"Long time no see, Scathach—"

Seeing Scathach's appearance, Grandpa Mo Yi could guess what was going on and said with a smile:

"I have found a good opponent for you, I hope you will be satisfied."

"I will explain it to you at the company, and then I will give you a double salary."


Scathach's originally dull wine-red eyes sharpened instantly after hearing that Grandpa Mo Yi had given you a good opponent, exuding an extremely sharp temperament. Even allies like Kiana who were hiding behind Grandpa Mo Yi, I feel like breathing becomes sleepy.

I was very surprised to see the purple-haired elder sister who suddenly appeared in bunny clothes. I didn't expect that she was a harmless elder sister before, and suddenly turned into a terrifying monster that devoured everything.

After the Fifth Holy Grail War, Scathach failed to challenge Grandpa Mo Yi, so she became a guest panel girl of Yakumo House, and lived a brand new life that was completely different from the past, and the confusion in her heart also weakened a lot. , and occasionally tortured, no, specially trained her most proud disciple Cu Chulainn. This kind of life is not comparable to the boring life in the empty Kingdom of Shadows.

As for the agreement, if Grandpa Mo Yi feels that the other party is doing a good job and she still has the wish to die, Grandpa Mo Yi will go to the Kingdom of Shadows to help the other party fulfill her wish.

Of course, the thought of seeking death is still there, but with the life in Fuyuki City, it has gradually faded a lot. As for what will happen in the future, Shaka is not too persistent. We will talk about the future things later.

When she heard that Grandpa Mo Yi had summoned her to fight, Scathach, who had become quite Buddhist because of her daily life, suddenly woke up from her false sheep state.

Scathach would inevitably get bored by always beating up her incompetent disciple Wang Jiang. Now that she has a new opponent to poke at, it couldn't be better!

As for salary, Scathach doesn't care at all. With the ability of 'wisdom from the devil', what can she do without making money?

The simplest thing, just investing in financial products, can help her live a wealthy material life.

Not to mention, there is an unsatisfactory Wang Jiang at home. Isn't it appropriate for him to use the money he earns from working and opening a fish shop to honor his master?

That's right, even though he was being trained by Skachart every day, Wang Jiang was still on the road to opening a fish shop. He even set his ambition to become the king of fish shops and determined to open fish shops in the Kingdom of Shadows all over the world. Which one would he board? A position that no one has ever succeeded in before - Seafood King!

The moment Scathachsan exuded the god-killing aura, her body also emitted a burst of purple light. She changed into her familiar purple tights, and her war-loving red eyes were revealed in her indifference. It was interesting to see He looked at Youlandel and asked:

"Are you my opponent?"

Youlandel: "..."

I was waiting for Grandpa Mo Yi, who claimed to be the Shilipo Sword God, to draw his sword. What the hell was he suddenly summoning a purple-haired woman? ?

Where is the promised sword god? Suddenly he began to play summoning. How could there be such a sword god?

Ahem, actually Grandpa Mo Yi didn't take out a (space bar) gun to play gunfight with the opponent, which is normal. Sword Master likes to use firearms. Isn't that basic common sense?

However, Hollandel quickly recognized Scathach's identity and said:

"Are you a Servant?"

As a high-end combat force on the scientific side, Youlandel has fought with the mysterious side many times, and she still knows a lot about the basic common sense of the mysterious side.

She has also eliminated servants before. About half a year ago, she fought with a female knight named Astolfo. Apart from the fact that the opponent's Noble Phantasm was more difficult to deal with, she was quite good. In the end, she was defeated. She was sent back to the Hall of Valor with one shot.

"Scathach, Queen of the Kingdom of Shadow——"

After taking a closer look, Scathach concluded that the opponent was indeed a powerful warrior. In this era of fading mystery, he did not expect to see such a warrior, which surprised Scathach.

After inspecting the goods, Scathach was quite satisfied with the opponent provided by Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Show me your power, warrior of our time."


Scathach is still very famous in the Western world, but a few great sages, even Kiana, know the myths and legends of Scathach.

After hearing that Scathach blew up his family, Hollandel became even more nervous. For someone like her who grew up deeply influenced by Western culture, Scathach's name was much more shocking than that of kings from other cultures like Ramses II. .

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi summoned Scathach not because of Scathach's power, but just because of his bad taste, because the voice actors of Scathach and Hollandelle are Mamiko Noto.

Now if you listen carefully, you can still hear the similarity in the voices of the two people. This is probably Mamiko's battle.

"Destiny, Youlandel."

Hollandel gave her name again, feeling very in awe of such a well-known myth as Scathach.


The power system used by Scathach belongs to the mysterious side, but the destiny is still known to be a behemoth in the hidden domain of human civilization before BC.

Under the condensation of magic power, a vermilion spear appeared in Scathach's hand, he took a stance and said lightly:

"Take action, warrior."

Seeing Scathach taking a stance and letting her strike first, Hollandel did not feel humiliated by the other party's appearance of letting you strike first. Instead, she held the Black Abyss White Flower unceremoniously, and with the blessing of Honkai energy, she exploded With a speed far exceeding that before, within a thousandth of a second, he appeared in front of Scathach, and the black abyss white flower in his hand stabbed Scathach's heart.


The opponent's attack doesn't have much skill. What's important is speed and power. At the absolute speed, even the simplest move can turn into an unstoppable kill.

However, her opponent was Scathach, who had a vision of the future. Moreover, Shijiang's combat skills had already reached the realm of gods, which was far beyond what a girl like Youlandel, who had lived for more than twenty years, could compare with.

With a flick of the vermilion spear in his hand that was the same as Wang Jiang's Death Thorn Piercing Spear, he neutralized Youlandel's attack.

Then, the two of them turned into phantoms at the same time, constantly colliding in the air. The huge wind pressure caused by the difference between the two guns forced Kiana and others to cover their eyes to reduce the discomfort of the harsh wind entering their eyes.

Naturally, such a high-speed battle could not last long. After more than a minute, the two men retreated at the same time and looked at each other.

"Very strong——"

After leaving the battle circle, Youlandel felt that her right hand was still shaking. In just one minute, she had fought no less than a thousand times, which even a Valkyrie like her was a little unbearable.

And she could feel that the speed of the opponent's moves and changes of moves were increasing with the duration of the fight.

In other words, the opponent has been hiding its strength and then constantly increasing its output. This is simply the way to guide the game!

Hollander, who has a proud personality, naturally felt uncomfortable, but she had to admit that in just one minute of fighting, she felt that her spear skills were really inferior to her opponent, not to mention the opponent's leisurely attitude. Obviously he didn't use his true strength.

I just don’t know how much strength I used.

Of course, she was not without advantages. Thinking of this, Hollandel looked at Scathach.


Just as Hollandel thought, Scathach really wanted to test the opponent, and kept increasing pressure according to the opponent's response to see if the opponent could persist to that point. This was a habit that had been taught to students for a long time.

Scathach still admires Youlandel's strength very much.

The other party is only in his twenties, but he has the strength to barely compete with her. Why doesn't she appreciate it?

If the other party was given another hundred years to develop, it might not be worse than Cú Chulainn, which she was most proud of. It was a good seedling.

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