"I've heard everything."

Theresa pointed at Grandpa Mo Yi and said angrily:

"You guys always want to lie to me."

Grandpa Mo Yi: I have known about what you secretly observed for a long time, but I didn’t say anything about it.

"Mo Yi——"

Theresa suddenly called out to Mo Yi in her childish voice.

"What's the matter?"

"Can you bend down?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Theresa who suddenly acted coquettishly, and asked:


"I want to slap your head-"

Theresa giggled, looking very kind.

But how could Grandpa Mo Yi be fooled? He complained disdainfully:

"Slap me on the head with Judas."

Grandpa Mo Yi took the opportunity to press his head on the ground with one hand, and used all his strength to kill by touching the head——

"How did you know?"

"Stop it, don't touch it anymore. If you touch it again, you won't grow taller."

No matter how much Theresa resisted, Grandpa Mo Yi's right hand stuck to the other person's head, stroking the other person like a cat that was being pampered. He only let her go with half-squinted eyes.

Teresa's recent fantasy of using Judas to film Grandpa Mo Yi was naturally eliminated by Grandpa Mo Yi's long-lasting head-butt kill.

After the fight, Theresa stopped caring about what happened before and asked curiously:

"Mo Yi, what was the dream you were talking about before? Can you tell me about it?"

"It's nothing—"

Grandpa Mo Yi asked as he walked:

"Theresa, you should know Karen Kaslana."


Theresa was originally Kallen's clone, so she naturally knew who her mother was. In a sense, Kallen was Theresa's mother.

But when she heard the name Kallen, she still couldn't control herself and felt inexplicably sad.

As an artificial human being, she came into the world without any expectations or meaning. She was once extremely confused. It was only after meeting Cecilia that she finally found the meaning of her existence.

"Next, I'm going to tell a story about a nun and a witch."

Grandpa Mo Yi wanted to briefly and concisely tell the story of Karen in Honkai Impact 3, who met a Yae village girl and fell in love with each other.

After telling the story of Yae Village, five hundred years later, Yae Sakura met Teresa who fell to the ground and sacrificed herself to change her story.

"Of course, this is a story from another parallel world."

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Yae Sakura sleeping quietly in his arms and said with a smile:

"However, the fate of the parallel world intersects with the fate of this world."

"For example, Kallen Kaslana still exists in this world, and her and Yae Sakura's experiences are probably similar. The difference is that Yae Sakura 500 years ago has died and was reincarnated into the current Yae Sakura. She will dream My past experiences were probably caused by encountering a similar being like you, which triggered too profound memories of my previous life."

"how so?"

Theresa was stunned when she heard Grandpa Mo Yi's story. It turned out that the love and hatred of the older generation were so complicated.

Especially her grandfather, she had probably known that he wanted to resurrect Kallen, but she didn't know the specific details of Kallen.

At this moment, she felt that her grandfather was particularly great. For the one he loved, he had stayed silently for five hundred years, either resurrecting Kallen or preparing a plan to resurrect Kallen.

But Kallen never responded to her grandfather's love from then to the end, but her grandfather could do this. Anyway, Theresa was convinced, and began to understand why her grandfather looked at her with such eyes. strangeness.

Of course, the other person who convinced Theresa was naturally Yae Sakura in the arms of Grandpa Mo Yi. The other person actually had sex with her grandfather, which Theresa didn't even dare to think about.

Originally, Theresa felt a little unhappy when she saw the other party being held by such a princess as Grandpa Mo Yi. That was her exclusive throne.

It is conceivable that in another parallel world, the other party would sacrifice his life to save a fake like himself, and even after saving her, no one would even know about it. How sad this is.

Huh, now just help yourself in the parallel world and repay the other party.

"So you know everything-"

Theresa's expression was a little downcast. Theresa had always been a little concerned about the identity of the artificial human and even the fact that part of her body was Honkaimon's genes. Especially when the people she cared about knew about it, she felt inexplicably uneasy.

"What are your thoughts?"

At this time, it is obviously not suitable to pretend to be stupid, but to tell the other party seriously what you think.

"In my opinion, the soul is the criterion that determines whether a person is beautiful or ugly."

Grandpa Mo Yi bent down sideways, looked at Theresa closely, and said with certainty:

"In my opinion, Theresa is the cutest Theresa in the world!"

Chapter 510: Give Xiaoba a cup of cappuccino

"This is the first and last contract——"

When Grandpa Mo Yi recovered from Theresa's sneak attack, the other party had already turned around and ran away, without giving Grandpa Mo Yi a chance to say whether he agreed or disagreed.

After licking her lips, there was a faint smell of cantaloupe and milk. It was obvious that the other party had eaten a lot of ice cream in the morning.

Forget it, I won’t complain about Teresa, the mascot principal who is still so girly in her forties.

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled, hugged Yae Sakura, and quickly followed, chasing Theresa who was in a shy state.

And the Yae Sakura in Grandpa Mo Yi's arms is going through the trial carefully prepared by Grandpa Mo Yi——

"This is where?"

When Yae Sakura opened her eyes subconsciously, she found herself in a strange place. To be precise, it was an empty street in a strange and dead city, with a messy environment and trash cans dumped on the ground. and the trash sloping out from inside.

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