"How can-"

Kyoko Yuki's momentum changed and turned into her usual extremely strong expression. She pressed her hands on the table, made a loud voice and said seriously at the same time:

"The most fearful thing in life is the word 'make do'. Once a person gets used to making do, it's like a waste!"

What you said makes sense, but it doesn't solve the problem at all. Can't you tell that I really comfort you?

After realizing that the other party was not her daughter or employee, but her savior, Yuki Kyoko reacted, returned to her amiable expression, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, and asked in a friendly tone after a few seconds:

"Mo Yijun, I wonder what you think I look like, sister?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Why do you feel something bad when you hear this?

Stop the car, this is not a school bus bound for kindergarten at all! !

Chapter 486: Don’t get excited, listen to my explanation, Asuna!

As a world-famous cultural master with both talent and political integrity, Grandpa Mo Yi doesn’t even know what ‘Chacha Don Rice’ is!

Cultural things are called art, and art is originally fantasy, so how can it be realized in reality?

It's meaningless. Yuki Kyoko's thoughts at the moment are very dangerous. The ghost father and so on will be harmonized by the mythical beast Cao Nima.

Asuna's long chestnut hair can be regarded as the blond twintail Ellie. I wonder if Asuna has an older sister or younger sister with long, straight black hair?

No, Miss Yuuki, your current thoughts are very dangerous!

Yuuki Kyoko naturally didn't expect that in just one second, Grandpa Mo Yi, who looked normal, had already imagined more than 100,000 harmonious plots.


Grandpa Mo Yi coughed lightly and said sincerely:

"Miss Yuuki is a beautiful woman in her twenties."

No matter what, praising someone's beauty is the only correct answer. As for "I don't think so" and "the charm is still there" are wrong answers that only straight men would say.

Telling the truth is appreciated, but most of the time it will not make people happy or accepted. For example, when you have a cold or fever, drinking more hot water is indeed a very important and basic way of coping.

But when someone complains to you about how uncomfortable it is to have a cold or a fever, once you say drink more hot water, you will inevitably be labeled as a straight man, which is a slightly cheap comment.

Drink more hot water, how innocent!


Yuki Kyoko couldn't help but laugh happily when she heard Grandpa Mo Yi's slightly exaggerated evaluation and his sincere eyes.

As the saying goes, that woman doesn't like to be praised for her good looks.

"Mo Yijun, you really know how to talk -"

"My sister is not as young as she is in her twenties. My daughter is almost eighteen years old."

Facing Yuki Kyoko who was smiling like a child, Grandpa Mo Yi only responded with a stiff smile:

"It really doesn't look like——"

"Speaking of my daughter Yuki Asuna, she is as beautiful as my sister. After all, she is my daughter——"

Yuki Kyoko looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with a kind smile, and finally showed her true eyesight, revealing her true purpose.

"I think you are very good, Mo Yijun, you are responsible and your cooking is delicious. How about I introduce my daughter to you? Young people need to know more people of the same age."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

This is, I want to introduce my daughter to myself. If he really took the bait, wouldn't the other party become his mother-in-law?

A mother-in-law is half a mother. Could it be that if the mother wants to eat a bowl of noodles, how can I, a son, refuse?

Thinking of this, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but take a breath and didn't know how to complain about Yuki Kyoko.

As soon as the noodles that glow golden are finished, you have successfully conquered the opponent? ! When Asuna found out about this, she didn't know if she would cry.


Grandpa Mo Yi currently still has the skill "Charm", so he is not afraid of saying the wrong thing, making it difficult for the other party to accept it, causing his image points to drop or something.

Simply put, no matter what you do or how much you waste, you can never lose. Yuki Kyoko may not lose, but Grandpa Mo Yi will definitely make something.

For now, Grandpa Mo Yi seems to have successfully conquered Asuna's mother unintentionally. There is no need to worry about Grandpa Kirito being unable to pass the opponent's level.

"Actually, I received a request from your daughter Asuna Yuuki, so I investigated your matter and found something wrong."

"What, is this actually happening?"

Yuki Kyoko was very surprised when she heard what Grandpa Mo Yi said, but she was even more happy.

In a sense, he can be considered saved by his daughter.

But now she has more things to pay attention to——

"From what you said, Mo Yijun, are you Asuna's classmate? How come I didn't know that Asuna knows such an outstanding male classmate like you?"

"Ahem, actually I just want to ask, how good friends are you? Why didn't Asuna invite you to my house to play? It's really not cool."

A day ago, Yuki Kyoko knew that Asuna was so familiar with other male classmates, to the extent that she could entrust her mother's affairs to others, and she would definitely get angry and teach her daughter a lesson.

Doesn't she know that boys in the outside world are all big pigs?

My daughter is so beautiful, she has the same charm as when she was young, and as the only daughter of a family, she is destined to become a domineering female CEO.

That bastard was lucky enough to marry his own daughter, which really saved him 40 years of hard work.

Therefore, Yuuki Kyoko is extremely wary of her daughter's friends of the opposite sex, fearing that she will be deceived by a scumbag because she is still silly and sweet.

As for Sugou Nobuyuki, she couldn't say she liked him, and of course she didn't dislike him either.

Sugou Nobuyuki's disguise was very successful, and he successfully deceived everyone in the company, including Asuna's father and Yuki Kyoko.

Although Yuuki Kyoko doesn't like Sugou Nobuyuki very much, she still recognizes the honest and innocent character he pretends to be, and she also plans to marry Asuna's future husband, so she doesn't need him to have strong abilities. and ambition, otherwise twenty years later, it would be hard to say whether the company belongs to the Yuki family or not.

However, the other party has already taken the lead, and nothing can be said now.

And Asuna is indeed older. In the eyes of traditional parents like her, she has indeed reached the age where she needs to find a suitable person to try to get along with.

At this time, Yuki Kyoko found a more suitable partner, Grandpa Mo Yi, who had just saved her life.

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