After saying that, he showed a proud expression of sticking out his tongue.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

In fact, I am a graceful person. Is it really okay to be so direct? !

"We can take a walk together at night, talk about life, and talk about the ideal relationship between close friends -"

Grandpa Mo Yi said seriously:

"This is something only very, very good friends can do."

Asuna rolled her eyes at Grandpa Mo Yi speechlessly, then glanced pointedly in the direction of the door, and said seemingly casually:

"Actually, I just stood at Mo Yijun's door for a while, and when I heard the voices of various girls inside, I thought I had gone to the wrong door again."

"I don't know if I'm disturbing you. If you're busy, I'll stop here tonight."

"I won't bother you anymore."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I am not the kind of straight man who hears his girlfriend say that the new lipstick he bought is a bit sweet, so he will take a bite of the lipstick to see if it is really sweet. How could he not hear the tone of your words? ? (When your girlfriend says this to you, she just wants you to kiss her and see if her lips are really sweet today. Of course, everyone has to want to find a girlfriend.)

"It's okay, everyone just used my room to play board games tonight——"

Grandpa Mo Yi explained with a serious expression. Of course, this was not a lie. They had indeed played board games in Grandpa Mo Yi's room before.

Could it be that Grandpa Mo Yi explained that we are having a combat meeting and the boss will be eliminated tomorrow?

With such an explanation, I don’t know how long it will take to explain.

"They are having fun and have no time to care about me."

"I see--"

Asuna smiled and complained:

"It seems that your skills are too poor, so others won't play with you."


"I think it's because I'm so skilled that I ruined their happy time of pecking each other, so they ignored me."

"Mo Yijun, you really know how to talk -"

Chapter 501: You are capable of robbing men and opening doors!

"Mo Yijun, do you want to come and sit for a while?"

Asuna blushed and asked:

"Do not misunderstand--"

"I only have something I want to tell you, well, it's life counseling."

Grandpa Mo Yi is best at providing life counseling to confused girls. If he takes the exam, he can definitely take the tenth-level life counselor certificate.

For example, his younger sisters Erina and Illya, under his years of life counseling, have grown up to be graceful and graceful.

"no problem--"

Grandpa Mo Yi said seriously:

"Let's go in and talk slowly. There's no rush."


Asuna was embarrassed by Grandpa Mo Yi's serious look and tone, because she was previously afraid that the other party would think too much and thought she was a casual girl.

How could she, Asuna, be just a random person? !

Fortunately, the other party didn't notice, otherwise it would have been embarrassing. Thinking of this, Asuna breathed a sigh of relief.

Grandpa Mo Yi turned back to the friends who were gathered around and chatting deeply, and said:

"I have something to go out for a while."

However, there was no response.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."


Seeing this scene, Asuna covered her mouth and laughed.


Grandpa Mo Yi turned around and closed the door and said:

"Let's go."

————The dividing line in Asuna’s room————

Asuna's room was originally next to Grandpa Mo Yi. A minute later, Grandpa Mo Yi was already sitting in Asuna's room, drinking the black tea served by Asuna.


After serving the black tea, Asuna asked sheepishly:

"I want to take a shower first, quickly, okay?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "Meow, meow, meow?"

First he invited himself to the room, and then he said he should take a shower first?

Is this because——

Suddenly feeling uncomfortable with diarrhea?

Or is she still mentally angry because Theresa was playing with a group of girls in her room, so she wants to put Pl (blank key) on herself?

Or is it a final test to test whether this master is a beast or a human being who is worse than a beast?

Grandpa Mo Yi was in a state of confusion at the moment, but he still had a calm smile on his face, as steady as an old dog, and replied:

"It's okay, I'll just drink tea for a while."


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