However, since telling this story to Asuna, Grandpa Mo Yi will definitely not seek death and point out that their behavior is wrong and immoral.

"Mo Yijun——"

Asuna's eyes were filled with tears, she lowered her head in embarrassment and said dissatisfiedly:

"Why don't you let Jenny and Jack survive successfully? If you make up a story like this, be careful of someone sending you a razor blade."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I am a man who aspires to be a warrior of love. Stories that do not heal the readers are not good stories. Even if they have a happy ending, they must be forcibly depressing. For example, in "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", you and Leon escaped immediately. , but was shot to death by a lunatic detective from behind. This is true love!

"Ahem, this is a true story, I didn't make it up."

Hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Asuna was a little curious and said:

"If it's true, it's totally unreasonable."

"How could the world's largest unsinkable ship, which is said to be unsinkable, sink for such a ridiculous reason as hitting an iceberg?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

What you said makes sense, but that’s how the story was written and filmed, so there’s nothing I can do about it!

Without coincidence, what story would be written?

"Asuna, you don't know something."

Grandpa Mo Yi explained with a serious face:

"In fact, the Titanic transported this mysterious mummy. This mummy has a mysterious curse. Researchers who come into contact with her will die mysteriously for various reasons."

"The real reason for Titanic's silence is the mummy's curse."

"Until now, people have not recovered this mummy from the remains of the Titanic."

"Don't, stop talking——"

Asuna quickly stopped Grandpa Mo Yi from continuing to popularize science, and said with lingering fear:

"The mummy curse and so on are just people's boring fantasies. How can these ghostly things exist in this scientific world?"

"Yes, that must be the case! We want science, not superstition!"


Grandpa Mo Yi was a little surprised by Asuna's reaction. He figured it out after a few seconds and showed a shy smile. He leaned closer and was still shaking, as if she was a little cold. He asked slyly in front of Asuna, who was still trembling with her arms folded:

"Asuna, you're not afraid of ghosts or anything like that, are you?"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not scared at all!"

Chapter 483: Saving Mother-in-law

"Really, I'm not afraid of ghost curses or anything like that-"

Asuna turned away with disdain, but her eyes had long since lost their luster, and her trembling look emphasized unconvincingly that she was a firm materialist!

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi's awkward smile, Asuna knew that the other party didn't believe her words at all.

But in Asuna's eyes, she is not afraid of so-called ghosts, because there is no way ghosts, mummy curses, etc. exist in this world.

She's just not good at talking about this stuff.

"Ding dong——"

At this time, Asuna heard a ringtone, and she took out her phone with some embarrassment and said helplessly:

"That guy Xiaolan——"

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that it was the other party's good friend who was looking for him again without even looking at him. Coupled with the hesitant look on Asuna's face at this moment, he could almost guess the content.

Nothing more than that the other party came to see Asuna for something, and he also teased Asuna in the message, saying that he should finish the matter quickly and take safety measures.

Don't think that young girls can't drive. Once girls start driving, they really have nothing to do with boys.

Then, Asuna clasped her hands together, put on an expression of begging for mercy and apologized, and said:

'Mo Yijun, Xiaolan comes to see me if you have something to do. I'm going back. ’


Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Then go back."


The two started to go back. Of course, on the way, Asuna also talked about why she came here.

Well, when he heard about the cooperation with Yakumo House, Grandpa Mo Yi felt strange. He didn't know whether he should say that he was the final say in the matter. If he was bribed, he could cooperate in any way.

Then there was the matter about Nobuyuki Sugou. Asuna didn't go into too much detail. She just said that the other person was her father's capable employee and what she saw when she went to the scene.

In fact, these words were what Asuna had planned to say to Grandpa Mo Yi from the beginning. She probably didn't want the other party to misunderstand them. They were all random words said by Mouri Kogoro before.

Although she believed that Mo Yi would not listen, she still wanted to make it clear, even if the possibility of being misunderstood was very low.

Then there's something wrong with her mother, but she doesn't know what to do.

"Bye bye, Mo Yijun——"

Asuna waved her hand to Grandpa Mo Yi beside her, said goodbye in a low voice, opened the door with some reluctance, closed the door and went in.


With a smile on his face, Grandpa Mo Yi also waved his hand. After the other party entered, he opened the door and walked back.

—————Boundary Line——————

After returning to the room, the smile on Grandpa Mo Yi's face disappeared, and his eyes became dark, as if they were looking through the wall, looking at something.

"So that's the case--"

Asuna had said something about her mother before, and there was not much the other party could do. But for Grandpa Mo Yi, it was just a simple matter. Under his clairvoyance, he quickly found her mother's location. (After looking for information for a long time, I finally found Asuna’s mother’s name—Yukiko Kyoko)

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