Asuna, who couldn't turn her head, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi who was standing aside with a polite smile, and finally came to her senses.

How could Xiu Xiu, he didn't even have time to call the other party Xiaoyi, but his mother got there first and used such a close name.

During the hour when he and Mo Yijun were separated, what happened that he didn't know about? !

Even her mother didn't call her Grandpa Mo Yi as close as her, and she didn't call her Asuna-chan or Xiao Nai with such cute nicknames.

At this time, Asuna's bold idea not long ago was uncontrollably resurrected——

Chang Wei, you still said you didn’t call Laifu? !

Asuna realized that she was starting to have random thoughts again. She quickly changed the subject, not letting her mother see through her thoughts. She pointed at the fashionable woman lying on the bed and asked:

"Is this the person pretending to be you, Mother?"


Kyoko Yuki didn't notice that Asuna was changing the subject. She looked at the fashionable woman who was beaten up by Ziji with the 'Ziwei Thirteen Pinch' and said:

"I saw her coming out of Nobuyuki Sugou's room before. I felt a little strange, so I wanted to call Nobuyuki Sugou. Unexpectedly, the other party followed me and knocked me unconscious when I wasn't paying attention."

"When I woke up, I was brought back here, and then she put a strange mask on my face, imprinted my appearance, and pretended to be me."

"Then I was tied up and hid in the closet until Xiaoyi came to rescue me."

"It's okay now -"

Hearing her mother's retelling, Asuna couldn't help but feel lucky for her previous delusion. Of course, she had to thank Mo Yijun. If it weren't for her, even if she came to see her mother, she might still be in trouble because of the atmosphere of getting along with her in the past. And you can't see through the other person's disguise.

After all, my mother used to be relatively cold, and the pretender would definitely adopt a cold attitude, otherwise the more she talks, the more likely she is to be exposed.

Even if it was revealed, Asuna, who didn't have a sword in her hand, didn't dare to say that she could defeat this terrorist who sounded like a criminal organization.

However, Asuna finally discovered a blind spot, that is, the fashionable woman on the bed was tied up in a shameful way, like a hairy crab, but she could still easily see a bit of the famous tortoise shell binding in District 11 from the technique.

There were only two of them now, and her mother said that Grandpa Mo Yi defeated the murderer. Asuna naturally thought that Grandpa Mo Yi had kidnapped them.

You know, not long ago they walked under the stars and talked about their ideals and dreams, but there was only one layer missing, ah, it was a good friend relationship that was not broken by the paper.

Asuna naturally cares about all aspects of Grandpa Mo Yi's affairs. From this superb binding technique, she can't help but think of many very graphic things.

Well, just replace the fainted guy with her.

As a woman who has received traditional education since childhood, it is not impossible for Asuna to accept that this is still too exciting for her. After all, it is the wife's responsibility to satisfy her husband——

The satisfaction of married life is of great significance to whether a happy life can be achieved.

But what can I say, it was like this from the beginning, it was so exciting.

Asuna blushed a little, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and spat:

"Mo Yijun, your binding is too... strange."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

I have an obsessive confidence in my knife. If I plan to faint for three hours, it will definitely take three hours to wake you up. There is no need to tie you up or anything.

That is clearly your mother's magical skill.



When Grandpa Mo Yi wanted to explain, Yuki Kyoko also wanted to understand what Asuna meant and came over. She coughed lightly. She couldn't take such a blame in front of her daughter, otherwise how could she maintain her dignified, elegant and majestic image?


Being stared at by Yuki Kyoko's kind eyes, Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to swallow the words he spoke, and vaguely said with a righteous face:

"I learned this from a certain magazine, and it was said that it would be difficult for the other person to break away."


Asuna is not a stupid and cute girl with low emotional intelligence. Her mother's sudden cough just now, coupled with the way Grandpa Mo Yi hesitated to speak, it is impossible to infer that it is her mother who refuses to let Grandpa Mo Yi continue to speak.

From this we can conclude that the person who tied up the murderer was not Grandpa Mo Yi!

But now that there are only two people, it is impossible for the fashionable woman on the bed to tie her up like this. Then I really think there is only one person, and that is the person tied up by my mother, Yuki Kyoko!


Thinking of this, Asuna couldn't help but take a breath, but it was not an accident. Instead, because of this discovery, she figured out something that had been bothering her for more than ten years——

Why does her father always look like a domineering president in the company, but when he comes home, he looks a little bit hurt when facing Yuuki Kyoko?

No longer a child, Asuna, who had gained the necessary adult-related knowledge from the Yakumo House, naturally wanted to understand what was going on!

No wonder his father usually doesn't dare to object to anything his mother says, unless it's something really important, because he was taught to do so.

From such miraculous rope skills, it can be seen that my mother's skills are not much worse than those of the Otsuki on the Yakumo House.

"You can't be too lenient when dealing with murderers——"

Yuuki Kyoko seemed to see through Asuna's discovery of the truth. Yan Mu's expression was almost unbearable and she changed the subject:

"It's best for us to resolve the issue of each other's stay as soon as possible. Keeping each other here forever is not an option."

"I will contact the staff on the ship now——"

"No, mother -"

Asuna stopped this approach, and then talked to Yuki Kyoko about the murder of Sugou Nobuyuki, and then explained a little bit about the fact that there happened to be District 11 police on the ship and the Men in Black organization.

"It's better to let the police handle it."


After hearing this, Yuki Kyoko also felt that it made sense. In a murder case like this, it would be more appropriate for the police to come out.

————The dividing line between telephone ringtones——————

"For the pain of all the persistence of love, for the pain of all the persistence of love, I can no longer distinguish between love and hate. Is this the case..."

After talking about how fashionable women deal with problems, Kyoko Yuuki was about to turn the topic to her daughter and Grandpa Mo Yi, and when she was trying to find out how far they had gone, Grandpa Mo Yi's modified iPhone suddenly rang:

"The trembling hands cannot stop, and cannot be forgiven. Love becomes cruel, and ultimately, despair!"

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