Of course, this kind of kingly temperament is different from the kingly temperament of Jin Shining and La Er, who laugh at every turn, sell melons, and boast about their awesomeness.

She never said that she was a king and ordered others to do what she said. She always relied on her own momentum, strength or irrefutable truth to convince others to follow her words.

What is a king?

The boss of a large group of people, the person who has the highest say is the king. The king and the king are incompatible. After all, by definition, the existence of the king is destined to only be one person.

That's why Scathach said that she and La Er didn't get along well. If she saw La Er and heard him brag a few words about himself, she might not be able to control herself and attack him with two guns, teaching La Merci Si II, the incarnation of the sun god, what is a god-killer?

Since Scathach refused, Grandpa Mo Yi just let the other party think indifferently and said:

"See you later, Shi-chan."

Having said that, Grandpa Mo Yi will use the same method to transfer Scathach space back to Fuyuki City, so that the other party can go back and continue to exploit poor Wang Jiang.

After settling the matter with Scathach, Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Hollandel, who was recovering her strength holding the Black Abyss White Flower, and the violent maid Rita, who was holding a super scythe and was the enemy of Seele.

"It seems that we are stronger now -"

Grandpa Mo Yi waved his hand and complained:

"Don't be nervous. We have no intention of continuing to fight with you. You were the one to fight from the beginning."

"The battle matters, otherwise we will stop here. If there is anything else to do later, let's wait until Ramses II's matter is over."

"What do you think?"

The other party came to help no matter what, and he was Lord Lituo's right-hand man. For Theresa's sake, it was not easy to kill him directly. As for what to say after dealing with Ramesses II, just listen to it. Who knows what will happen then. Anyway, no one can force what Grandpa Mo Yi doesn’t want. When the time comes, he will take Theresa to Fuyuki City. As soon as Mr. Lutuo arrives, Grandpa Mo Yi will arrest her directly. Go to Professor Sheep's Electroshock Therapy Center in Fuyuki City and treat yourself to a treat for a few days.

If you know the truth, you will resurrect Kallen as a betrothal gift to Lord Luto just like Cecilia was resurrected.

Hmm, as for whether the other party will be cheated by some weird monster again, it is not a matter that Grandpa Mo Yi considers.

"Humph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

That's right, apart from being a serious idiot, Hollandel's other important attribute is the attribute of being arrogant, which is like a negative buff. As long as she is not a destined heroine, any arrogant female character will eventually become a loser.

The current situation is compelling, and Youlandel also knows that the other party just doesn't want her and others to tear her face apart. As Grandpa Mo Yi said, the other party is stronger now, and the power of decision is naturally in the other party's hands.

"You win this time."

This was said to Grandpa Mo Yi, who claimed to be the ‘Shilipo Sword God’ and was a summoner. Then he looked at Theresa and said coldly:

"Theresa, I will tell the Archbishop truthfully about your matter."

After saying that, she turned around and walked away, while Rita looked at Theresa, smiled, and left.

"Youlandel, you guy, just wait for me——"

The relationship between Theresa and Youlandel is not too bad. As the Three Valkyrie Kings with a clear destiny, the three of them must be in constant contact with each other.

Youlandel is a typical strong female character who cannot tolerate any flaws, while Teresa looks very reliable on the surface, but is a big kid when no one is waiting for her. Generally speaking, she is a lazy guy. During the summer vacation People who can’t feel the meaning of summer vacation homework unless they stay up all night on the last night.

Naturally, the two of them had incompatible personalities and couldn't get along. Faced with Hollandel, who was always nagging her in her ears, asking her to work hard to become a qualified S-class Valkyrie, Theresa was like a mouse meeting her. Like a cat, it finds the other person really annoying, so it often scratches the other person.

When I, Theresa, became an S-class Valkyrie, you, Hollander, were not born yet. Now you dare to point fingers in front of me, Theresa?

When I was still a rookie, I was respectful to myself, but now that I have the ability, do I respect my seniors like this?

Well, actually, Hollander was also confused by Theresa's majestic and wise image at first, and even became Theresa's fan girl for a period of time, taking Theresa as her own. After chasing the target, and then gradually discovering Theresa's true face as her status rose, Hollander naturally wanted to reform Theresa after her idol was shattered, so that the other person could turn back into the senior Theresa that she respected.

As for Rita, in addition to being a dark-hearted girl who likes maid uniforms and scythes, she is also a severe lolita who cannot be saved by studying medicine.

As Theresa is destined to be the cutest loli, the relationship between the two is not bad at all.

Well, it's similar to the relationship between a cat owner and a cat owner.

——————The dividing line between Midori-sama in his incompetent roar——————

After Youlandel left, Grandpa Mo Yi and others also left and went to the cafeteria to gather for a battle meeting.

Of course, there is nothing useful that can be said.

As for taking action in advance, finding Ramses II in the sunset, and beating the opponent in a group was not approved.

The reason is simple. The cruise ship that transfers ordinary passengers has not left too far. An opponent like La Er who casually rides an airship and fires laser cannons does not know what kind of aftermath will be caused by fighting with it. If the cruise ship is not far enough away, it will be overturned by the aftermath.

"so boring--"

After ending the useless combat misunderstanding, at Kiana's suggestion, everyone took out board games and started playing cards in the cafeteria.

Ordinary people have long been transferred, and the remaining ones are employees of the Destiny Organization. The entire cafeteria is almost empty, let alone playing cards. Even if Theresa holds a concert here, no one will care.

Because of his excellent skills, he was accused of seriously damaging the game experience. Grandpa Mo Yi was quickly banned from the game and had to sit aside and watch a group of Valkyries shouting and screaming.

"I'm sorry, aunt, I want to win this game -"

Kiana took out four poker 10 cards from her hand, slapped them on the table, and said to Theresa:

"It's Kiana time, four 10s, bomb!"


Theresa covered one eye with one hand, showing the classic POS of the Evil King's true eye, and laughed loudly:

"I already hold the future and victory in my hands——"

"King Zha!"

After saying that, he slapped two homu patterns on the table and said loudly:

"Cecilia is mine tonight!!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Seeing Theresa and Kiana playing so excitedly, I always felt that there was something wrong with the painting style, and then I thought that the boss I would fight in the near future was the most famous Pharaoh Ramesses II.

Well, it is said that in ancient times, in ancient Egypt four thousand years ago, card games were popular. Only the person with the best card playing skills could become the Pharaoh.

So the question arises, is Laer also a poker king?

Will the so-called final test involve a card game where the title of Duel King is on the line? !

Grandpa Mo Yi was imagining that everyone finally came to La Er, and then the other party took out a large stack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and asked everyone to choose cards for a duel.

La Er summoned three blue-eyed white dragons, then laughed wildly, played a fusion card, and merged the three blue-eyed white dragons that required six sacrifices in total into a single-eyed ultimate dragon without any monster effects, and then continued After laughing wildly and announcing that Grandpa Mo Yi and others had no chance, he then let the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon launch a direct attack, attacking Grandpa Mo Yi who had no monsters on the field. (By the way, why not just let the three blue eyes and white eyes attack the player directly, but instead attack after fusion? This is probably a sentiment.)

Then Grandpa Mo Yi opened the trap card - the sacred protective shield and the power of reflection, which reflected the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon's attack and eliminated La Er's eldest wife.

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