La Er, on the other hand, looked devastated, scratched his head with both hands, and shouted in disbelief:

"Is this the legendary power of Hannuo?!"

Thinking of this, Grandpa Mo Yi almost couldn't help laughing. This scene is so beautiful.

Suddenly, Grandpa Mo Yi felt someone tugging at the clothes on his waist. Yes, it was the kind of clothes-pulling motion that a female classmate at the back table would use to tell you not to talk in class.

Grandpa Mo Yi came to his senses and saw clearly that the one who was pulling his clothes was none other than Yae Yingying.

The other party obviously didn't want people to find out what happened between her and Grandpa Mo Yi. She didn't say anything and motioned with her eyes to go outside.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

It seems that I haven't launched any offensive strategy against Xiaoba?

Thinking of this, Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly took a breath. Could it be that the other party was because of Theresa?

Although Yingyingying's main cuteness is that she is a witch, she has donkey ears, and she likes to curse the captain (all supplies are guaranteed, and there are zero copies dropped), but she actually has another very obvious cuteness that not many people mention, and that is that she is a yandere. !

You must know that Yae Sakura watched her sister being sacrificed in her early years. To some extent, she stabbed her sister Yae Rin to death with her own hands. After being infected by Honkai, she turned into a Herrscher to avenge her sister and kill her alone. He killed the whole village, including his old father.

This degree of blackening is no worse than that of Sakura Sakura, Yuno Gago and Enma Ai.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who felt a little untouchable, stood up calmly and quietly followed Yae Sakura out to see what the other party wanted to tell him.

The two of them stood in the corridor, looking at the blue sea outside the window, and remained awkwardly silent. After half a minute, Yae Sakura took the initiative to speak.

"Mo Yijun, are the dreams you said I had about Kallen true?"

"I didn't say that if you think you are true, then it is true."

Grandpa Mo Yi was a little surprised that Yae Sakura called him out and actually talked about this topic. Shouldn't this kind of thing be discussed with best friends like Raiden Mei and Theresa?

It's very dangerous to talk about such intimate issues casually with the opposite sex, Xiaoba!

"The you in the dream is both you and not you——"

Grandpa Mo Yi thought for a while and decided to explain it clearly to the other party, so as to prevent the other party from dwelling on such things.

"There are parallel worlds in this world, and you in the dream are you in another parallel world."


Yae Sakura didn't expect Grandpa Mo Yi to give her such an answer. The theory of parallel worlds has long been a popular theory. Most high school students know it. After hearing such an unexpected and reasonable answer, Yae Sakura nodded. , said to himself:

"It was a terrible life."

Compared to the experience of the Yae village girl who was taught by the picked-up nun (blank key) in Honkai Impact III Middle School, Yae Sakura in this world is indeed much luckier. She lives in the peaceful Fuyuki City and is carefree. She was born, grew up, and could pursue her own hobbies. She didn't even need to worry about her future career. She didn't hate the arrangement of inheriting the Yae Shrine at home.

As long as she finds someone who loves her and she loves her in the future, and raises two children, Yae Sakura really doesn't seem to have much to worry about in her life. This is probably the happiness that most people pursue.

"So, you don't have to pay too much attention to things in your dreams -"

Grandpa Mo Yi transformed into Professor Sheep and helped the seniors who were troubled by adolescence to resolve their worries and said:

"You are you, Yae Sakura, the kendo club of Fuyuki High School, a monster known as the cold-blooded female devil."

"Well, I heard what Musashi and Kojiro said."

Yae Sakura: "..."

After hearing your comfort, why can’t I be happy?

Yae Sakura looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with a gentle smile on his face speechlessly, and suddenly found that the other person's smile was very contagious, and she couldn't get angry even if she wanted to. Of course, if she really did it, she couldn't get rid of him. This is also a very important reason.

As for the strange behavior of squealing and punching the opponent's heart at the same time, Yae Sakura, who is used to being aloof, naturally cannot do it.

He had no choice but to turn his anger towards Musashi and Kojiro, who had been fooled by everyone and took a ride back to Fuyuki City.

When you get back, you have to give these two guys special training. How dare you slander this miko behind your back!

That's right, even though Yae Sakura always has a cold face and gives people an inexplicable sense of alienation, in fact she is not much different from other girls. When she should be cautious, she is still very cautious and even uses the curse of a miko. , curse you in front of your face.

Chapter 509: Eight-fold mega evolution!

"Thank you for your persuasion, Mo Yijun."

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Yae Sakura seemed to have figured it out and no longer worried about what happened in the dream.

"Although I already understood that it was just a dream, I couldn't help but get close to Theresa and wanted to help her and become her reliable friend."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Xiaoba, are you sure you are just a friend and not the kind of lily that sways in the wind at sunset?

Wouldn't you wait for me to turn around and say, "Oh, my boiling water has boiled."

"It may be a bit whimsical, but I can't help but want to ask Mo Yijun for help. Is there any way to increase my power in a short time-"

Yae Yingying looked serious, so she sat down and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and said:

"What I am now is not enough."

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi can probably guess why the other party thinks like this.

The Yaezakura in this world is just a shrine maiden who makes a living by making chewing wine and likes to kill people with Sakura Fubuki. She has always been very scientific in her views. She believes that the greatest force in the world is the various kinds of attacks by the athletes in the sports games. It's just like blasting through the floor and breaking through the barbed wire fence.

She herself had always thought that she was a legendary girl with super powers. Although she had the ability to control flames, she had never thought of relying on her super powers to do whatever she wanted. At most, she would bully her juniors in the kendo club.

Until this cruise ship incident happened, it turned out that his ability to control flames was not a superpower, but a power called Honkai Energy. In addition, there was magic and so on.

Moreover, the force value is no longer limited to punching through the floor. It can blow up cities or even destroy the world at every turn.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Yae Sakura to feel powerless in her heart. To make matters worse, she will soon face an attack from a Raji who is said to be powerful and almost a god.

Yae Sakura does not regret her choice to stay, but this does not mean that she is not afraid of death, nor is she afraid of returning to the shrine again, seeing the gentle smiles of her parents, and feeling the force of her sister Yae Rin throwing herself into her arms.

In the face of incompetence, some people follow the crowd, some are incompetent and furious, and some choose to fight!

Yae Sakura already had the awakening, but she had no idea of ​​the specific method.

Finally, Yae Sakura once again seeks help from Grandpa Mo Yi, the most mysterious and unpredictable person she knows.

Hmm, among these friends, Grandpa Mo Yi seems to be the most reliable.

"no problem--"

Fortunately, the other party only came to cheat on me, instead of launching 'just execution' against me because of Theresa's ownership issue. Grandpa Mo Yi naturally agreed to this small favor.

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