Kiana is still confused and has no choice but to ask the person involved, Grandpa Mo Yi.

"I can't say that -"

Grandpa Mo Yi was also helpless. This guy La Er just pretended to be a contest and ran away. What could he do?

Do you want him to catch up, capture the other person, and let him have a battle with everyone?

"The other party probably means to sit in the royal city, wait for us to go to the destination after a series of adventures, and then have the final battle."

Theresa woke up from the shock of the sun ship disappearing and complained:

"Why is the other party so naive? Wouldn't it be better to fight him more simply?"

"You can't hand over the golden ship obediently——"

Chapter 513: Teresa without Judas is nothing but a soul

Anyone can say that Ramesses II is naive, but Teresa can't. Don't you have a bit of talent in your heart? !

Seeing Theresa getting irritable because the solar boat flew away, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Girl, you still don’t know anything about the power of my grandpa’s money ability!

Not to mention how much money the Yakumo House can make every month, even if he really shows off his money, Grandpa Mo Yi can make gold by himself, let alone a gold ship, even if it is a city in the sky made of gold, it is nothing On what?

"Mo Yi——"

Ji Zi, who finally couldn't bear the doubts in her heart, stepped forward and asked:

"The other party has revealed your identity, can't you explain it properly?"

For Theresa's sake, Jizi had to ask clearly about the change in the other party's identity!


Because of one of the three thousand beauties in the harem in Japan, Himeko rose to the top. Although Himeko admired the other person's great achievements in the legend, it did not mean that she wanted Theresa to fall into such a trap.

Think about it, there were already three thousand wives five thousand years ago. After many years, the number has doubled. Isn’t that excessive?

Even if she gets one wife a day, it will take close to twenty years before It's Teresa's turn.

How could Ji Zi ignore this huge pit!

Looking at Ji Zi who looked like an angry cat, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally knew what he was talking about. He took out the two artifacts that he had given to Scathach's opponent not long ago from his pocket, and inserted them next to the Xuanyuan Sword. complained:

"Jiko, then take a look at the two weapons I have here."

Except for Ji Zi who often traveled to China on business and knew the culture of China, everyone did not see anything wrong with the golden sword that Grandpa Mo Yi made. They just thought it was an unknown artifact with great power.

In fact, everyone was very curious about the 'First King of the East' mentioned by Raji not long ago, but before they had a chance to ask, Himeko was the first to speak out.

Now of course I pricked up my ears to see what was going on.

You know, the most terrifying thing in a team is not only pig-like teammates, but also ‘there is a traitor among us (space bar)’!

"This probably is--"

After all, Ji Zi is a cultural person. Unlike Kiana, who is still in high school, and Theresa, who has never gone to school and only learned the knowledge required for the Valkyrie, she quickly recognized the two weapons that Grandpa Mo Yi took out. The origin of weapons.

“The long one should be Gungnir, the meteor gun of Odin, the main god in Norse mythology; and the other one should be Lungominiad, the gun of King Arthur in the myth of King Arthur?!”

After expressing her judgment, Ji Zi began to doubt herself. She had seen Scathach use these two guns to defeat Ulandel with the Black Abyss White Flower from a distance. She just thought it was because of the special materials, just like Teresa's Judas-like weapon made of soul steel was unexpected. It was an artifact that only existed in myths and no one had proven its real existence.

What is an artifact?

Only things used by gods can be called artifacts.

For ordinary people, gods are just illusions. No one can prove whether they exist as great beings, and artifacts are naturally like this.

Ji Zi now has some doubts about life. Is the other party a wholesaler of artifacts?

"That's right——"

After everyone heard Ji Zi's words, they were also very curious. They gathered around the three artifacts stuck on the ground and looked at them carefully. They wanted to reach out and touch them, but they were embarrassed. After all, they were Grandpa Mo Yi's treasures.

"According to your opinion, Jizi, am I still Odin or King Arthur?"

"So, you misunderstood."


Ji Zi apologized decisively, but her mood improved.

"Mo Yi, can I touch them? Ganggnir and Lungominiad are very famous things."

Judas, whom Teresa had always been proud of, suddenly wanted to change to another weapon after seeing these two legendary weapons. Judas was a mature weapon that could be used as a shield, a battering ram, and it could also transform into a weapon. To form various weapons, the most important thing is to launch the automatic tracking light spear. Theresa only needs to stand there and be a Judas launcher like a decoration.

But there are thousands of good things, but they are not as good as the artifact in front of me, because the fame cannot compare!

Usually when facing an enemy, I would ask, ‘Do you want to be beaten to death by Judas?’?

It’s very possible that the enemy doesn’t know what Judas is?

Once you switch to Gangnir, say 'Do you want to be beaten to death by Gangnir'?

The other party was suddenly shocked and asked, 'Is it a legend...'?

Then Teresa can say, ‘Yes, it’s exactly what you thought. When I took out my magic weapon, I already had victory in my hands.'

Thinking of this, Theresa suddenly felt that her level of prowess had increased exponentially!

I just want to see who else dares to say that he is a Judas transmitter in the future!

Of course, in addition to this reason, Theresa also had a very bold idea and asked:

"Isn't this legendary artifact very valuable? It's not as good as us -"

Speaking of which, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know what Theresa was thinking. He didn't expect how this guy, Theresa, always wanted money from you. Who would dare to buy such a national treasure that symbolizes a certain culture?

People who cannot afford the consequences of suppression will worry about not making money.

"You are free to——"

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's permission, everyone couldn't help but feel curious and began to study the artifact on the ground.

Grandpa Mo Yi bluntly rejected Theresa's bold idea.

"This is just an artifact that I used magic to recreate the miracles of the past and temporarily manifested it. Once it leaves my magic supply, it will disappear over time, so Theresa, your idea of ​​selling it for money is not advisable."

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