La Er laughed for more than a full minute before he stopped his devilish laughter, but from his smiling face, you could tell that the other person was really happy.

"Unexpectedly, in a foreign land where my brilliance cannot shine, someone actually recognizes my majesty."

After all, I don't doubt whether Grandpa Mo Yi put shit in the wine, poisoned the shit, and drank it while holding the glass.


La Er originally drank from Grandpa Mo Yi just because he recognized him and as a reward.

As a pharaoh, there was no wine he had not drunk during his lifetime. Even after death, it would not be a problem for him to sneak out and take a walk. Naturally, he would not be like a nouveau riche with no knowledge.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi, a man who could update the game to the final version and also act as the final boss, would definitely not be able to withstand the wine that a haha ​​monster like him, who could probably be a medium-sized boss in this world, could withstand.

After drinking Grandpa Mo Yi's wine, he could not avoid being indulged in dreams created by old memories like others.

At that time, he was still the pharaoh who dominated ancient Egypt. Under his rule, ancient Egypt moved towards unprecedented glory.

Of course, the most important thing is his beloved Nefertari and his only close friend Moses.

Who is Moses?

In the Bible, he was the great prophet who was guided by God and led the Jews to escape from ancient Egypt. It is said that the stone tablet of the Ten Commandments was also in his possession. The famous allusion is that Moses opened the sea. The explanation of the Xingyue version is probably that he fled to the sea without a trace. With no way to go, Moses punched open the sea and continued to escape.

You must know that Saint Martha relied on love and iron fist (mainly) to conquer the evil dragon, and her boxing skills were passed down to the Holy Son. According to legend, the earliest creator of this ancient boxing technique was the great prophet Moses.

Therefore, it is normal for the other party to be able to blow open the sea with one punch. You must know that even La Er thinks that he is not as good as Moses. He claims that if the other party wants to be the king, he can give way to the other party and become the king of ancient Egypt. king.

The king of ancient Egypt who prevented Moses from leaving with the Jews was Ra II.

Why did Moses finally have to dig out ancient Egypt when the two parties were close friends?

Of course they have different beliefs!

Ra Er represents the ancient Egyptian pantheon, while Moses represents God. In order to prevent his good friend from leaving, Ra Er sent troops to stop the other party.


More than ten seconds later, La Er forced himself over from the dream created by the wine, with a bit of nostalgia and sadness on his face. He looked at the empty wine glass and laughed at himself:

"I haven't seen them in a long time."

Then, he looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with admiration and said with a smile:

"I underestimated you. You are qualified to let me know your name."

Grandpa Mo Yi took back the cup thrown back——

"Mo Yi——"

"This is the best wine I have ever drunk——"

La Er maintained a lazy posture with his feet propped up on his head and asked:

"I wonder if you would like to be my king's bartender——"

"This king will give you everything you want, wealth, power or eternal life."

"What you said is good, but I already have-"

Grandpa Mo Yi still maintains respect and courtesy for the heroic spirits who can rise to protect the world through their own deeds, except for some villainous heroic spirits, or scumbags like Jin Shining who spit shit when they meet, or Arthur.

Well, as a king who is used to dominating everything, such an invitation from the king can be regarded as very honorable and sincere.

If it were Gilgamesh, he would definitely have used a commanding tone, 'I have taken a liking to you, and you will be my royal brewer.'

The other party’s opinion does not exist! If you don't want to, I won't give you face. If you don't give face, I will kill you!

It is your honor that this king has taken a liking to you. Otherwise, where would the ancient name of Fat Tiger come from?

It is a pity that the person invited by La Er is Grandpa Mo Yi. In the true sense, he has the root of the entire Xingyue world, so it is naturally impossible for him to accept the invitation from the king.

"So, I refuse."

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's rejection, La Er's eyes changed, and he rushed towards Grandpa Mo Yi with a strong aura.

It’s just that it’s useless——

Grandpa Mo Yi seemed not to notice the other party's little movements, and kept his indifferent eyes, looking at each other.

"You're fine-"

You know, he is now a heroic spirit, and his power is not much different from that of a real god. The other party can actually ignore his serious look!

How could such a guy be an ordinary person? I didn’t expect that I, Ozymandias, was wrong again.

Dignity and respect are things that you must strive for yourself rather than be given by others. For a strong man like La Er, someone worthy of his serious regard is naturally a strong man of the same level.

La Er, who got serious, took another look at Grandpa Mo Yi, an unknown guy whom he mistakenly thought was a mortal at first. But even though he used all kinds of divine powers, he still couldn't see anything special about him. He was just an ordinary person like before. the judgment result.

But can ordinary people ignore the formality of gods?

In this case, the only explanation is that the other party has a special way of hiding, or has power far beyond his. Whichever possibility shows that Grandpa Mo Yi is not simple.

The other party can also see through his own identity, but he can't see through the other party. No matter how he looks at it, La Er is very... excited!

Unexpectedly, he came out to punish those sinners who dared to blaspheme the people he loved, and while taking a vacation, he could meet a boss worth fighting. How could he not be excited?

Of course, he didn't think that the other party was the kind of transcendent whose strength far exceeded his own. How could a transcendent like that who couldn't even touch him find time to appear in the world of ordinary people and mix drinks for girls.

The transcendent should sit on the throne of God and watch with cold eyes the disillusionment of all living beings, the vicissitudes of the world, planning thousands of worlds, or pursuing more powerful power and traveling to better dimensions, or in order to protect the world, and Transcendents from other worlds have been fighting against each other for tens of thousands of years in the unknown void using various laws and secrets such as 'two-way foil', 'law of cause and effect', 'creation', and 'logical attack'.

How is it possible that there is such a humble transcendent!

Even he, in the Hall of Valor, was busy managing his Kingdom of God across lines, and occasionally went to the outside of the world to upgrade and improve himself.

Therefore, the other party must have special aura blocking skills!

La Er is not a beautiful girl, so Grandpa Mo Yi will not be bored to read his thoughts with his clairvoyance.

Grandpa Mo Yi accepted the compliments without feeling any pressure.

"I once met a king who was very similar to you——"

Grandpa Mo Yi thought of a certain golden pickup truck that he had hammered back to his hometown three times in a row. He couldn't help but smile with joy and said with a smile:

"But compared to him, I appreciate you more."


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