"Excuse me--"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled awkwardly and said:

"My cell phone is ringing, let's go and take a call first."

"It doesn't matter--"

As Grandpa Mo Yi walked out of the door, he took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, which read the call from 'The most adorable person in the world'.

Hmm, this remark is very strong——

Today in the afternoon, after Theresa got her mobile phone back, she asked Grandpa Mo Yi to take out the phone, and then helped Grandpa Mo Yi write down her phone number.

"Moses Moses, is this Theresa?"

Grandpa Mo Yi answered the phone and said:

"What do you want from me?"

"Mo Yijun——"

A voice that imitated Theresa's lolita voice came from the phone, but it was clearly a slightly hoarse mature woman's voice.


There is no sincerity!

It’s not Teresa’s voice at all. Even if she wants to pretend to be the other person, she still makes her voice a little bit sharper, roar or not!

"Can't I just call you if I'm fine?"

"What a heartless guy."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

What a monster, if you keep acting cute like this, believe it or not, I will follow the network cable to find you.

"Miss Wuliangta Jizi?"

Grandpa Mo Yi made a bold guess based on his understanding of the Honkai Impact series and what he encountered today about Wuliang Tajizi:

"Why did you take Teresa's phone number to call me?"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

After being discovered, Wuliangta Jizi let out a dissatisfied sound, and finally said in her mature voice:

"It's really boring for you to see through my perfect imitation."

"It seems that you know Theresa's voice very well——"

Grandpa Mo Yi was speechless. He was a perfect model here and there. Even Kiana, that idiot, could recognize it instantly. Do you want to yell or not?

"If nothing happens, I'll hang up -"

For this kind of eldest sister who thought he could tease him, Grandpa Mo Yi directly responded with a look of disgust and indifference.


Wuliangta Jizi on the phone could no longer maintain the image of a big sister and shouted quickly:

"I have something very important to discuss with you!"

"We don't seem to know each other well——"

Grandpa Mo Yi can probably guess what the other party wants to talk to him about, and he doesn't mind having sex with the other party, but the other party's previous attempts to tease him were not so easy to figure out.

"The teacher taught us not to hang out with strangers."

"So, let's forget it."

Wuliang Tajizi: "..."


"Don't you want to know more about Teresa?"

"I'm really not a bad person——"

"I just want to talk to you about Theresa."


Grandpa Mo Yi could probably guess how anxious the person on the other end of the phone was. He tried hard to hold back a cheerful smile and said:

"What about Teresa?"

"Just tell Theresa and I will believe you."

Wuliang Tajizi: "..."

If Theresa could know about this, I wouldn't call you on her phone while she was taking a shower.

Chapter 488: Jizi: Sister will teach you patiently

To be honest, when receiving the task of protecting an unearthed cultural relic, Wuliangta Jizi refused.

For a human like her who transcends the realm of ordinary people, shouldn't antiques and the like be no different from stones on the roadside?

But this was an order from the Destiny Headquarters, and she naturally had no way to refuse. She could only postpone the search for Theresa and carry out such a mission that was somewhat inexplicable in her eyes.

However, what was even more puzzling was that Teresa, a good friend and old boss whom I had been looking for for more than a week, appeared on the boat, just as the saying goes, it takes no effort at all.

But things are not that simple for you. At least in Jizi's eyes, Theresa, who was always alone and kept a distance from others, suddenly had a 'boyfriend' who shared weal and woe.

She originally thought it was just a joke, that they were just friends who got better because of the plane crash, which had its own suspension bridge effect.

Even a beautiful lady like her has not found a suitable boyfriend. How can an elderly lolita like Theresa really find someone?

After eating, he followed Theresa back. After asking around and asking questions along the way, Wuliangta Jizi discovered that the development of things seemed to be different from what she had imagined!

While she was complaining, she couldn't help but mention her husband, and her behavior of constantly slapping her face with dog food undoubtedly showed a shocking fact, that is, her old boss seemed to be serious about it.

Not to mention a theory master like her who is familiar with all love books on the market, anyone can tell that the other person is just a cute lolita who has just started to fall in love.

It's not that she's jealous. For Himeko, Teresa is not only her best friend and boss, but also an older daughter who needs her care in many cases.

Like an old father who suddenly realizes that the cabbage he raised with great difficulty has been taken over by bad boys outside, Jizi's mood is very complicated now.

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