"Mo Yi, Mo Yi——"

Not long ago, I accepted the setting of a sci-fi world such as Valkyrie and Honkai, and then I accepted the setting of a magical world such as magicians, Holy Grail War, Heroic Spirit Servants, Kiana, Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura. I can't even wrap my head around it.

In the end, it was someone with thick lines like Kiana who got used to it first and even had a bold idea. She looked at Grandpa Mo Yi expectantly and asked:

"Since the Holy Grail War can summon past heroes through holy relics——"

"Then can I use my mother's relics to summon heroic servants? Then I can see the mother I have never seen before."

From Theresa's mouth, Kiana learned about the existence of her mother Cecilia, and also learned that the other party was once the strongest Valkyrie of the Destiny Organization, and died in the war against the Second Herrscher.

According to Grandpa Mo Yi's explanation, as long as a hero has such extraordinary achievements, it is possible to become a heroic spirit, a heroic spirit that transcends the limitations of time and space and is independent of the world.

After all, her mother Cecilia was also a Valkyrie who died with the Herrscher and saved the world, so becoming a Heroic Spirit would suit you very well.


It can be said that Cecilia is the eternal pain in Theresa's heart, and she is also the first woman to successfully knock on her heart, making her a lifelong friend.

After hearing Kiana's idea, Teresa immediately paid no attention to La Er and subconsciously rejected Kiana's bold idea.

It was precisely because of her attention that she finally allowed herself to accept the sad result. When hope appeared, her first reaction was not to grasp at life-saving straws like a drowning person, but to deny it subconsciously, because she could no longer bear the disillusionment of hope. Finally, deeper despair.

But if you think about what Kiana said carefully, it seems that it really works! After all, his grandfather also wanted to summon people from the past through the Holy Grail War.

La Er or something, isn’t it just a dead person?

Why can the other party become a Heroic Spirit, but Cecilia, who once saved the world in some sense, is not qualified?

After she figured it out, she looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, the only magician present, with a more fiery and sincere gaze.

Well, the other party just said that he had participated in the Holy Grail War not long ago, so he must know a lot about things like summoning heroic spirits and the Holy Grail War.

Of course, she only knew a magician like Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Mo Yi, you are the only magician here. Do you think Kiana's conjecture is likely to succeed?"


Grandpa Mo Yi looked thoughtful. In fact, he used the authority of the Lord of Roots to log into the system of the Hall of Valor to check whether there was any record of Cecilia.

After all, there are so many heroes in human history. Except for those heroic spirits who appeared in the Holy Grail War and FGO, how would Grandpa Mo Yi know what they look like, or whether they have become heroic spirits.

Even among the characters that have appeared, the only ones that really impressed Grandpa Mo Yi were the panel girl Da Mao Wang who has been there in every generation, and the five-color Saber team in the Takeuchi-face series. The welfare manager Shijiang Scathach is the only one who can sing happy birthday. There are a few heroic spirits such as Abigail who celebrates her Master's birthday, and Jeanne d'Arc and Illya from the "This Is What We Live For" series.

After Grandpa Mo Yi's search, he actually found Cecilia's records.

However, due to the other party's achievements, mystery, and popularity issues, the other party's existence is very weak. It is not like La Er who can dominate the Hall of Heroes. Instead, it is still sleeping and gestating. It will take a lot of time to become the hero. Officially launched, I will probably have to wait until fgo and Honkai Impact 3 are linked up before I can wake up.

If it does not exist, Grandpa Mo Yi also plans to use the authority of the Lord of Roots to help the other party register in the Hall of Heroes. It is not a big deal anyway, but it can make Theresa happy.

Now that we already have it, it’s easier to handle——

Grandpa Mo Yi used the power of his roots, and endless power poured into Cecilia who was sleeping in the void.

Cecilia, who was sleeping in the void like a sleeping princess, slowly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of blank blue pupils, observing the world around her like a newborn baby.

According to the normal procedure, after the other party has been formally condensed and formed, Alaya will take the initiative to show off his power and identity as the boss, telling the other party that he is now his son and that he will work hard to maintain world peace in the future.

Well, by the way, I signed an unequal contract, probably 996.

Then, the new heroes can be officially put on the shelves and live a life of clocking in on time and working overtime after get off work.

But now the big boss is in trouble. How can a sister like Alaya appear? If the big boss comes to my uncle today and wants to kick every stone he sees, wouldn't he be unlucky?

Alaya, who noticed the changes in the Hall of Valor, decided to ignore it. After all, it was just a weak and helpless heroic spirit, and he could do whatever the big boss wanted.

Anyway, the only series she likes and treasures is the complete series of Partners in Justice——

A certain silver-haired lolita in the void looked at Red A, who was making black tea for her and wearing a butler's uniform. Her eyes seemed to see again that one afternoon when the sun was setting, a second-year junior high school boy named Emiya Shirou took a Holding a long pole, running hard, and then leaping high, there was an arrogant high jump.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the other party's profile looked firm, as if what was standing in front of him was not an iron rod, but something called reality.

At that moment, not only Matou Sakura in the teaching building was dumbfounded, but Tohsaka Rin in the next classroom was dumbfounded. His good friend Yanagou Ichijo, who was about to call Shirou Emiya home with him, was dumbfounded. Looking at the girl, the second master, Matou Shinji, who was surrounded by a group of girls, was also stunned.

In fact, from all unknown corners, the silver-haired loli Alaya who was secretly observing was also stunned!

This is the reason why Alaya loves Red A so much, a half-baked magician with little fame and no talent.

Even the Fifth Holy Grail War left a lot of foreshadowings in Emiya Shirou's leap. (The origin of Rin Line and Sakura Line)

After finishing the recollection, the silver-haired loli Alaya couldn't help but chuckle. The final winner was indeed herself.

Red A was so frightened by Alaya's foxy laugh that he had successfully stolen a chicken, and he didn't know who the other party was plotting, so he showed such a charming smile.

"Boss, are you happy?"

"Yes, Emyia (red A)——"

Alaya raised his eyebrows and said with a sly smile:

"But this is a girl's secret, I can't tell you."

Red A: "···"

What a girl!

You are a collection of human subconscious. According to biogenetics, the probability of being born a boy or a girl is the same. In this way, the ingredients that make up you are half male and half female!

————Since I saw your mother, Kiana, your friend, I have set a dividing line————

"This is where?"

Cecilia, who had just woken up and was resurrected in a sense, looked around confusedly, and soon found Grandpa Mo Yi standing in front of her, looking at her without sadness or joy.

"Am I not dead?"

The memory that stayed in Cecilia's mind was the scene where she forcibly locked up the Second Herrscher Sirin and was killed by Master Lutuo with a nuclear explosion.

"and who are you?"

Grandpa Mo Yi could see the vague state of the other party at this moment, but he did not act as the head of the Novice Village and indirectly set preparations for the other party, and directly transmitted a stream of relevant knowledge about the Hall of Heroes into her mind.

After a few seconds, the other party finally woke up from the huge infusion of knowledge, his eyes became clear again, and he thanked:

"Thank you, Lord Alaya."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

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