Kyoko Yuuki didn't know that her every move was actually exposed to Grandpa Mo Yi's clairvoyance. When changing clothes...ah, Grandpa Mo Yi must have cut off this part automatically, mainly because of her skillful binding. When holding the oil-based pen, there was a struggling look on the face about the good and evil of human nature, and he thought that Grandpa Mo Yi would not see through it, so he used the "Ziwei Thirteen Pinch" on the counterfeit who was deeply fainted.

Ziwei Thirteen Pinch, what is it?

This has to start with the touching story "Your Majesty, do you still remember Aunt Rong on the shore of Daming Lake ten years ago?"

Probably, these are the two stunts that Grandma Rong used when she tortured the second female Ziwei to extract a confession. One was the 'Thirteenth Ziwei Needle', which involves pricking the finger with a needle, and the 'Thirteenth Ziwei Pinch', which involves using force on the opponent. In a secret place covered by clothes, use the two-finger meditation that all women are good at, and perform crazy moves from various angles and postures.

And Kyoko Yuuki's way of retaliating against fashionable women is the 'Thirteen Ziwei Pinch' that has been lost since the prosperous era of the Qing Dynasty (laughing, whether it is a prosperous era is a matter of opinion, anyway, this is where the century-old humiliation of the dynasty began).

Even if Grandpa Mo Yi didn't open the other party's clothes, he could guess that there were purple marks all over them.

Seeing this, Grandpa Mo Yi had to admit that Kyoko Yuki is a ruthless character!

I have to think of it, as the saying goes, like father, like son, then does it mean that like mother, like daughter?

Ahem, Asuna can't be so scary!

After the other party turned the fashionable woman over and over several times and finally stopped, Grandpa Mo Yi finally got out easily.

"Miss Yuki——"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked straight at it, ignoring the hairy crab lying there like a salted fish, and said with a kind smile:

"That's it."

After that, he put a large bowl of noodles on the table.

When she heard the footsteps of Grandpa Mo Yi, Yuki Kyoko quickly prepared the food. She looked serious and sat there waiting for a long time. She did not refuse and said thanks:

"Thank you."

And he didn't show any pretense. He was already hungry, and after a series of retaliations, he exhausted even less energy and his stomach became even more uncomfortable.


Of course, she didn't have much expectations for the noodles made by Grandpa Mo Yi. It would be good if she could fill her mouth.

The moment he looked over carelessly, the lid was immediately opened, and the dragon's bearded face emitted a strong golden light with his eyes flashing. He subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes.

'"The noodles are actually glowing?!"

No wonder the other party was so surprised. Whether the food looks good depends on whether it has medicinal effects or whether it glows. If they both glow, it depends on whether the one glows golden. If they both glow golden, it depends on which one is more golden. Find out whose dish is more delicious.

After being in a daze for several seconds, Yuuki Kyoko finally remembered the existence of luminous cuisine——

Although the Yuuki family is considered well-known in District 11, and is even a bit more wealthy than the Yukinoshita family, which is a famous family in a small city, and can chat and laugh with many big shots, it is nothing short of ordinary. matter.

Therefore, she has eaten a lot of the cuisine of Totsuki Academy, the most famous restaurant in District 11, and has been treated by medicine-induced cuisine countless times. She can be said to be a woman who has seen big scenes.

Before, Glowing Cuisine was only in a certain high-end restaurant. I heard the chef of the restaurant said that she naturally thought of it as bragging. The medicinal effect or something, she could explain it by saying that it was too delicious and triggered the brain's fantasy, but Glowing or something, unless it is fluorescent powder, how can the food glow? ?

If adding medicinal effects is a symbol of good food in the secular world, then glowing is a symbol of good food in the dark world.

After all, in your cooking duel at Totsuki Academy, those chefs are ordinary people, and there is no difference between them when cooking.

As for the cooking in the dark world, the chefs all have unique skills. They can cut a cow into pieces instantly without losing any blood, and they can use their internal power to evaporate the entire Yangtze River in a barbecue. What kind of dish can make people live forever? It's almost from the realm of martial arts to the combat power of the fairy world.

However, these martial arts masters, magicians or cultivators who are obsessed with cooking still use the unique skills they have trained for decades to cook. Looking at it this way, it is completely normal for the food to shine——

Is that cooking?

No, that is clearly an elixir made by using inner strength, magic power or spiritual energy to refine the elixir!

When Yuki Kyoko removed the arm that covered her eyes, she found that the golden light had dissipated, as if it was just her fantasy, but the gushing fragrance penetrated directly into her nose.

So delicious!

This was the only description she could think of. As for what kind of fragrance it was, she couldn't tell. It could be said that it was a fragrance that exceeded her level of perception.


After smelling the aroma, endless strength and greed emerged from her tired body. Even the idea of ​​continuing to be polite to Grandpa Mo Yi was thrown away. She picked up the chopsticks and stuffed the noodles into her mouth.

Take one bite——


For the same reason as the aroma, it was also delicious beyond what she could understand and describe. She couldn't think of any suitable words of praise to describe the most delicious noodles she had ever eaten in her life.

If she had to describe what it tasted like, it would probably be——

This is what noodles should taste like!

That's right, Grandpa Mo Yi really casually made noodles all night. Except for an egg and the noodles he pulled out of flour, there were no other fancy things.

The real technology lies in turning decay into magic. Just as the most famous dish of Chinese Little Master is golden egg fried rice, it is normal to use precious ingredients to make delicious dishes. It is to use simple things to make things that others cannot do. the Grand Master.


Kyoko Yuki didn't put down her chopsticks and started to sigh. There was no time to sigh. Of course, eating all the noodles plus the soup into her stomach as soon as possible was the right thing to do!

In just over a minute, Yuki Kyoko was right in front of Grandpa Mo Yi, drinking up the soup and water, and patted her belly with satisfaction.

She was able to finish it so quickly not only because it was really delicious, but also thanks to Grandpa Mo Yi's stunt of not adding potion to the noodles. No matter what, the other party was Asuna's mother. The stunt of adding potion to the other party's food was just a matter of imagination. I don't dare to imagine this scene of skin with dull redness, legs merging together and making strange sounds.

This is the car bound for kindergarten!

Therefore, the only special effect tomorrow is the word 'delicious'.


Yuki Kyoko put down her chopsticks, her voice became choked, she raised her head and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with complex and expectant eyes, and said intermittently:

"Wow..., so delicious..."

Yes, I added onions—

Ahem, I said the wrong line. Grandpa Mo Yi can raise his hand and swear that he really did not add onions to this side. The only special effect is that it is absolutely delicious.

So it’s really not Onion’s fault that the other person sheds tears.

“What should I do if I can’t eat in the future?”

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Well, mother-in-law, you are really far-sighted. You have just finished eating and are already thinking about the next meal.

"How about we make do with it?"

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