The arrogant La Er was of course a little angry when he heard Grandpa Mo Yi compare him with other kings. It would be a lie to say that he was not curious.

In his opinion, he is the strongest king in human history, the king of kings, the omnipotent Pharaoh, and the spokesperson of the gods! (At this time, the First Emperor was rushing out of the solar system with his interstellar fleet)

"I don't think there are people in this world who claim to be king in front of me!"

Chapter 495: Mr. Lutuo, take over your responsibility

"King of Heroes Gilgamesh——"

The king in Grandpa Mo Yi's mouth is naturally another ghost Haha King Jin Pika.

These two people are the two-day kings of Asia, the Ham King and the Second King, who rely on their cash and trench skills to protect Asia.

"It's him--"

La Er still knows about the oldest king in human history. He even met him in the Holy Grail War and fought with him for 300 rounds. It was probably a 50-50 split between victory and defeat.

La Er still recognized the opponent's attacks, but in his opinion, the strongest king was always him, Ramses II, the king of kings!

Success does not depend on sooner or later, but on each person's ability. The opponent is just the original king, which does not mean he is the strongest king.

You must know that the Xingyue world has countless parallel worlds, and the Holy Grail War is the manifestation of the third law, and the third law is one of the basic laws that prevails in every Xingyue world, so the Holy Grail War almost exists In each parallel world, the overall situation is similar, but the specifics may be slightly different.

The Holy Grail War in some worlds involves summoning heroic spirit clones, and then letting the servants fight against each other, while the master competes to see who is more cheating and holding back; in other worlds, cards are used to transform oneself into a servant, just like Digimon The worlds are the same. In the first generation, pets were allowed to fight, while in the second generation, they transformed themselves into pets to fight. In other worlds, the Holy Grail War no longer exists in the real world, but is just a virtual game created by alien black technology. , in order to gain control over the alien black technology, log in to the game and perform a holographic projection, a 100% realistic Sword Art Online-like game where "a man can climb to a hundred levels"; and even summon heroic spirits. , and then use traffic jams, cooking competitions, and game-like methods to determine the outcome of the Holy Grail War.

In the endless Holy Grail War, Ra Er met Jin Shining many times. To him, the relationship between Jin Shining and him was like Cu Chulainn's match with Red A, a pair of reds who fell in love and killed each other. Like Blue CP, they are destined to be good friends.

La Er: Kim Pika, let me defeat you!

The same is true of Jin Shining's attitude towards La Er. Just by recognizing him, La Er becomes one of Gilgamesh's few opponents who needs to be dealt with seriously from the beginning.

"It seems you know the Ancient King——"

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's answer, La Er's angry mood calmed down. Gilgamesh was one of the few people he recognized, except for the far east, a place that was isolated from all mysteries and had unique world rules. Apart from the king, Gilgamesh is the only opponent he recognizes.

(Brother Qin Huangzheng: The Qin State is already an interstellar civilization; Han Wu: The nomads who will harm the Western world in the future will be driven westward to Central and Western Asia and Europe to harm the Western world. The so-called whip of God will be heard by Westerners. The trembling Attila is just a defeated general of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He ran away to a foreign country to survive. In the world of Xingyue, in the Three Kingdoms generations, the generals all drove Gundams and the counselors used fans to fire light cannons. , you will know how terrible the Han Dynasty was; Emperor Tang: China became the center of the world; Genghis Khan: established the largest territorial empire in human history; Taizu: In a desperate situation with a bad hand and a pack of wolves looking around, he successfully made a comeback and even faced the challenge Against Yingjiang, whom no one dared to offend, it still resisted U.S. aggression and aided Korea, becoming the only country to defeat Yingjiang in a frontal war, laying the initial foundation for a great renaissance; and in the age of mythology, it fought against the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in the era of evil gods' invasion, and the feudal In the Age of Gods, there is always a chance to flip the plate and restart the battle of gods between heaven and earth. Because Nezha exists in the world of Xingyue, and the robot Xiang Yu developed the Gundam using Nezha's remains, so it can The existence of the age of real gods; in the end, when Gaetia burned the human mind, he did not dare to burn in the Celestial Dynasty. It can be seen that the real world of the Xingyue World is divided into two parts, one part is the normal difficulty The Western world, and the other part is the Heavenly Dynasty with hell difficulty. When Mr. Gai goes to the Heavenly Dynasty to cause trouble, he might get his head blown off as soon as he enters; and Li Wenshen, a mere modern martial artist, theoretically there is no mysterious blessed heroic spirit. , even in the Holy Grail War, you can become a 50-50 opponent with the purple-haired BBA Scathach.)

La Er burst out with unprecedented interest in whether Grandpa Mo Yi had encountered Jin Shining.

"In the Holy Grail War, I encountered two or three times——"

At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly discovered the fact that every time he had his own Holy Grail War, there was a golden Pika. Except for the time in the world of love songs, the other party was killed by Arthur plot, and the other two times were killed by him. Use your right hand to crush the other person's boring fantasy of pleasure with your own hands.

This can be regarded as a kind of fate, no matter how you look at it, it is an adverse fate.

Of course, it can also be said that the opponent's luck is a bit bad, and he encounters the big devil Mo Yi every time.

After hearing about the Holy Grail War, La Er became more interested. The Holy Grail War has long become an important holiday in the Hall of Valor, and the heroic spirits want to go on vacation, just like the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Labor Day in the Celestial Dynasty.

I met Gilgamesh two or three times, and Grandpa Mo Yi is still sitting in front of him. Isn't that a good explanation? Seeing his destined opponent defeated was one of the few entertainments La Er had.

"What's the result? Did the Ancient King win?"

"Isn't the result obvious?"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and complained:

"Of course I'll send him to the Hall of Valor to work for free."

"Huh hahaha——"

La Er couldn't help but burst into laughter. He didn't expect that his opponent with such a bad fart would actually have such an experience. After he returned to the Hall of Valor, he could laugh at the opponent as much as he wanted.

Thinking of this, why is La Er unhappy?


La Er can naturally tell whether Grandpa Mo Yi is lying. Of course he thinks so. In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi is not lying either. His eyes when looking at Grandpa Mo Yi also change and become serious. To put it simply, he approves. Looking at him, he said calmly:

"Tomorrow's sunset will be the moment when the judgment of the gods comes——"

"As a reward for being recognized by Yu, you can take your friends and leave first."


La Er suddenly stood up, his expression became cold and ruthless, like a god looking down on the gods from the clouds.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi's eyesight was better, and he could see a bit of suppressed but roiling anger deep in his eyes.

However, it is understandable that in order to summon Ra Er, Lu Tuo had Ra Er's beloved princess Nefertari dug up in an attempt to summon her and break the Cup War for him.

If it were Lu Tuo himself, someone would take away Kallen's body in order to ask him to help, and he would still be in an emotional state - you still want me to help you, but I won't kill you!

Not to mention the aloof character, who thinks he is the son of a god, omnipotent on the earth, and all living beings are in his hands, La Er!

Looking at Grandpa Mo Yi coldly, he said clearly:

"If you want to accept Pharaoh's trial, that's okay!"

"'But think clearly, no one on earth can disobey Pharaoh's order. When you make a choice, be prepared to accept divine punishment.'"

After that, he turned around and walked away, but the scene seemed to be frozen, without any sound. It wasn't until he was completely out of the door that the world started to move again.

————The dividing line of Ham King————

After La Er left, everyone had no intention of staying in the bar anymore, but left together.

As for everyone going back to their own homes and having fun on their own, that's impossible!

Although Theresa and others have not yet fully understood what happened just now, they understand it somewhat and know that something big will happen at dusk tomorrow.

They possess extraordinary powers. Naturally, they will not treat having sex as a chuunibyou like ordinary people in the bar. The previous experience was a special encounter. After it is over and they go home, they still have to do what they have to do. .

Although they couldn't figure it out, wasn't there Grandpa Mo Yi who they could talk to?

Therefore, everyone formed a team and followed Grandpa Mo Yi, booking the evening chess and card party in Grandpa Mo Yi's room to learn about the situation.

"Everyone is seated——"

Fortunately, Grandpa Mo Yi's room was quite big. Although there were not enough stools, the bed had plenty of space. If everyone squeezed in, the five Valkyries could still sit side by side on the bed.

Besides, playing board games with friends at night is soulless if you don’t sit around on the bed and play!

Theresa looked serious, well, at least in her own eyes, she was now as deep as Commander Ikari, substituting the atmosphere of the scene with seriousness. In fact, in the eyes of others, she clasped her hands together and rested on her chin, looking thoughtful. It’s just trying to be cute:

"Mo Yi, can you tell me what happened just now?"

"Yes, it's that strange man from Oz. I can feel that he is dangerous, and there is an unfathomable and irresistible power hidden in his body."

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