If the opponent wears the 'Reverse God Miko' Valkyrie Banker that Grandpa Mo Yi prepared for her, as long as she performs normally, she will not be weaker than an ordinary first-class servant. She may be inferior to Arturia compared to Karna, but If you fight a stupid king, it's still no problem to open 50-50.

The Valkyrie Armor made for Yae Sakura and the others last night only had the most materials and spirit from Theresa and Yae Sakura. The hidden secret triggered by Theresa's Divine Grace Ode after being broken was that hegemony that ignores control and adds real damage. 'Heaven Falls'.

The hidden secret of Yae Sakura's great defeat is to refer to the imitation ability of a certain hundred thousand miko, "Dream Innate", which turns the deepest feelings and obsessions in the heart into substantial strength and ability, and bless one's body, allowing Yae Sakura to carry out mega evolution and become a monster. Becoming a super monster.

If used properly, it will definitely be much more powerful than the light cannon fired by the aesthetically pleasing Holy Sword.

What the opponent lacks now is confidence and sufficient combat experience.

“However, the process can be grueling and once it starts it doesn’t end until it’s done.”

"Are you sure you want to accept it?"

Yae Sakura originally wanted to try, but if it didn't work, she could find a reliable person to talk to about her troubles, but she didn't expect Grandpa Mo Yi to really have a way.

"I have realized something."

"Please, Mo Yijun."


Danger must be useless and dangerous. How can Grandpa Mo Yi be like those coquettish people outside? Everyone who helps the protagonist cheat the trial will say that this method is very dangerous. Not even one out of a hundred will pass, and even one who fails will Well, it might even be life-threatening.

However, there is no protagonist who cannot pass.

Grandpa Mo Yi's driving was very safe and even fun.

"Then Yae Sakura-senpai, please close your eyes first. What follows may be a long dream."

"Mo Yijun——"

Yae Sakura closed her eyes very straightforwardly, never thinking that as soon as she closed her eyes, someone would kiss her.

With a rare gentle smile on his face, he whispered:

"As I said before, just call me by my name."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "Meow?"

After thinking about it, it seems that there is really such a thing.

It's a pity that the Emiya family already has a Miss Sakura. If Yae Sakura was also called 'Sakura', 'Sakura' or 'Sakura-senpai', wouldn't it be easy to confuse her.

Calling such a friendly and interesting nickname as '嘤嘤鬼', Yae Sakura might not be able to control her right hand. When she pulled out Sakura Fukiyuki, she saw that this miko lady had a very dark pneumothorax.

Then just call it——

"Okay, Xiaoba."

Yae Sakura: "..."

Hachi always feels weird and full of shame. I'm not a minotaur with eight octopus tails, so why can't I just call her 'Sakura' or 'Sakura-senpai'?

But she had already closed her eyes and couldn't interrupt the other party, so she had to write it down and worry about the strange name of the other party in the future.

"Next, it's up to you."

After saying that, Yae Sakura felt someone flick her forehead lightly, and then she felt heavy and tired, and her consciousness darkened, and she fell asleep.

"Okay, Xiaoba."

Grandpa Mo Yi could naturally see that the other party didn't like the nickname Xiaoba, but what did it matter.

The other party is obviously just an eighteen-year-old whining monster, but he always has a cold face, as if he doesn't care. Although this is in line with the other party's character of a witch who serves the gods, Grandpa Mo Yi feels that this is not the other party. nature.

People, laugh when you want to laugh and cry when you want to cry, so that you don’t walk away in vain.

And the god who protects Fuyuki City is Mo Yida, isn't he?

Serving the gods and making them happy is the duty of a shrine maiden, and there is no problem with that.

After knocking the other party out with a finger, Grandpa Mo Yi stretched out his hand to catch Yae Sakura who had fallen asleep, and then hugged the princess directly, preparing to carry her back to her little friend.

————The dividing line of secret observation————

"Stop hiding, I know you are there, Theresa."

Grandpa Mo Yi turned around and looked at a corner of Judah Sauce, where a small horn had appeared, and complained:

"Judas is exposed."

"Humph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

After being discovered, Teresa gave up on her lame aura blocking, jumped out from the corner of the wall, put her hands on her hips, and said viciously:

"Mo Yi, you guys are doing this kind of thing again!"

"I've already discovered it, so what else is there to say."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Although he was holding a whining monster in his arms, Grandpa Mo Yi, who was upright and not afraid of the shadow, explained seriously:

"When I was walking through the corridor, I happened to see Xiaoba lying on the ground. I guess he fainted from heatstroke."

Teresa: "..."

If she hadn't read the matter from beginning to end, Theresa would have really believed Grandpa Mo Yi, who looked aggrieved and helpless at this moment.

She naturally knew that Grandpa Mo Yi didn't do anything strange, he just felt unhappy and just found an excuse to make trouble.

In the poker game just now, she completed a counterattack brilliantly and handsomely, defeating her lifelong enemy Kiana. She was just about to find Grandpa Mo Yi to share this happiness and turn one happiness into double happiness.

Unexpectedly, I couldn’t find anyone!

Later, after Cecilia reminded her, Theresa found out that the other party was going out with Yae Sakura.

Worried, Teresa followed quietly and slipped out without saying a word. She must have done nothing good. Mo Yi, a handsome guy, was very bad!

Then, Theresa heard the conversation between Grandpa Mo Yi and Yae Sakura, and her heart was shaken to her core.

Since yesterday, she had felt that the girl named Yae Sakura always looked at her strangely. When she turned around to look back, the strange look on her was gone.

He thought that the other party was another vixen who coveted his own captain, but he never expected that the other party actually cared about him.

Until now, Theresa is still confused.

How could I become a sinful woman?

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