
To be honest, Grandpa Mo Yi rarely used such a literary and tactful tone to talk to others. Most of them would say this to people who were not familiar with him, or who wanted to become more familiar with him.

After hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Asuna, who was carrying Grandpa Mo Yi on her back, breathed a sigh of relief for some reason and felt inexplicably happy, but she didn't know what to say further.

"Don't you have any other feelings?"

"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight——"

The sea breeze suddenly became stronger, making Grandpa Mo Yi's words somewhat blurry.

But in this mood, Asuna suddenly understood why the other party had been nodding before. Listening to her words, it was probably this mood.

Looking up, the moon over the sea seems bigger, farther, brighter and more beautiful than the moon in the city. He said with some approval:

"It is indeed beautiful."

Obviously, Asuna didn't realize the double meaning of the phrase 'the moonlight is so beautiful'.

Grandpa Mo Yi didn't want to expose it. The slightly hazy distance seemed good. This kind of time was just one day passed. If one day was missing, it would be better to cherish it now.


After a moment of silence, Asuna seemed to remember something, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with a slight smile, and asked curiously:

"Mo Yijun, what kind of person do you plan to be in the future?"

The easiest topics to talk about among young people are obviously life and dreams, especially between a man and a woman. Otherwise, why would there be such a joke as "Let's talk about life and ideals in your room tonight"?

Of course, this is a vulgar way of saying it. For young men and women, life and ideals are very serious and longing things, and they can only be spoken out solemnly if they are close friends.

Asuna's question gave Grandpa Mo Yi a sense of déjà vu, as if he would set a very serious flag in the next second.


Grandpa Mo Yi, who is now in his third life, seems to have no idea of ​​any particularly prudent ideals. It seems that he has already done what he wants to do. The only thing is to find a way back to his original home, but This thing is hard to say.

Now, he just wants to live the life of a retired veteran cadre, create some interesting works when he has time, go outside for a while when he is tired, and have someone prepare a meal for him when he comes home. Well, this is such a useless idea.

Saying this might make Asuna laugh at her, like an old man, so Grandpa Mo Yi thought about it and borrowed the lines from Shredding and Raking:

"I want to be a partner of justice!"

Asuna obviously did not expect such an answer, but the other party's expression seemed casual, but the firmness in his eyes showed that it was a true idea. (Grandpa Mo Yi: On the self-cultivation of actors.)

Asuna wouldn't be surprised if it were a scientist, a lawyer, a policeman or a secular rich person, but a partner of justice sounds like something that is very powerful but doesn't quite understand.

However, young girls really like this and look forward to boys with big ambitions.

“It’s nice to know who you want to be—”

Asuna's tone seemed a little confused and depressed, and then she confided in a low voice:

"I don't know what I want?"

"As long as I can remember, everything seems to have been arranged. As long as I follow my parents' plans, I will be a successful daughter in their eyes."

"To be honest, I'm a little confused."

Having said this, Asuna smiled sheepishly and said:

"Of course, I also know that this is the love of my parents. Many people don't have such an arrangement even if they want it. In the eyes of others, my complaints like this mean that I am not blessed even though I am blessed."

"But I still can't help but feel confused and tired, so I want to break free from the prison I imagined."

"I also want to figure out who I really want to be."


Just like this, under the night sky, one person was talking and the other was listening quietly, and time passed by like this.


After finally pouring out the words that she had never said to anyone else, Asuna felt her whole body relaxed. Even Grandpa Mo Yi in front of her became more pleasing to the eye and cuter.

But I was a little worried. I seemed to have said some boring words, and the other party would think that I was a strange person.

"Talking you something weird."


Grandpa Mo Yi shook his head and said with a smile:

"I think this Asuna is more real. Now I can close my eyes and picture in my mind a stupid girl who has her own ideas, is stubborn, and clumsily responds to other people's expectations."

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi's words penetrated the opponent's armor again.

Asuna's face was flushed, feeling shy and happy that someone had seen through her, so she had no choice but to lower her head and remain silent.


Grandpa Mo Yi also noticed the embarrassment of the other party. It was not an option to keep chatting awkwardly like this, so he prepared to talk about other interesting things to lighten the atmosphere.

"A story suddenly occurred to me."

Asuna answered:

"what story?"

"A story that takes place on a luxury cruise ship about a poor male painter and an aristocratic girl who is dissatisfied with her fate and is constantly fighting against her fate."

After successfully arousing Asuna's interest, Grandpa Mo Yi slowly and leisurely told the classic story of Titanic.

And Asuna was quickly attracted by this story that was played every Valentine's Day. Until the end of the story, she heard that Jenny's fiancé picked up a little girl and pretended to be her father in order to board the survival ship. Run for your life.

But Jack, who was looked down upon by him, in order to let Jenny survive as much as possible, directly let go and let the small wooden board carry Jenny's weight so that it would not be dragged down by the weight of the two of them. In the end, both of them died in the sea. .

Through this comparison, it is further shown that Jack, a painter who is worthless and poor, and even got his ticket through gambling, is the one who really loves Jenny.

Well, Jenny got married in the end, and this story was recalled by her granddaughter before her death.

Seeing this, Grandpa Mo Yi felt like he was eating Xiang, probably because of the difference between Chinese and Western cultures. According to Eastern culture, Jenny should stay somewhere for the rest of her life, waiting alone for someone who will never come back. Orthodox, in line with the ending of oriental imperfect beauty.

Of course, when he was still young, Grandpa Mo Yi also felt that Jack and Jenny were true love and good people, while the fiancé was a villain.

When I get older and watch it several times, of course I feel that they are true love, but it is no longer as pure as before.

The fiancé who was cheated on was also very pitiful. Did he deserve to be cheated on?

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