Teresa finally thought of a feasible solution.

"My Judas has the ability to track people. As long as the energy fluctuations and breaths recorded by it can be traced."

After that, pick up Judas and activate tracking mode.

————The dividing line when the camera turns again——————

After Grandpa Mo Yi left, Asuna contacted Mao Lilan, and then through her she found Maori Kogoro and the police in District 11.

After receiving the news, the police officers who had been pursuing the Men in Black organization came to Yuuki Kyoko's room in less than two minutes to accept the murderer who was said to have killed Sugou Nobuyuki.

Combined with previous investigations, this woman is likely to be a member of the Men in Black organization.

"Aren't you still willing to tell the truth?"

Aozaki Orange looked coldly at the fashionable woman who was handcuffed on the chair and said:

"You will be given leniency if you confess, and you will be punished if you resist. If you confess everything now, I can reduce your sentence in front of the judge -"

"You have to think about this carefully. You have been arrested. What's the point of being a defender of an organization that can't help you?"

I have to say that Aozaki Orange is really a talent. After posing as a police officer, he immediately stepped into the role. Regardless of his expression or tone, he is really not much different from an experienced police officer.

Of course, this is just talk. Aozaki Orange's goal is to eliminate the rats that invaded the ship and protect Raji's sacred relics from the source. As for the fate of the members of the Men in Black organization, he doesn't care at all.

If the opponent continues to resist tenaciously, she has many options. The top puppet master can not only make puppets, but also has other magic abilities that are not weaker than other professional magicians.


Fashionable women are not ordinary people. Naturally, they will not be fooled by Aozaki Orange into telling the matter.

You know, she has done countless bad things over the years, and any one of them is enough to put her in jail. Aozaki Orange's so-called commutation of sentence is simply a joke.

Moreover, the penetration and strength of the Men in Black organization in District 11 are beyond the imagination of outsiders. Even if she is trapped in prison, as long as she is still valuable, the organization will find a way to get her out.

On the contrary, betraying the organization's information is the only choice between death and no life.

All in all, you must trust the organization’s arrangements!

Facing Aozaki Orange's interrogation, she just smiled coldly and never uttered another word.

"very good--"

Because of Grandpa Mo Yi's incident, Aangqi Chengzi was in a bad mood tonight. The other party dared to be so arrogant, which was a good opportunity for her to vent her anger. After she deceived the people around her, she would make clear arrangements for the other party's stubbornness. in vain.

"I hope you can still laugh later."

Chapter 491: Yae Sakura: It’s impossible to work part-time in this life

Standing under Aozaki Orange's magic, the fashionable woman couldn't control her brain at all. In less than half a minute, she fell down and told everything Aozaki Orange wanted to know.

Of course, because Aozaki Orange is still a guest policeman, he casually figured out all the information the police wanted to know one by one.

"The coffin of the concubine of Ramses II——"

Because of the person involved, Asuna also knew the murderer's target this time. To be honest, it was really unexpected.

"But who is Ramesses II?"

To be honest, everyone has nine years of compulsory education (District 11 also has nine years of compulsory education). Whose teacher will teach the history of foreign countries in the history class, especially the history of Egypt, a country that is so remote and not very developed today.

Aren’t the so-called history classes, art classes, and physical education classes all taken over by the main teacher?

As for those history teachers, art teachers and physical education teachers, it is not important whether they really have a cold or are "cold".

Anyway, the prevalence rate of teachers of subjects that are not required for the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination is much higher than that of main course teachers.

Not to mention Asuna, not even the other police officers present knew who Ramses II was.

The names of foreigners are translated as a series. Unless they are foreigners like Einstein and Gortha who always appear in textbooks, who can remember them?

If he were an ordinary person and accidentally participated in the Holy Grail War, even if King Da Mao put a curry stick in his face, he would never be recognized as long as he revealed the true form of the Holy Sword. .

And if that ordinary person is a flower grower, and sees a golden double-edged sword, he is most likely to think of the Yellow Emperor's Xuanyuan Sword. As for the Sword in the Stone, the Sword in the Steel, or the Sword in the Trees , who knows.

However, I only think of Xuanyuan Sword, but I will not misunderstand that King Daimao is the Yellow Emperor, because just like King Arthur cannot be a girl, the Yellow Emperor cannot be a girl! !

"Even Ramses II doesn't know?"

For magic like Aozaki Orange, just like people who study physics don't know the Thunder King Tras, Ramses II is a famous celebrity on the mysterious side.

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, he simply explained:

"Simply put, Ramses II was the greatest pharaoh in the history of ancient Egypt. Many Egyptians still equate him with the incarnation of Ra, the supreme god in Egyptian mythology."

Perhaps because I was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Grandpa Mo Yi not long ago, I still felt very unhappy. In addition, I recognized Asuna as the girl who was suspected of being the girlfriend of Grandpa Mo Yi, so I joked. road:

"Young people should read more."

Asuna: Meow meow?

Asuna didn't care about Aozaki Orange's teasing, because a strange idea suddenly came to her mind——

Not long ago, Grandpa Mo Yi and her had seen the story of the Titanic hitting an iceberg and sinking. The other party said that the cause of the sinking was that it was carrying an ancient Egyptian mummy.

And now, she heard that there was really such a mummy on the ship (the coffins in ancient Egypt naturally contained mummies), and it was hard for her not to have strange thoughts.


It can't be that coincidental, right? Asuna, don't scare yourself!

————Himeko’s dividing line————

After talking about the matter with Grandpa Mo Yi and roughly understanding it, Ji Zi felt relieved.

Overall, her impression of Grandpa Mo Yi was good, but he was a bit naughty.

After talking about Theresa, she started chatting with Grandpa Mo Yi. Of course, the hand holding the wine glass never stopped.

Grandpa Mo Yi didn't do anything, but the other party made him drunk and confused.


Ji Zi took the wine bottle and poured wine, shook it a few times, but only a few drops, and shouted with unfinished meaning:

"Bring me another one, no, ten more!"


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