The two of them chatted like this, and after going around for more than ten times, they finally gave up on this boring game.

"Stop it--"

Grandpa Mo Yi took out the good thing he just got - the class card, and said ostentatiously:

"Show you something good!"

Everyone: "??"


Hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Kiana's attention was immediately attracted. She gave up the game of chasing Theresa and reached out for what looked like a card in Grandpa Mo Yi's hand.

"Don't worry-"

Grandpa Mo Yi avoided Kiana's hand and complained:

"You can't even understand it."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Kiana retracted her hand unhappily, but she was also very curious and stood beside Grandpa Mo Yi, waiting for him to learn more.

After getting to know each other not long ago, she knew that Grandpa Mo Yi was a magician in the novel, so she was naturally curious whether the other party would bring out something. Could it be the legendary broom that can fly into the sky?

"Theresa also knows that without the Valkyrie Armor, it will be difficult for you to display your corresponding strength——"

Grandpa Mo Yi handed a card to Theresa and said:

"So I used magic to create a mysterious version of the Valkyrie armor. The energy system draws magic power by connecting to the world's great source. It does not need to consume its own Honkai energy. It should be suitable for you."


Teresa took a look at the card curiously. It showed herself wearing an ode to divine grace, something similar to a wedding dress.

"Oh, very nice--"

"How to use it?"

Holding the card in your hand and saying ‘card expand’ silently in your mind, you can change your outfit with one click.

Hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Theresa, who got the new toy, silently said 'card unfold' in her heart, and then a gentle holy light that was enough to harmonize all welfare covered Theresa's body. Two seconds later, wearing a Theresa appeared in front of everyone in a gorgeous war dress.

"so beautiful--"

Kiana curiously went up to study it, poked it a few times with her fingers, and found that the fabric was very soft, but unexpectedly warm. She couldn't help but look at Grandpa Mo Yi with envy, and shouted in a sweet voice:

"Uncle, I also want to——"


Before Kiana could finish her cuteness, Teresa became so angry that she jumped up high and knocked her down with a knife. Her eyes turned white and her muscles twitched continuously.

"You can eat random things, but you can't say random words!"

After sinking Kiana, Theresa glanced at Grandpa Mo Yi inadvertently, with a smile that she couldn't hide, running the stigmata and Honkai energy to test the effect of this extremely gorgeous Valkyrie armor.

"Very smooth-"

Theresa hasn't activated the built-in skills yet, but the overall feeling is very smooth. What's even more magical is that she doesn't need Honkai energy to maintain it like other Valkyries, which causes a certain burden.

On the contrary, as the Honkai energy operates, the body feels more energetic and relaxed.

"This armor can absorb the magic power of the Great Source, and then convert it into a vitality denying user through magic. Not only does it have powerful instant healing capabilities, it can also help you reduce the burden of using Honkai Energy and suppress the stigmata. of erosion.”

"As for the necessary defense of the armor, it mainly uses magic power to transform it into an invisible magic cloth that covers the user's skin."

"Although this layer of magic clothing is thin, its defense is definitely harder and more flexible than the latest alloys. And with the blessing of specific spells, it can ignore various negative effects in scientific physics, such as radiation, heat and cold, electric current, etc. Even the various curses and magical interference on the mysterious side can be isolated."

"There are also specific built-in skills. Theresa, you can explore them later."

"As for the way to remove it, just say 'card recycling' silently in your mind."

Chapter 498: Magical Girl Theresa

Hidden in the heart of every aunt is the dream of becoming Mahou Soju!

Naturally, Teresa will not do this. In fact, she has already chosen the gangster name for the magical girl form she will transform into in the future - Magical Girl TeRiRi.

For this set of Valkyrie armor made by Grandpa Mo Yi, regardless of performance issues, it only represents the holy light necessary for the transformation of the magical girl during transformation, which makes Theresa love it!

Transformation without the special effects of Holy Light and Dark Priest is a transformation without a soul!

With the hymn of divine grace, what else is needed for ‘Aster’, ‘Oath’ and ‘Sakura’, ‘Divine Grace’ is the best in the world.

"I love so much--"

After a burst of holy light appeared on Theresa's body again, she changed back to her previous nun uniform.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi can set up a welfare mode that when recycling clothes, the previous clothes will also be recycled, but this kind of welfare can only be used once.

In particular, now there are not only Grandpa Mo Yi and Theresa, but a group of people. The one-on-one unexpected benefit is called romance. Maybe it can trigger other strategy plots, and the benefit of a group of people watching, that is Called perverted, it would only make Teresa pick up Judas and chase Grandpa Mo Yi to knock it.

Although the Holy Light is hateful, it is better to watch it continuously than to have no benefits at all.

Moreover, Grandpa Mo Yi also added the "unique rag system of the shipgirl world" to the Valkyrie armor he made. Just like the human body's pain sensation, it is for humans to notice abnormalities in the body and protect or treat themselves in time.

This is the meaning of the rag system. Although the Valkyrie armor can absorb a large amount of damage, it is not technical at all. It will only face recklessness and defeat. Therefore, after absorbing a certain amount of damage, it will enter the rag mode and wait. After entering the big break mode, it will be like Ultraman's light, converting the damage previously absorbed into energy, triggering hidden secrets.

The hidden secret of this set of wedding-like hymns of divine grace is 'falling from heaven', which enters a domineering state that cannot be controlled or interfered with, doubles the attack speed and movement speed, and adds 100% of the maximum health to each hit. Ten’s true damage.

Ode of God's Grace is positioned as a long-range auxiliary remote output, but a nanny who doesn't want violent output is not a good priest, and a long-range hero who doesn't want melee combat is not a late-stage hero. How can Ode of God's Grace, which combines nanny and remote output positioning, not have the ability to melee? ?

Anti-cute, but the aesthetics of Yakumo-ryu!

Grandpa Mo Yi made it so complicated not only because of the brand concept of "Yakumo products must be high-quality", but also because of the good culture of "Dapo", which needs to be inherited and carried forward.

Theresa held the reunited class card in her hand, smiling like a child who got the latest toy, and said cheerfully:

"With this new set of armor, we will have more confidence in tomorrow's battle."

Teresa, who is full of childlike heart, is just straightforward, unlike those who are tired and want it very much, but insist on saying, "It's too expensive, I can't accept it," and then give a meaningful look, "Hurry up and give me some reasons to convince me to accept it." 'I hinted at you, and I had to persuade you again and again before I reluctantly became my subordinate.

Although this is also very interesting, it is inevitable that you will feel tired after spending a long time with such people.

Theresa is still like this, she just says what she likes, and accepts it without hesitation, which makes people more relaxed.


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