However, what she cares about most at the moment is the spear in her hand——


Scathach frowned as she looked at the spear in her hand, which immediately broke into pieces and then turned into haze and disappeared from her hand.

There's something wrong with the opponent's spear!

Although the spear in her hand is a mass-produced product, she has plenty of it, but the difference in quantity does not mean poor quality. The performance of the newly broken vermillion spear is actually almost the same as Cu Chulainn's favorite treasure, the Piercing Death Thorn Spear. .

She had never encountered this situation before. In the first fight, at the moment of hand-to-hand combat, she realized that something was wrong with her spear. It was only because she used the original runes to strengthen the spear in time that it did not collapse immediately and managed to hold on for a long time. Thousands of fights.

Hollandel looked at Scathach who dropped it empty-handed and explained:

"My Black Abyss White Flower has the ability to decompose all matter. Even energy like magic is not immune to it."

Having said that, Youlandel was actually very curious. The other party's spear should have collapsed and decomposed after being handed over to her own Black Abyss White Flower, but it persisted for so long and only disappeared now.

Scathach's spear is indeed a Noble Phantasm, but it is still far inferior to the Black Abyss White Flower made from the core of the Herrscher of Death, which embodies the Law of Death.

Only weapons that also contain laws, or reach the level of divinely crafted weapons, can be used without damage or other weapons.


Scathach looked back, and then two exaggerated and very different spears fell into her hands.

Obviously, this is the weapon that Grandpa Mo Yi got for her.

"Is this Gangnir?"

The spear, which was two meters long, was more suitable for use as a bronze spear, and Scathachana instantly recognized the opponent's origin.

After all, the prototype of the series of spears she made was based on the God Declaration Gungnir, the exclusive artifact of the main god Odin in Norse mythology.

Therefore, Wang Jiang's piercing death thorn spear has the ability to reverse cause and effect. This is Gangnir's most famous ability. Once thrown, it will definitely hit the target.

As for the other knight's assault spear, which was extremely heavy and had a huge tapered head that stood almost half the length of the spear, it was soon known that thanks to Scathach's ability 'Wisdom of the Demonic Realm'——

The holy lance Lungominiad is a weapon comparable to a curry stick in the legend of King Arthur.

In the world of Xingyue, the power of the Holy Spear Lungominiad appears to be somewhat more powerful than the Sword of Victory. It can gradually transform the stupid king into a lion king who understands people's hearts and is the ultimate king of mankind. .

Its true posture is one of the Lan anchors that connects the outside and inside of the world and binds the planet.

It is worth mentioning that King Da Mao wanted to kill Mordred with him by stabbing him to death with the holy spear Lungominiad.

Therefore, it is also called a pair of treasures: the spear that comes out of my son.

"Thanks, Masta-"

Scathach glanced at Grandpa Mo Yi meaningfully. He didn't expect that the other party could even come up with such a thing. It seemed that his previous guess about him was too conservative.

As for rejecting this kind of thing, it is impossible to happen. As a famous sage, how could Scathach be the kind of person who is stubborn and does not know how to adapt. He thinks that borrowing other people's weapons is an insult to his own glory.

I borrowed someone else's artifact based on my ability, why can't I use it!

Isn't being able to control a borrowed artifact a manifestation of one's own ability?

Scathach has Gungnir in one hand and Lungomignad in the other. Although both guns are not suitable for close combat, it is not a big problem for Scathach. He can swing it a few times. , just get used to it.

Scathach is in full form when he is in dual-gun mode. The reputation of dual-gun BBA is no joke.

"The second game is about to begin, warrior."

Taking advantage of the time when Scathach was changing his divine costume, Ulandel also used the healing power of the Black Abyss White Flower to adjust her condition back.

Although I don't know what the two cool-looking spears that the other party suddenly put on are, I can tell by just feeling that they are artifacts that are no worse than Black Abyss White Flower.

It is impossible to admit defeat. As the S-class Valkyrie with the strongest destiny, she can only be defeated and cannot admit defeat.

Ulandel carried the Black Abyss White Flower and rushed towards Scathach, and the two fought fiercely again!

Chapter 508: Yae Sakura: Draw a circle and curse you

Scathach, who had obtained the dual artifacts, was no longer afraid of the decomposition ability of the White Flower of the Black Abyss. After waves of high-speed battles, before Scathach could use his full strength, Hollandel was almost unable to hold on.

After all, Honkai Energy is an energy more violent than magic. It was never used to strengthen living things from the beginning, but was a weapon used by Gaia to eliminate various civilizations.

The use of Honkai energy can indeed make the Valkyrie become stronger quickly. In terms of combat power, it is much stronger than countless magicians who have practiced magic for decades and are still fighting against the five scum. For example, a certain ancient partner of justice has practiced magic for a hundred years. Years of magic have turned him into a pervert and a bug.

Of course, compared with other cultivation methods, Honkai Impact only has some advantages in terms of quick combat effectiveness, but one thing is very fatal, that is, most of the cultivation methods are to make people stronger and improve their lives. extend your life.

However, the more Honkai energy is used, the more it will be corroded by it, and eventually the person will die faster.

"it's over--"

Scathach, who had long noticed that his opponent was weak and his movements began to slow down, was no longer in the mood to play with him anymore. With a beautiful dragon tail swing, he knocked away the black abyss white flower of Youlandel, and then with a He kicked out his feet, kicking away Hollandelle who was stunned because her weapon was knocked away.

Because Grandpa Mo Yi had no intention of killing the opponent directly, Scathach would naturally not kill him with a single shot. This was unnecessary.

"team leader--"

Rita hurriedly flew upside down in the air, and Orendelle looked at all the villains led by Scathach with vigilance, as if they were about to jump into the sea and escape as soon as they noticed something was wrong.

"I'm fine, don't worry-"

Youlandel's face was very disappointed. Ever since she became the most powerful Valkyrie in destiny, she had never experienced such a disastrous defeat. It was really embarrassing.

"Youlandel, I admit you."

After completing the task, Scathach looked at Hollandel who was squinting at her and affirmed:

"If you want to challenge me, come to Fuyuki City. If it's you, I'm willing to challenge you no matter how many times you want."

"Maybe you can also be the one to fulfill my wish."

After saying that, he turned around and handed the two artifacts back to Grandpa Mo Yi, asking him if he needed help with anything.

Grandpa Mo Yi used information infusion to tell Scathach about La Er, and asked him if he was interested in getting a Pharaoh together.

"I'm satisfied today."

Scathach expressed his thoughts very directly:

"I have heard of Ramesses II, but he is a famous king, not a powerful warrior. I don't get along well with such a proud king."

"Anyway, with you here, I really can't think of any danger."

Scathach is a born dominant class with the temperament of a king.

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