Simply put, the other party is the leader of the rice class and cannot be offended.

After making the boss happy, I might be able to save ten years of hard work and not have to fight to the end before I can regain my true form.

Thinking of this, Conan was heartbroken and said to himself, "I'm sorry, Uncle Maori, you are used to being stabbed for a long time anyway. For the sake of your daughter's sexual happiness, I have to wrong you for a while longer."

Then, he walked to a blind spot where no one was paying attention. The watch on his wrist was adjusted to the right angle, and a powerful anesthesia needle was shot on the back of Kogoro Mouri's neck.

Kogoro Mori: MMP——

This familiar feeling, it’s that Conan guy again!

But he didn't struggle. After all, his son-in-law was better at solving crimes. Every time the other party knocked him out, it meant that the other party had found out the truth. It was time for him, Maori Xiaowulan, to show off again!

Mao Lilan was not too surprised by Mao Li Xiao Wulan's sudden movement, because this had happened too many times, and she just thought that the other party had another inspiration and entered the second personality.

But this time she was disappointed. Mouri Kogoro did not start reasoning to solve the case as usual.

Conan used his voice changer to explain a few sentences, saying that he was seasick and not suitable for the environment on the ship. His previous reasoning was also wrong, and he apologized to Grandpa Mo Yi.

Finally, he said that just let yourself sit for a while and it would be fine.

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally knew that this was what Conan said, but he was still satisfied, at least unnecessary trouble was avoided.

Being stared at by the police all day long is always uncomfortable. Although you can use magic to modify the memory of the relevant person, this kind of thing can be avoided, but you still want to avoid it. If you rely on magic to solve everything, you will not be able to enjoy daily fun.

"Then let's leave first."

After Asuna said goodbye to Mao Lilan, she left the room with Grandpa Mo Yi.

No one likes to be around police officers unnecessarily, even if they know they are good people and are there to protect them.

When Grandpa Mo Yi was leaving, he broke the news to Conan through telepathy, telling him that Mouri Kogoro had known about his wrongdoing for a long time and had Conan stun him and solve the case on his behalf.

The other party is just pretending to be stupid, pretending to be deceived by you, but in reality they are playing Conan behind your back.

Before leaving, seeing Conan's constipated expression, he could guess that the two of them would soon fall in love and kill each other.

It's quite fun to cheat Kogoro Mouri.

Chapter 482: Mo Yi: The moonlight is so beautiful tonight

Feeling the gazes from all around, Asuna, who kept her head down and let Grandpa Mo Yi pull her away, raised her head and asked shyly:

"Mo Yijun, where are we going?"

When leaving Aang Qi Chengzi's place, Grandpa Mo Yi consciously held his hand and left. It was okay at first, but as time went by, the people around him looked at him with envy, surprise, memories or curiosity. Their gazes, external heat and impulsiveness subsided, and Asuna's cultivation and reserve as the eldest lady gradually regained the initiative in their brains.

After taking a few steps like this, you will meet someone you don't know. Trying to hold hands for the first time is a very novel, interesting and difficult thing for people who have never been in love.

After several minutes, Asuna finally couldn't help the shame in her heart. The person suddenly stopped. Grandpa Mo Yi, who was holding the other person's hand and walking in front, naturally felt it and stopped.

Looking at the other party's charming look, he wanted to retract his hand, but was reluctant to do so. He suppressed his shyness. Grandpa Mo Yi felt that the other party was inexplicably cute. He couldn't tell the difference between his previous initiative and his previous actions. The impression of myself being crisp and clean.

Maybe, everyone has several masks with different personalities. When the distance between people becomes different, the person they see also quietly changes.

No matter what, Grandpa Mo Yi could feel that he was very close to the other person at this moment. It was as if he could feel the heat of the other person's breath by taking one step forward. He seemed to be able to understand the beating rhythm of the other person's heart by holding his hand. Take another step closer, and you will see the opponent's bright red.

"I didn't think about it either-"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Of course, this did not trouble him. As long as he was determined, there was no place he could not find.

"Why don't you keep walking? Maybe you'll be where you want to be soon."

Hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's answer, Asuna was a little angry, but soon found that she seemed to agree with this in her heart, and she really didn't seem to have anywhere she wanted to go, but she didn't want to go back so soon. Walk like this for a while longer.

"Then let's go -"

The two of them didn't talk too much as they walked, but they didn't feel bored. After walking for a few minutes, the two of them walked to the deck.

Probably because there is an endless ocean all around, and there are no pollutants from human industry, the sky appears clearer and brighter. Every star is full and shining, and the sky is full of stars as far as the eye can see.

Of course, to modern people, this eternal scenery obviously seems outdated. Everyone is busy with their own things. People who run around day and night for a meal have no time to stop and look up. Rich people with mines at home, He is busy with all kinds of nightlife, girls and so on. Isn't it more interesting than such backward things as watching the stars?

Therefore, when Mo Yi's grandfather Asuna came to the deck, there were only two or three kittens on it. Most of them were middle-aged and elderly people who were out for a walk after dinner and enjoying the sea breeze.

"Mo Yijun, do you know?"

Asuna put her hands on the railing and looked excited, as if she had found a very rare piece of bright shell on the beach. She had an innocent and simple bright smile on her face, and she couldn't wait to share it with the only child around her who could share it. .

Grandpa Mo Yi: "Huh?"

Mo Yi must have cooperated at this time, looking curious and asking for answers, looking at the very excited Asuna, waiting for the other party's next words.

"Every star we see now is the light that was emitted many years ago, and may have been annihilated long ago."

"This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful starry sky. In the past, I could only see two or three stars that were not very bright in the city."

"Fortunately, I didn't miss it tonight. Maybe one of the stars will be the last time humans can see it."

In fact, Asuna didn't know what she was talking about. She just wanted to say something in this atmosphere, express her inner joy, and share her happiness and discoveries with the other party.


Seeing Asuna talking so happily, looking at her for a while and then saying a few words, Grandpa Mo Yi felt good about nodding and agreeing with the other person's words.

After a while, Asuna realized that she had been talking the whole time, and the other person was nodding like a silly goose, sticking out his tongue in embarrassment. It was different from being malicious and cute. Grandpa Mo Yi could tell that the other person was being mean. subconscious behavior.

No matter how heroic the other party is, in the final analysis, she is still a young girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, a child who does not need to worry about too many things. It is normal to have such a side.

After seeing Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly laughing, Asuna also remembered her behavior just now and said a little shyly:

"Mo Yijun, don't you have anything to say?"

Well, that's right, Asuna just wanted to change the subject.

Grandpa Mo Yi wanted to express his inner feelings directly, "You were so cute just now. I think it's better to laugh when you want to laugh and cry when you want to cry." However, he felt that it was a bit awkward to say this under such a rare starry sky. If he was preaching, he didn’t quite respond to the situation. He paused and then said:

"You are watching the scenery on the bridge, and the people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs; the bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people's dreams."


Although Asuna has never read this poem, "Fragmented Chapter" is simple and easy to understand, and ordinary people can understand it immediately, let alone an honor student like Asuna.

Splitting the beautiful artistic conception in the poem and connecting it to the scene just now and now, Asuna quickly realized that what Grandpa Mo Yi meant was that she was looking at the scenery just now, and he was listening to her whispers, Look at her.

This literary version of praise is extremely lethal to a literary girl like Asuna. It instantly destroyed her armor. She turned around embarrassedly, pretending to be attracted by the starry sky on the other side, and used deliberate and casual expressions. In a tone of voice, he asked:

"Mo Yijun, are you and others so good at talking?"

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