However, the matter about Jizi is still pressing in her heart. Theresa still wants to find Jizi now and see what the other party is doing. If she doesn't give a satisfactory answer, let the other party try it. What does it feel like when Judah uses the 'Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique'?

Compared to Kiana, Mei observes other people's eyes more carefully.

She saw that Theresa's face was full of desire when she heard that they were playing board games together, and she was about to agree subconsciously, but now she looked hesitant and confused. There was obviously a story in it!

"Sister Teresa——"

Of course, Kiana could call Theresa Auntie, but it was hard for Mei Yi to call her Aunt Theresa. It was obviously a misplaced choice. In the end, she chose the more affectionate title Sister Theresa.

"As the saying goes, one person can calculate the shortcomings, but two people can calculate the advantages."

"If you have any trouble, you can tell us and let us help you solve it together. It is better than worrying about it alone."

When her wife spoke, Kiana naturally nodded in agreement——

"What Mei said makes sense."

Yae Sakura, who had been staying aside, heard Theresa was troubled, and took out her saber ‘Sakura Fukiyuki’ from nowhere, and said with increased persuasion:

"We'll help you."

Thunder Mei Yi: "..."

Why do you feel that Yae Sakura-senpai is so excited? Why don’t you show off your weapons at every turn?


After Theresa heard everyone's words, she was very moved. It turned out that she also had friends!

Then he recounted what had just happened.

"Aunt Jizi is too much!"

Kiana stood up for the first time and expressed her opinion. Although she had a good impression of Ji Zi, who had a generous personality, compared with her aunt, she would definitely favor Theresa. Moreover, hearing Theresa describe it like this, it was really Ji Zi. Zi's ​​pot.

When hanging out, there are certain rules that should not be offended, such as sisters-in-law and so on!

After understanding that Yayi only regarded Grandpa Mo Yi as an ordinary friend, she regarded Grandpa Mo Yi as an uncle. Only when he became an uncle could her Yayi finally land safely.


After hearing this, Leiden Meiyi didn't know what to say.

I had known that senior Mo Yi was very popular, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen before he returned to Fuyuki City.

Finally, I had to say something comforting:

"Maybe it's just a misunderstanding."

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Leiden Meiyi doesn’t quite believe it when he says this.

"Board games can be played later——"

Kiana clenched her fist and said:

"We'd better find Aunt Jizi first, otherwise no matter how many conjectures we have, they will just be conjectures."

The silent Bronya rarely agreed with Kiana's statement.

"I didn't expect that single-celled Paramecium would also have such a pertinent statement, but Bronya thinks it makes sense."

"Facts speak louder than words -"

"what are you saying?!"

Kiana did not expect that Bronya, a suspicious guy who had been trying to get close to her Meiyi, would not miss a good opportunity to blackmail her even at this time.

"Banya, do you want to die again?"

Bronya complained without any care and with an expression that showed no emotion:

"It's a pity that you can't do it, just a paramecium."

Kiana: "..."

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Leiden Meiyi quickly stopped him and said:

"Now is not the time for you to fight!"


Facing Raiden Mei's gaze, Kiana suddenly shrank, and could only give Bronya a cold look.

"In that case, let's go find Miss Himeko."

Mei concluded:

"Otherwise, everyone will have fun playing games."

"The words are so——"

Kiana said with some distress:

"This cruise ship is either big or small. It is not easy to find Aunt Jizi without any report."

"Bronya has a way-"

Bronya said lightly:

"I can hack the management system on the cruise ship, and then I can find the location of Wuliang Tajizi by comparing all the surveillance videos."

Meiyi: "..."

He hacks into other people's systems at every turn, and if someone finds out, he might be arrested and imprisoned!

For the two problem children around her, Mei is not an ordinary headache.

"The defense system here is different from the common systems on the market——"

Bronya's method sounded very feasible, but Theresa had fought against the opponent not long ago. Although the armistice agreement was temporarily signed, through Jizi, she knew that the cruise ship was carrying something very important to her grandfather. Important stuff.

Naturally, Bronya cannot be allowed to hack the system. No matter what is going on between her and her grandfather, when facing a foreign enemy like reverse entropy, she still has to use all her guns.

Of course, her reason is also correct. The system developed by Tianming independently can be hacked casually.

It's just that Theresa doesn't know how buggy Bronya's computer technology is. Compared to Bronya's combat power, computer technology is Bronya's most powerful ability. Give her time, even the people at the Destiny Headquarters She could also hack into the system without knowing it.


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