ninja War, Naruto and Sasuke destroyed the world at every turn, with combat power as high as Lu, but more than ten years later, they randomly came out to hide their opponents, and they were killed. He was pressed to the ground and rubbed, and the reason why Grandpa Boruto came to save him was because Kakashi was there more than ten years ago, and then Kakashi retired, and Kakashi’s 50-50 aura was lost in team battles. Naturally, the strength is greatly reduced.

All in all, throughout the entirety of Naruto, only Uchiha Itachi crushed Hatake Fifty-five for the only time.

Grandpa Mo Yi was the Weasel God in cosplay at the moment. He looked at Aozaki Orange who was nailed to the cross with a deep look on his face and said calmly:

"Under my pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, all magic and mystery are meaningless. You are like a naked body in front of me."

Ahem, the shameful line "You are like a naked body in front of me" was not invented by Grandpa Mo Yi. This is the fantasy killer among the four kings of Xingyue. He kills everything in an instant and stabs anyone with two brushes to self-destruct. Diarmuid said this line with a serious face when he was fighting against the model girl.

Well, were they ashamed back then?

Following Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Aang Qi Chengzi discovered the other party's charming eyes, and the dark patterns in the pupils were rapidly changing and rotating, making her whole brain dizzy, and her whole body was unable to resist.

"In this world, both time and matter are controlled by me."

"As long as I think about it, a thousand years in this world is just one second in the outside world."

"You should understand what I mean, Officer Aozaki Orange."

Hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Aang Qi Chengzi finally panicked. She was not afraid of being killed. She had countless resurrection coins anyway, so she just needed to log in to the game again.

But what I fear the most is this kind of attack on the spirit and soul. The human spirit and body will also age. Ordinary people are likely to go crazy if they are imprisoned for a week.

And being locked up in such an environment for thousands of years, even if her spirit can survive it, her soul may collapse due to overwhelm. At that time, it will not be a matter of dying and resurrecting, but being directly banned.

When things came to a close, Aosaki Orange was still a proud orange. He was the orange worthy of the old father letting his son stay where he was and why he had to buy a few oranges to take with him on the road. He said very harshly:

"If such a magic eye really exists, why hasn't the magic world heard of it? Come back if you can."


This master has specialized in treating people who are acclimatized for three hundred years. Originally, I only wanted to tickle the person for three days and three nights, but now I can only scratch the flower once.

"Now that things have come to this, why are you still so stubborn? You are asking for your own death!"

Immediately, a movie screen appeared behind Grandpa Mo Yi, and then Grandpa Mo Yi inserted a mobile hard drive into the socket of the screen.

A young and beautiful young OL appeared on the huge screen. Not only was the screen big, the scene also had stereo surround sound and 3D effects. Just listening to the footsteps of the young OL walking, I could feel the other person's happy mood.

"What exactly do you mean?"

Are you so nervous just to treat yourself to a movie? What the hell are they all about?

Soon, Aozaki Chengzi realized that something was wrong, because the camera finally zoomed in on the OL's face. It was obviously her own face, and the hairstyle was still the long, straight black hair she had in high school.

"Cry, scream, and then accept your fate!"

After saying this line, Grandpa Mo Yi exited the world of illusion, leaving Aosaki Orange tied to the cross and watching the classic action movies from District 11 collected by Grandpa Mo Yi, because the next scene may be inappropriate for some children.

Aozaki Orange: "..."

What the hell are they all about?

After the other party said a Chuuni line, he disappeared, leaving Aozaki Orange very speechless. He didn't know what the other party wanted to do. According to the general routine, if the illusion the other party said was really that powerful, he shouldn't start with whips and tiger stools. Plus the torture of pepper water?

Why are you left alone to watch a movie?

Do you think I am some kind of old-fashioned magician who has never even watched the movie?

Unable to move, unable to refuse, and even forced to cheer up, Aozaki Orange could only watch movies. Just watching movies in which she was the heroine always felt weird.

But she continued to read.

Not so in the first thirty minutes of the movie. It just describes the daily life plot of her as the heroine. The plot is handled very well. After the heroine agrees to the male pig's trotter's proposal, she prepares to get married tomorrow. After getting off work and taking the subway home, the plot begins. It started to take a turn for the worse.

Because after she entered the carriage, more than a dozen black men walked into the carriage.

"The soul is weak, damn it..."

"I will never let you go..."

As the plot unfolded for more than two hours, Aosaki Orange cursed angrily, but she was the only one left at the scene, enjoying the joy of contracting a movie theater.

However, the end of this subway story is only the beginning of the game. Because Grandpa Mo Yi put more than 1,000 gigabytes of resources into the player, countless classic stories began to appear. Of course, the heroines of the stories were modified by Grandpa Mo Yi. Aozaki Orange, to enhance the other party's perception.

When the 1000G resource is played, the opponent can break away from the illusion.

Chapter 480: Aozaki Orange: You are the master, you have the final say

After all, Grandpa Mo Yi is not a devil. Aang Qi Chengzi's magician behavior of stabbing himself with a knife whenever he disagrees makes him very unhappy, but he is just a small punishment and a big warning, asking the other party to look at him as a woman for several days. District 11 action drama starring the protagonist.

Let the other person reflect deeply that it is very bad that the world is so beautiful but she is so irritable.

Well, and how did Grandpa Mo Yi calculate how many days it would take?

A small high-definition movie requires about 3G of memory. It can be completed in an average of two and a half hours, which is about four days and three nights.

Of course, as a man of integrity, Grandpa Mo Yi would be embarrassed to sit there with the other party, eating popcorn and watching movies. Their relationship has not reached such a good level yet. What if the other party makes some strange noise? It would be so embarrassing to be discovered by Grandpa Mo Yi.

After arranging everything, Grandpa Mo Yi left the illusion world and returned to the real world.

Almost the next second, Aozaki Orange also woke up from the gluttonous feast of 1000G.

However, the time difference between the two was several days.

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