Seeing Ji Zi's several empty wine bottles, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know what to complain about.

Although women don't drink, men have a chance.

But Grandpa Mo Yi never thought of such an opportunity. Don't think that a beautiful woman will become fragrant and charming after being drunk. In fact, no matter who you are, drinking always smells like alcohol. Those men who take advantage of others' drinking are not afraid of their faces being covered in vomit?

Grandpa Mo Yi didn't really believe that the imperial concubine was drunk, unless Tang Xuanzong was a guy with heavy tastes.

Seeing that the other party wanted to continue drinking, Grandpa Mo Yi reached out and pressed Ji Zi's outstretched right hand, and advised:

"You'll get drunk if you drink any more."

"How about we come here tonight?"

"I'm not drunk-"

Just like neurotic patients say they are not insane, drunk people say they have no mouth.

Jizi smiled, reached out to take the red wine from the bartender, and said:

"Teresa only likes to drink papaya milk. It's rare for someone to drink with me, so how can I not drink to my heart's content."

After that, he poured wine into his glass again.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

It would be great to drink more papaya milk!

You know, the height of the people in District 11 depends on milk.

But after taking a brief look at Ji Zi, who had already reached the 36E level, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that she really didn't need papaya milk.

"As long as you like it-"

After Grandpa Mo Yi gave up persuading him, it didn't mean that Ji Zi would let Grandpa Mo Yi go. After taking a big gulp of wine, she looked at Grandpa Mo Yi's untouched cocktail and complained:

"A man must not know how to drink, Mo Yi."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I don’t even want to advise you, but you want to come here and harm a young man like me who is a good young man in the new era who “doesn’t drink, smoke or gamble”? ,

"I can't get used to the wine here—"

After Grandpa Mo Yi thought of a reason, he suddenly thought of a good idea and said with a smile:

"How about I make you a glass of wine to try?"


Ji Zi didn't expect Grandpa Mo Yi to make such a suggestion. Although she was surprised, she was more curious and nodded and said:

"You can even do this?"

The magician should be like the witch in the movie, messing with strange herbs or scorpion tails, poisonous snake fangs and so on.

"I know a lot of things -"

Watching the other party drink all the time was not an option, and if she wanted to leave, Ji Zi probably wouldn't let her go easily. Faced with such a predicament, Grandpa Mo Yi would naturally want to do something good.

The wine prepared by Master Mo Yi is not so easy to drink!

"Actually, my hometown owns a small restaurant. In order to have a good meal, I have learned to cook since I was a child. Drinking is also one of the compulsory courses for chefs."

Yuanyue Group is indeed a restaurant owner.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Under the request of Boss Jizi, the bartender naturally obeyed the order. No matter what the boss wanted to do or what his requirements were, the younger brothers like him who had to work to have a meal had to complete the task, let alone the difficulty, even if There is no difficulty, you have to create difficulty.

However, the bartender who was teased by Grandpa Mo Yi not long ago was watching from the sidelines as Grandpa Mo Yi prepared to pretend to compete.


I dare not say anything else. I have been doing bartending for seven or eight years. Who in this boat can compare with me? !

I'll give you a good laugh after you make a fool of yourself!

Let you ask for 82 years of happy water!

The bartender's thoughts that he thought were well hidden were not hidden from Grandpa Mo Yi and Ji Zi. Grandpa Mo Yi didn't care. He teased the other party, so would he not allow the other party to be angry and depressed?

Over the years, I don’t know how many people have tried to mess with him, but in the end they just became the exclamation party and commentary party when he was pretending to be a show-off.

When pretending to compete, there are not one or two opponents around me who exclaim, "It's impossible, I don't believe it." How can we show that it is a real bull ratio if it is a negative deposit?

As for Ji Zi, she has a fearless mentality when watching a show. Wouldn't it be interesting to see how Grandpa Mo Yi looks deflated after he fails in the pretense?

Ji Zi supported her face with one hand, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi who was standing solemnly across the bar, raised her hand and said with a smile:

"Please start your performance——"


A familiar girl's voice came from behind, causing Jizi to wake up from her half-drunken state.

Is this Kiana's voice?

As a Valkyrie, even if she does not use the power of Honkai energy, her own qualities in all aspects are much better than ordinary people, including hearing and so on.

Why does Kiana appear here?

Even if Kiana appeared here, it wouldn't be a big problem, but Jizi suddenly had a bad feeling, could it be?

Looking back, she saw Ji You, whom she least wanted to see now, staring at her with a kind gaze!

"Theresa, why are you here?"

Jizi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and laughed awkwardly, especially when she saw Judah behind Theresa, her heart beat faster.


Theresa first cast a dissatisfied glance at Kiana, who had exposed their location. Otherwise, she could have continued to observe secretly to see how Himeko would commit suicide, and depending on the situation, she would deduct her vacation and bonus in her next life.

Want to take time off for a blind date? Don’t even think about it!

"Why can't I come-"

As early as a few minutes ago, with the help of the 'Almighty Judas Sauce', the five Theresa had tracked down the bar.

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