"I really don't know about this. The reason why it is designed like this is because I think Yae-senpai is very suitable for you to wear a miko uniform."

"I also think you dress beautifully, senior--"

Raiden Mei, who was relatively familiar with Yae Sakura, circled around Yae Sakura and said:

"It's just that the animal ears on the head are a bit strange, but it's not that they don't look good—"

Lei Dian Yayi suddenly looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with a look like "I've seen you" and asked:

"Isn't this a strange hobby of Senior Mo Yi?"

"I didn't expect you to be the senior——"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense-"

Facing the suspicious looks cast by everyone, Grandpa Mo Yi said righteously:

"These are not donkey ears, but fox ears!"

"You know, in District 11 Shintoism, the fox spirit has a very important meaning. Inari God in many places is the image of the fox witch. Therefore, the witch costume and fox ears are a very classic golden combination——"

"For a Valkyrie like Yae-senpai whose main output is swordsmanship, observation is particularly important. This pair of fox ears is the essence of this set of 'Anti-God Miko' armor. It has the ability to 'listen to the voices of all things' Ability, not only physical sounds, but also conceptual things, such as stones, airflow, and flames. You can listen to the other party's voice and quickly find its weaknesses. As your proficiency increases, you can even do things like mind reading and predicting the future. matter."

"so smart?"

Kiana reached out to touch it out of curiosity. Yae Sakura shuddered and quickly pushed Kiana's hand away and said:

"Don't touch it, it's very itchy."

"Well, are they real ears?"

Kiana was even more curious now.

——————The dividing line of Mr. Green Trust————

"I see."

Tianming Headquarters——

Lord Lutuo, the Archbishop of Destiny, looked at Wuliangta Jizi on the screen and said:

"I already know the situation. Specific orders will be given to you in ten minutes."

"Da da--"

After listening to Himeko's report, Midorito-sama couldn't help but feel a headache, and the fingers of his right hand knocked on the table unconsciously.

He naturally knew about La Er's combat prowess. It was a humanoid self-propelled weapon comparable to the Herrscher. If he hadn't been so awesome, he wouldn't have spent so much manpower and financial resources searching for the opponent's holy relics.

The person he originally wanted to summon was the legendary King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, who was known as the master of all Noble Phantasms. However, after learning about the experience of the Fourth Holy Grail War, he decisively gave up on summoning Jin Shining. idea.

Power is power, but he has a bad mouth and is still disobedient. If he summons his opponent, he might even have to use a command spell to make Jin Shiningsha commit suicide and return to his hometown.

The holy relic of Karna, another powerful servant, was first obtained by the Magic Association. According to his information, the Magic Association should summon Karna during the subspecies Holy Grail War in the Eagle Kingdom.

In order to fight against this theoretically invincible Servant, Lord Luto spent a lot of effort to find a heroic spirit that could restrain Karna, "I have General Ra Er who can kill the little sun"!

With the protection of the Sun God, Ra Er is like the incarnation of the Sun God. In terms of mystery, he can suppress Karna, the son of the Sun God.

Moreover, Karna's invincible defense and attack are all based on his Noble Phantasm. La Er's Noble Phantasm 'Glory Grand Composite Temple' has the ability to seal the Noble Phantasm. Karna has lost the Sun Armor and the God-killing Spear. , naturally no match for La Er who can fire light cannons and launch small monsters, the Hot Sand Sphinx, into group fights.

La Er came out on his own to punish those who dared to dig up his wife's grave. This incident was really beyond Mr. Lutuo's expectations.

Things didn't happen, but they did happen, and now I have to think about how to solve it.

He agreed with Ji Zi's suggestion to evacuate ordinary people. It would reduce casualties and alleviate some troubles later on.

But he was not optimistic about what Ji Zi said about leaving La Er to solve the problem.

He naturally knows Wuliangta Jizi. She is Theresa's closest subordinate, but her actual combat ability is not high in the Destiny Organization.

But since the other party has such awareness, Mr. Lutuo doesn't mind letting the other party give it a try and observe La Er's specific abilities.

As for solving La Er's matter, he would eventually have to take action himself. Anyway, according to Ji Zi's news, La Er should come to the door.

Chapter 499: Cecilia: Let me ask you, are you my master?

No. 1, the person in charge of the operation of the Men in Black organization, discovered that the fashionable woman had lost contact and guessed that the other party was exposed.

At this point, we can only forcefully launch tonight’s night attack plan!

Yes, it was the violent seizure of the coffin of Nefertari, the princess of Ramses II.

When there is nothing you can do and there is no way out, the best way is to be fully prepared and rush forward. This is the so-called brave man wins when meeting on a narrow road!

With the arrival of dark night, around three o'clock in the morning, the time when humans are most tired, the black-clothed organizations lurking in the cruise ship began to take action under the plan of the person in charge.

"What's going on, No. 6?"

Person in charge No. 1 had already received the news. More than an hour ago, all the security personnel defending the coffin were ordered by the captain to withdraw.

The collection room, which not even a fly could fly into before, was suddenly empty.

No. 1 originally thought it was the "empty city plan" of the Tianming Organization, and deliberately lured them in, and then surrounded them both internally and externally.

Person in charge No. 1 must also be prepared for a firefight. Even if the contents are not obtained, they must be destroyed.

However, the development of things was different from what he believed. After he invaded the collection room, he found that there was really no obstacle. Even the original security agencies, such as infrared rays and laser cutting channels, had their power cut off.

Person in charge No. 1 stood outside the door of the collection room, looked at the door in front of him suspiciously, and muttered:

"Could it be that destiny keeps all the directional power in the collection room?"

"But, you think too much of the strength of our men in black organization!"

"No. 3, do it—"

Immediately, the middle-aged man next to No. 1 took out a silver box and placed it in front of the door. After pressing the red button on it, the silver box quickly transformed into a small cannon with an exaggerated shape and a sense of technology.

Of course, the shells of this cannon are not conventional ammunition pellets, but high-energy lasers produced using small nuclear fusion reactors. Such laser cutting can theoretically cut through all conventional metal materials.

Even if there is any laser hidden behind the door, it will be destroyed by the laser that penetrates the door!

"I am the world's number one in anti-entropy technology, so I ask you how you can be your destiny!?"

Watching the laser begin to slide casually at the gate like cutting tofu, person in charge No. 1 showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and said to himself:

"Humanoid biological weapons like the Valkyrie have long been unable to keep up with the development of the times. Only my anti-entropy mecha is the future of technology——"

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