Of course, the biggest concern is whether the other party is reliable.

In particular, Theresa is not an ordinary girl, she is a clone created by Lord Luto.

In the eyes of many people, clones are not real people. When the guy named Mo Yi knows this fact, what will he think? ?

If the other party alienates Theresa because of this, will Theresa be sad?

In addition, the Destiny Organization is also an issue that needs to be considered - what will Mr. Lu Tuo do after learning about this matter?

There are really too many unstable factors that worry Jizi.

It really broke the heart of her good friend!

"It's a little late -"

Himeko said to Theresa seriously:

"Why don't we take a shower together?"

"don't want--"

Teresa, who had just reunited with her good friend Ji, couldn't wait to share the interesting things these days. Suddenly she heard Ji Zi's very normal suggestion. When she was about to agree, her eyes suddenly caught a look with a smirk on her face. Jizi suddenly woke up!

Looking at the over-nourished body of the other person, and then looking at the undeveloped body of the twelve-year-old herself, if the two of them take a bath together, wouldn't they have to lift the last layer of ugly cloth and accept this very bad person from Himeko? Real crit from the old guy?

Damn it, that's just a pair of useless fat. Not only will it make your shoulders tired and tired, but it will also get in the way during battle.

What's so great!

Teresa, who cleverly saw through Jizi's trick, refused:

"I don't want to take a shower with a perverted, exhibitionist, bomb girl like you!"

Ji Zi: "..."

Although the other party's rejection was expected by her, after being complained about like this, Jizi still wanted to catch the other party and kill him with a slap in the face.

Nai He considered the combat effectiveness of both sides, especially when the opponent's Judah was still nearby, so he could only forgive the other party with a kind smile of "I don't mind".

She comforted herself with excuses such as 'everything was planned', 'this was just Theresa's incompetent roar', and looked at Theresa who walked into the bathroom with a proud look on her face.

Soon, Theresa's happy bathing song came from the bathroom——

"Tooth extraction, tooth extraction, tooth extraction, tooth extraction—"

"What nonsense are you talking about-"

Hearing this childish loli singing, Jizi showed a "planned" smile, then picked up Theresa's phone, entered the lock screen secret consisting of Theresa's birthday date, and then quickly swiped the screen. Just find Mo Yi's note.

Then he sneaked to a suitable place and dialed Grandpa Mo Yi's number, preparing to find him to come out and have sex.

——————The dividing line from Grandpa Mo Yi’s perspective——————

"Mo Yijun——"

Hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's request for Theresa to listen to the call, Ji Zi was helpless and had to become serious and said:

"I really want to talk to you about Teresa's matter—"

"Excuse me, are you free now?"

Hearing the change in the other party's tone, Grandpa Mo Yi stopped teasing and became serious and replied:


"Then wait in front of the door of your room——"

After saying that, Wuliangta Jizi hung up the phone.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I always feel that the other person is driving, but I have no evidence.

After hanging up the phone, Grandpa Mo Yi walked back to the room and saw Asuna talking on the phone. He should contact Mao Lilan and find the police through the other party.

"Asuna, and Aunt Yuki, I have some things to do, so I won't disturb you anymore."

In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi had long been looking for an opportunity to escape.

Although Yuuki Kyoko seems to be very kind and easy to get along with, she is always obedient when she is with her, especially when Asuna is also in the situation.

"I see--"

Asuna originally wanted to stay with the other person for a while, but she had no idea what to do.

But considering that Mao Lilan and the police arrived soon, and that his mother was also there, it was obviously unrealistic.

Moreover, Yuki Kyoko may not have said anything, but Asuna knew that the other party was waiting for her to give her an explanation about Mo Yi.

Although he was a little reluctant, he still said with an understanding smile:

"Then go and do your work. After we finish handling the matter, we will find a chance to thank you."

Ahem, this ‘thank you’——

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi accidentally thought of a lot of related content.

Putting aside these strange thoughts, Asuna's elegant and elegant behavior is probably the most representative of the young lady style that Grandpa Mo Yi has seen among so many girls. Unlike other guys, under the setting of a young lady, there will always be The other side of collapse.

For example, Erina's darkening, Eiriri's abandoned house attribute, Midoriya's yandere, Rin Tosaka's lack of control and poverty attribute at critical moments, Illya's cute comments, Yukinoshita Yukinewu's poisonous tongue, Raiden Mei's lily...

Well, there is no real eldest lady in the world, and even if there is, it is just an act.

This is probably the reason why distance and kneeling create a goddess.

So the question is, what are Asuna’s hidden attributes? !

————Aunt Himeko’s dividing line————

After leaving Asuna, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly returned to the door of his room, and sure enough he saw Wuliang Tajizi wearing a low-cut tights.

"Excuse me."

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally raised his hand and said politely:

"I kept you waiting for a long time, Miss Wuliangta Jizi."

"It's okay, I just arrived."

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