Being able to rescue her shows that she must have the ability, and with her own observation skills that she considers proud of, she came to the conclusion that the other party's character is very good.

Coupled with this legendary cooking technique, it can be said that Asuna and her lower body are both covered, well, just in terms of food.

It is impossible to possess such cooking skills without years of training, which shows that the other party's thoughts are mostly on cooking.

And in this world, being a chef is not a third-rate profession.

You must know that the Totsuki Group, the largest professional chef school and group in District 11, has a share and influence in the national economy of District 11 that is countless times more powerful than the Yuki Group.

Especially in recent years, with the support of the Totsuki Group, a Yakumo and countless derivative related industries have been created, making the Totsuki Group the well-deserved number one economy in District 11.

Under such an atmosphere, Yuki Kyoko will naturally not look down on the profession of chef, especially a chef with superb skills. He is really a father-level boss. If you are rich, the other party will cook for you. If it's not good, or it doesn't comply with the other party's rules, even a really rich family like her is useless. If they say they're here to run away, they'll drive you away.

As for retaliating against the other party?

The Chefs Association is a gangster organization making a joke.

You know, high-level chefs are basically masters who are several times the size of special chefs. They are all masters with special skills. They are not martial arts masters. They are experts in cultivating immortals and magicians. They are scientists. Talents like them, even if they don’t do anything, Food can also become a big boss in other fields.

How can a rogue organization composed of such a group of people be afraid of the power of capital in the secular world?

If you dare to retaliate against a chef registered with the Chefs Association, your head will be blown off.

Although Kyoko Yuki doesn’t know the inside story, she also knows how terrible the Chefs Association is.

Therefore, Grandpa Mo Yi, who has superb cooking skills, is really an excellent choice in the eyes of Yuki Kyoko.

You don’t have to worry about the other party snatching your own property. Even with such ability, you might be able to help your family go further. When negotiating a contract, if you invite the other party to your home for a meal, you won’t believe that the other party won’t let go.

Even if your family encounters any situation in the future and goes bankrupt, you don't have to worry about your daughter going hungry. It's really not difficult for a real chef to make money.

Maybe, it can also be a back-up for the family's comeback, and you don't have to worry about the failure of the mall and live a life of poverty.

In addition, daughters can tell each other about their mothers, which shows the depth of the relationship and the trust. There is no pure male-female relationship between young men and women. The once young Yuki Kyoko was a good person, and she knew these things clearly. Very, otherwise, how could he have managed Asuna's father to be obedient over the years.

If she forcibly opposes Asuna's idea, although Yuki Kyoko is confident that she will make the other party give in, why would she do such a thankless thing when she has a choice?

How could a strong woman like Yuuki Kyoko, who has strength and rationality engraved in her genes, be willing to promote her daughter just because you saved her life and the noodles are delicious?

She did this because she made a very detailed analysis and came up with the best course of action.

Ahem, the most important thing is, what should I do if I think I will never be able to eat such delicious food again? ! !

Facing Yuuki Kyoko who suddenly became extremely enthusiastic, praising and promoting Asuna intentionally or unintentionally, Grandpa Mo Yi felt an inexplicable pressure and replied with some embarrassment:

"I am a high school student in Fuyuki City, and I met Yuki-san at the Hundred School Exchange Competition not long ago."

Kyoko Yuki has very sharp ears, so she naturally changed her words when she heard the word ‘ya’ spoken by Grandpa Mo Yi——-

Humph, I already have a special nickname. It’s pretty much what I imagined. Now you’re still trying to lie to me. You young people are still too naive. The Weilong spicy strips I ate were more than the salt you all ate combined.

"This is fate——"

Yuuki Kyoko continued to act like the kind aunt next door, and asked Grandpa Mo Yi to explain. On the one hand, she praised Asuna for being smart, virtuous, and virtuous. She was the best wife candidate this year. She should marry Asuna or something like that. On the one hand, they are making insinuations about Grandpa Mo Yi's family situation.


To be honest, Grandpa Mo Yi has lived for countless Zima's combined years, and this is the first time he has faced an old lady who is nagging him so enthusiastically and promoting his target, and he really can't handle it.

After feeling almost unbearable, he coughed lightly and prepared to change the topic:

"Aunt Yuki, it's getting late."

"Things here still need to be dealt with——"

After Yuki Kyoko found out about the relationship between Grandpa Mo Yi and Asuna, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't continue to call each other 'Miss Yuki'.


After being reminded by Grandpa Mo Yi, Yuki Kyoko remembered that it was not just the two of them now, but also a hateful impostor who fainted on the ground.

And it also involves the murder of Nobuyuki Sugou. After all, the other party is also his capable employee.

Anyway, what I wanted to know tonight was pretty much what I wanted to know. Yuki Kyoko still understood the principle that going too far is not enough.

His daughter is by his side, can the other party run away?

"I'll contact someone first to handle it."

"Ding dong——"

At this time, Yuki Kyoko's door was knocked.

"Well, who?"

Yuki Kyoko wanted to open the door, but suddenly thought that she had been replaced by an impostor not long ago. Many of the people outside the door might be looking for her. Of course, they could not rule out being the accomplices of fashionable women. If so, wouldn't opening the door be a recipe for death? things.

Thinking of this, Yuki Kyoko was whispered to Grandpa Mo Yi about this matter. She didn't know if she should open the door?

Grandpa Mo Yi, who has clairvoyance, turns on his clairvoyance ability and can easily see through the people outside the door. Although it is a bit surprising, he is not a bad person.

"Aunt Yuuki, let me open the door."

Of course Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't use it. He could clearly see that the person outside was Asuna.

"I still have some confidence in my skills. Even the accomplices of the bad guys can react."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Yuuki Kyoko nodded in agreement, and there was no way to delay it any longer.

If the other party is really a bad person, delaying the process will only make the other party realize that something is wrong, and they may resort to violent methods to break in.

"Then Xiaoyi, be careful. If you find anything wrong, close the door."

The title of Grandpa Mo Yi has also become a term of endearment for younger generations. If you didn’t know better, you would have thought that Yuki Kyoko and Grandpa Mo Yi were so good.


Grandpa Mo Yi, who had already seen through everything, walked over and opened the door without a care.

Of course, in the eyes of Yuuki Kyoko, it becomes a calm and calm demeanor in the face of crisis.

After Asuna returned to her room after dealing with Mao Lilan, she still felt uneasy about her mother, so she came to see her mother to reassure herself.

Usually, she doesn't like looking for her mother.


Asuna was stunned when she saw the face that appeared after opening the door.

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