After watching Theresa transform again and assume various cute magical girl poses, Kiana was tickled in her heart. She looked at Theresa with a flattering smile and asked:

"Auntie, this armor looks really cool, can you give me a try?"


Theresa pushed Kiana away in disgust.

"This is what Mo Yi gave me. It is an exclusive Valkyrie armor that can only be matched by Theresa, the cutest person in the world."

"At most, I will give you a set of precious 'Field Equipment Bailian' third-generation Valkyrie armor."

"Bai Lian?"

Kiana thought for a while and felt that just the name was weak. Where can there be an ode to divine grace? This one sounds so high-end and classy. Besides, there is no way that something that can be given to others can be better than Theresa herself. It is good to love things without sparing your hands.

"When you hear this name, it means that even if you practice it, it will be in vain. Auntie, don't be so stingy. I don't want it from you. I just want to try out what the so-called Valkyrie Armor feels like."

Teresa: "..."

How did Kiana become so witty?

Theresa had long wanted to complain about the name "Bai Lian", but the developer was her grandfather Lutuo.

Anyway, she had never used the 'Bailian' assigned to Theresa. She had always used 'Oath' before.

Seeing that Kiana was about to jump up and grab the card in Theresa's hand with a tiger stance and a thigh-hugging combo, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly stopped her.

"Don't worry, everyone has-"


The dog-licking smile on Kiana's face disappeared instantly, and she turned to Grandpa Mo Yi.

"This is your White Knight Moonlight."

Grandpa Mo Yi distributed the prepared Valkyrie dealers to everyone.

"This is Mei-senpai's 'Thunder Queen's Ghost Armor'."

"Yae Sakura-senpai's 'Anti-God Miko'."

“And Bronya’s ‘dimensional boundary breakthrough’.”

"Even me?"

When Grandpa Mo Yi put the card into Bronya's hand, although the other party kept an expression of indifference due to personal reasons, others could easily see the surprise and joy in her eyes. incredible.

Bronya knew her own affairs. Although she and Theresa had maintained a tacit understanding of non-aggression for the time being, she still knew that she was an anti-entropy person and could not truly integrate into the other party's small group. Now Lai He didn't leave just because he couldn't bear to leave Leiden Meiyi.

As for Grandpa Mo Yi, he was attacked by reverse entropy. He usually treated her kindly, which was beyond Bronya's expectations. But now he even gave her such a precious Valkyrie armor. She really couldn't understand it. .

You must know that the Valkyrie armor has always been a guarantee of the Valkyrie's combat power, but it is only an armor made based on technology derived from years of research on Honkai energy. In the final analysis, it is limited to scientific power.

And if the Valkyrie armor created by Grandpa Mo Yi actually uses magic, a mysterious energy that can only be driven by magic, to enhance the power of the Valkyrie, as he introduced, then it would be a real technology for the scientific side. Revolution combines two supposedly incompatible power systems, science and mystery.

It will definitely arouse the shock and covetation of Anti-Entropy and Destiny!

How could such a good thing be given to someone from the hostile camp like her?

"Since you choose to stay, you are naturally our comrade-"

Grandpa Mo Yi said in a cautious tone:

"The standard for friends should not be their respective origins."

Banya is one of the three royal families of Honkai Academy. Just like Charmander, Bulbasaur is indispensable for the turtles in the car.


Bronya's fingers holding the card became harder. After two seconds, she raised her head, looked directly at Grandpa Mo Yi, and said lightly:

"I will cherish this gift and won't let anyone else break it."

Bronya's hidden meaning is that she will keep it secret and will not let the anti-entropy people know about this set of Valkyrie armor.

"Then I'll trouble you."

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally heard Bronya's hidden meaning.

When he took out this mysterious version of the Valkyrie Armor, he had anticipated that Destiny and Anti-Entropy might cause trouble for him.

But he doesn't care. Under absolute force, there is no need to take care of so much. As long as they dare to come, Grandpa Mo Yi dares to blow their heads off eight hundred miles away without the enemy even knowing about them.

"Expand the card——"

Theoretically, as long as you say it silently in your mind, you have to transform into a Valkyrie, but Kiana feels that it is more powerful to shout it out.


Kiana looked at herself after changing clothes for a second, full of sense of technology.

“Feel the power keep pouring out!”

Others also put on the Valkyrie armor that Grandpa Mo Yi equipped them with. After putting on the armor, they looked like girls in a fashion store. They gathered around and praised each other. The atmosphere was unusual. harmonious.

Seeing that everyone was quite satisfied, Grandpa Mo Yi was relieved. His taste seemed to be very good.

"Mo Yijun——"

At this time, Yae Sakura, who was dressed as a miko with her armpits exposed, walked up to Grandpa Mo Yi with a somewhat embarrassed expression and asked:

"Do you also know that I am the shrine maiden of Yae Shrine?"

In school, Yae Sakura never told anyone that she was a miko.

But now, the Valkyrie armor that the other party made for her happened to be a miko uniform, which made her a little curious. Could it be that the other party had seen her look like a miko at the shrine?

Miko uniforms are quite customary, but why not traditional miko uniforms?

Not to mention the fabric-saving setting of exposing the armpits, just the plaid skirt and white silk made Yae Sakura a little uncomfortable.

Of course, the most unaccustomed thing was the inexplicable donkey ears growing on her head. She gently pinched them with her hands, and they actually felt? !

A pair of donkey ears suddenly grew on her head, which made her feel a little unbalanced, and most importantly, she felt full of shame!

"Are you a miko?"

To be honest, although Grandpa Mo Yi knew that there was a shrine in Fuyuki City, and it seemed that it was really called Yae Shrine, he didn't know that Yae Sakura was actually the shrine maiden of that shrine.

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