In fact, Asuna is not as complicated as Grandpa Mo Yi imagined. The real fact is that after going out for a whole night, not to mention the problem of makeup, the clothes and skin all over the body must be extremely dirty.

For a boy like Grandpa Mo Yi, he would never notice this kind of thing. Don't tell me that you will be extremely dirty after a night. Even if you don't take a shower for several days, isn't it normal?

But girls are different.

Not to mention, when you are with the people you care about, you naturally have to ensure that you are in your best condition. Not to mention wearing heavy makeup, even if you are bare-faced, you have to stay dry and clean.

I am deeply afraid of giving a bad influence to the other party.

People who are in love always want to show the best side of themselves to the other person.

After getting Grandpa Mo Yi's response, Asuna went to get her clothes.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the figure of the other party opening the suitcase and choosing clothes just blocked Grandpa Mo Yi's gaze, so that Grandpa Mo Yi could not see the color and style of the clothes the other party was preparing to change.

As for what the other party's clothes are like, a gentleman like Grandpa Mo Yi is not at all curious. Anyway, in the end he has to... ahem.

Therefore, it is better not to see it. Life needs surprises to be more interesting.

"Mo Yijun, don't peek——"

Asuna walked to the bathroom door, turned around and said:

"Otherwise I will be very angry."


After that, the door closed.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Do you remind yourself of this?

Am I, Mo Yi, such a person?

So Grandpa Mo Yi shouted in the direction of the bathroom:

"Remember to lock the door!"

Asuna was depressed now, so she didn't say it was okay. After being reminded by Grandpa Mo Yi, she realized that she really forgot to lock the door.

What does it mean?

You actually reminded me to close the door? Is this looking down on me?

Thinking of this, Asuna became unhappy because she doubted her femininity.

"Click, click-"

Asuna locked the door with a smile on her face, and a few seconds later, opened the lock with force.


"I just won't close the door!"

After Asuna said this to herself, she laughed instead. She really thought too much.

————The dividing line several minutes later————

Grandpa Mo Yi was sitting there, idly drinking black tea. Well, it was not Apa tea, nor was it sleepy black tea.

As for whether black tea is good, Grandpa Mo Yi can't tell, because he likes green tea, and black tea is such a heresy that he rarely drinks it.

Following the "tick-tick" sound of the water, Grandpa Mo Yi did not hear the exclamation he imagined.

Logically speaking, according to the plot of Wang Dao, there shouldn't be a 'scream' or a 'falling sound' coming from the bathroom at this time, and then Grandpa Mo Yi would burst into the door in a fit of desperation, and then help to beat him to death. After Xiaoqiang, the best assister of "I can add a chicken leg tonight", starts another wave of youth love comedy.

Just like that, several minutes passed, but there was still no exclamation as expected.


The door opened, and Asuna, who had long hair wrapped in a towel, walked out.

Well, actually Asuna has been listening carefully to the sounds outside to see if she hears the door opening, and then the youth love story unfolds.

However, until the end, she still didn't hear the door open, and she was really disappointed to finish the bath quietly like this.

————The dividing line between Mo Yi’s room————

After reminiscing about old times, everyone finally talked about La Er.

Cecilia hit Theresa with a slap on the head and said with a smile:

"Then we want you to work together -"

The other one was rubbing Kiana's head, then turned to look at Raiden Mei, Bronya and the sharp-eyed Yae Sakura beside Kiana and said:

"Kiana, you also know a group of very good friends, so I'll be relieved."

After a period of understanding, Cecilia also discovered that she was wrong. Kiana did not grow into a girl with an inner personality because her parents were not around, but instead became the kind of cheerful and energetic girl. child.

Well, it's just a bit simple.

"no problem--"

Kiana had a silly smile on her face, clenched her fists and said:

"With you here, mother, we will definitely win!"

At this time, everyone naturally responded one after another, and morale became extremely high.


When Cecilia was about to thank Grandpa Mo Yi for summoning her, she suddenly discovered a problem, that is, her master was missing?


Cecilia: "??"

"Where's Masta?"


When Cecilia said this, everyone looked around and realized that Grandpa Mo Yi was nowhere to be seen.

"Senior Mo Yi seemed to have opened the door and left just now."

Raiden Meiyi said uncertainly.

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