
Theresa thought for a while, trying to find a suitable reference, and then said after several seconds:

"Definitely stronger than the enemies I have encountered before. Perhaps the legendary Herrscher who can destroy human civilization is just that."

Although Theresa is the highest-level S-class Valkyrie in the Destiny Organization, she has only fought against the Mimic Herrscher, and the fight was so reluctant that she would capsize if she was not careful. (Every time Theresa brags that she is strong and can win this game, in fact, you are the weakest among the S-class Valkyries.)

As for the complete Herrscher, I have never encountered one.

The so-called Herrscher is the ultimate embodiment of certain physical rules in the world. For example, the Herrscher of Thunder, Raiden Mei, has the ability to control thunder and lightning. The Herrscher of Sky, Siren (Kiana Queen), has the ability to control space. Ability to create imaginary space, connect spaces, and transfer spaces, all at your fingertips.

Simply put, the Herrscher is a god on the scientific side, an aggregate of certain physical rules.

And La Er represents the mysterious side of God.

Then here comes the problem!

What is the law represented by the first green person, Mr. Green Tuo?

"Auntie, what are you talking about?"

In fact, except for Bronya who was born against entropy, old Si Jijizi and Grandpa Mo Yi who had collected all CGs, everyone present looked confused.

"Are you strong? Also, what is a Herrscher?"

Although Kiana knew that she couldn't defeat Theresa, who was born with strange strength, she didn't think that the opponent was in any way. Even if she could tear steel with her hands, would it be comparable to modern weapons such as aircraft and cannons?

In particular, Teresa always acts cute, which is really flattering and deceptive, making people subconsciously want to kill her with a slap on the head. She is just a cute creature, and then she has strange strength, and uses random cloak hammering techniques on a hundred-pound cross. Momentum cannot change the fact that the creature is adorable.

Just like the giant panda, everyone knows that it can push humans to the ground and explode with hammers, but it still feels that the other person needs to be cared for and fed by humans.

Teresa: "..."

Well, I didn’t expect that they were all noobs.

So Teresa had to start from scratch to popularize science, starting from what Honkai is, and the energy they can manipulate in their bodies is Honkai energy, which has been explained through a series of concepts by Herrscher.

"Do you understand now?"

Although Kiana, Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura have long known how to control the Honkai energy in their bodies, they have always known it but did not know why, and regarded themselves as superpowers in novels and TV series.

Of course, Yae Sakura saw it as a blessing from the gods.

Kiana nodded and muttered:

"So, the so-called Herrist is very powerful?"


Theresa affirmed:

"Many ancient civilizations were wiped out by the Herrscher, such as the most famous civilization of Atlantis."

In fact, Teresa is not wrong, but the collapse caused by the demonic transformation of the Xingyue World is actually the thugs sent by Gaia, the consciousness of the earth. You must know that the so-called civilizations are developed by consuming the resources of the earth, just like people being killed by mosquitoes. If you get bitten, a virus invades your body and you become sick, you will kill the mosquito with your hands and take medicine and injections. Naturally, the will of the earth will also take action to treat the virus-like civilization, and the special medicine is the Herrscher.

It stands to reason that humans will eventually be wiped out by Gaia using various special drugs, but unexpectedly, this time the virus has mutated again, deriving the human subconscious Alaya, which is similar to the restraining power of the earth's consciousness to compete with it. .

If Gaia forcibly cleanses human civilization, then Alaya will launch a rogue strategy of "at worst, everyone will die together". The nuclear system is global. Anyway, human beings are like Xiaoqiang. One or two will survive. When technology is developed, there will be no more. You can immigrate to outer space, unlike the earth, which can only endure damage obediently and become a small broken ball.

If you have the ability, little broken ball, you can learn from humans and wander in space!

"So, the man who made me unable to breathe just now is dangerous?"

Kiana swallowed a mouthful of saliva and muttered:

"Listen to what the other party said, it seems that they want to make big news at sunset tomorrow, so what should we do?"

When faced with an unknown danger, humans naturally want to avoid it immediately!

Is it so easy to be a righteous partner?

Let’s not talk about whether you have such sentiments and awareness. Even if you have awareness, without the corresponding abilities, your life will be in vain in the end, and you can’t do anything.

"As my niece Theresa Apokalis, how can you be so cowardly!"

Theresa snorted, stood on the bed, patted her heart and said:

"With this lady here, what are you afraid of?!"

"I just want to find a Herrscher to have a big fight."

Ji Zi: "..."

Oops, Deli didn't take her medicine again.

A mere loli who gets lost even when rushing to the battlefield wants to defeat the boss alone!


Kiana looked at Theresa suspiciously and muttered:

"Although you are my aunt, I still feel that you can't-"

Teresa: "..."


Looking at Theresa who was about to have a pillow fight with Kiana, Grandpa Mo Yi slapped his palms, attracted everyone's attention, and said:

"Let's get back to the matter of Ham King La Er——"

"Actually, this matter, at the end of the day, is your grandfather's fault, Theresa."

Teresa: "???"

How could he win over his grandfather again?

Although she also knew that her grandfather was a restless guy, either in the middle of causing trouble or on the way to cause trouble the night before. The bad things and black materials he had done were taken out and wiped out as a big boss. It was absolutely not the case. question.

But my grandpa was just a victim of the science side at this time. He would have to come up with something like an artificial Herrscher, so how could he involve something as mysterious as a heroic spirit?

Theresa was about to give Lord Midori some excuses when she suddenly remembered that this was Destiny's ship, and Himeko was also sent here to perform an important mission.

It seems, maybe, probably, that it is really my grandfather's fault?

Chapter 496: Kiana, I am determined to be your friend!

After Grandpa Mo Yi explained clearly the cause and effect of Mr. Lutuo's affair with his second wife, Theresa finally realized that this was really her grandfather's fault!

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