Why did you go to the wrong room again?

Look up at the house number, that’s right! It's my mother's room!

So the question is, why did Mo Yijun, who just finished dating him not long ago, appear in his mother's room?

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? !

"Mo Yijun!"

"Why did you show up here!?"

It's not surprising that Asuna thinks too much. It's not too strange to know what happens in District 11, a place where Master Yakumo's works are popular.


Seeing Asuna exuding a black aura and looking a little suspicious, Grandpa Mo Yi finally remembered what was wrong and said with an embarrassed smile:

"Don't be so excited-"

"I can explain, Asuna."

Chapter 487: Aunt Jizi calls

I don’t listen, I don’t listen, I don’t listen to you——

Explanation, what more explanation is needed?

Now all I have to do is see my mother wearing Pinru’s clothes!

Not everyone can afford green light, so only those who can withstand countless green lights can become the boss of the Destiny Organization and the cauldron of the collapse of the world.

Although her reason kept telling Asuna that all this was a misunderstanding, she was just thinking too much.

But she still felt like a volcano about to erupt, and said in a low tone:

"Okay, I'll listen, Mo Yijun."

"I heard you say you were worried about your mother not long ago—"

Grandpa Mo Yi explained seriously. Speaking of it, he had never done anything strange. He saved his mother-in-law, fed her, and then chatted about family matters for a while——

That's right, what do you think you are missing?

Even if you see something accidentally, isn't it all due to force majeure?

If you want to blame, blame the woman in black who took off other people's clothes!

"I know a thing or two about investigation, so I found your mother's room through the staff and found an excuse to knock on the door."


Grandpa Mo Yi, who has a strong desire to survive, quickly summarized what happened before in a hundred words. Of course, it is reasonable to delete some content directly because it is unnecessary.

"So that's the case--"

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's summary, Asuna stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, feeling scared because of her mother's affairs, and feeling ashamed for her bold idea just now.

How could I become so strange that I would think of such a thing?

He apologized in a crooked voice:

"I'm sorry, Mo Yijun."

After that, he rolled his eyes at Grandpa Mo Yi awkwardly and complained:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? It made me think wrong."

"Huh? Are you thinking wrong?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked confused and asked deliberately to tease the other party:

"What did you think of?"


Asuna realized that she had spilled the beans and said with floating eyes:

"It's not a big deal, why are boys gossiping like this!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Is this considered angry?

Hum hum, I all know it, but I won’t say it——

"Is it Asuna?"

Yuki Kyoko, who originally guessed that she had found the most lethal weapon in the room, was relieved when she heard about Asuna's life and recognized her daughter as not an accomplice of the bad guy. .

Although she is used to being domineering, it really makes no sense for a rich and powerful person to be afraid of being forcibly replaced by someone who is desperate for his life.

After seeing that it was her daughter, Yuuki Kyoko quit squatting in the grass behind the door with a kitchen knife. Before Asuna noticed her, she walked back to the kitchen quietly and put the kitchen knife back where it belonged.

The majestic image of the mother must be maintained. Otherwise, who will take care of her in the future if she is gone?

After putting things away and fixing her appearance, Yuuki Kyoko squatted down and said in a slightly serious voice:

"Let's talk after we come in."

Asuna, who originally wanted to chat awkwardly with Grandpa Mo Yi, immediately heard her mother's voice. This was her mother's room.

Just now, I subconsciously forgot about it because of Grandpa Mo Yi. Fortunately, I didn't say anything weird or excessive, otherwise it would be troublesome if my mother heard it.

"Mother mother——"

After entering the room, Asuna immediately saw the fashionable woman tied to the bed. Then she looked at Kyoko Yuuki who was no different from usual and still put a lot of psychological pressure on her. She breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"As long as you're okay."

Fortunately, my mother didn't wear Pinru's clothes. I really thought too much.

After Yuki Kyoko, who survived the disaster, saw her daughter, she wanted to go up and give her a hug, but because of her strict motherly behavior over the years, she couldn't let it go, so she said a little stiffly:

"Thanks Xiaoyi."

Asuna: "Meow meow meow?"

Who is Xiaoyi?

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