Of course, the more important reason Mo Yi hasn’t said yet is that Judas’ Teresa does not apply to Theresa without a soul. Only Judas can inject an anti-cute soul into a lolita character like Teresa!

Moreover, Theresa kept looking at Gangnir and knew that it was what the other party wanted. But if a good berserker didn't do that and changed his job to a spearman, wouldn't this be seeking death?

The Lancer is lucky. Theresa's luck value is not high to begin with. Apart from brushing mobs and fighting bosses, she never gets through without getting hurt. It's already good without overturning and getting knocked over.

If you replace your weapon with a long gun, wouldn't you be asking for death?

Grandpa Mo Yi was really scared. As soon as he turned away without looking at the other party, Theresa would be killed by some kind of paramecium that suddenly transformed.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

After thinking that her bold idea was rejected, Theresa's interest in the so-called artifact suddenly dropped. After taking a few glances and touching it for a while, she handed it to Kiana to play with.


Cecilia, who has always been a quiet and beautiful girl, saw that everyone was joining in the fun and took the initiative to ask Grandpa Mo Yi:

"What do we do next?"

"The Tower of Light mentioned by Ramesses II was not mentioned at all on how to get there, and wandering aimlessly in the desert is an act of seeking death."

Rita and Hollander, who had long been mixed into the Valkyries, could only watch with curiosity as everyone studied the three legendary artifacts.

Youlandel was even more curious and murmured: No wonder it can withstand the decomposition power of the black abyss white flower.

Now that I heard someone finally mentioning something serious, I suddenly became energetic and listened 'accidentally'.

"Not urgent--"

Grandpa Mo Yi pointed in a certain direction with his right hand and said:

"That should be the Tower of Light that Ramses II said."

Following Grandpa Mo Yi's pointing, everyone turned their eyes and soon discovered that in the far corner, there was a beam of light shining directly into the sky. Because the distance was very far, it looked like a shining star. If you were not careful, It's really hard to find when you look at it.

"It's just that the distance is a bit far, and the desert environment is too harsh. Even if you have physical fitness that is far beyond ordinary people, you will still get caught if you are not careful."

"It's better to be prepared before setting off."


After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Cecilia felt relieved. To be honest, Cecilia could only believe in Grandpa Mo Yi among the people here.

Others are either too young or unreliable (especially Teresa).

"don’t worry--"

Grandpa Mo Yi seemed to see through Cecilia's worries and said with a smile:

"We'd better finish our meal now and then organize the supplies needed for tomorrow's departure."


After hearing about dinner, Kiana's stomach growled suddenly. Even a fool like Kiana felt a little embarrassed when she felt everyone's eyes. She blushed and explained:

"It's dark today, so it's normal to be hungry."

"What's so strange!"

Seeing Kiana's angry and embarrassed look, everyone's mood suddenly improved a lot and they all laughed.

Bronya added a last-ditch attack next to her: "Idiot, Kiana——"

Kiana: "..."

If you can, don't eat later. You're just a stinky salt-and-pepper duck that's been following me around all day long!

Kiana was very unhappy and pulled Raiden Mei to complain:

"Mei Yi, Bronya scolded me again——"

"I didn't even offend her!"

Here, only Raiden Mei can punish Bronya. Of course, Kiana will not miss any opportunity to suck Raiden Mei.

————The dividing line of the Valkyrie’s table————

After deciding to eat, everyone returned to the cafeteria of the cruise ship.

As for the service personnel, they are almost gone, leaving only the necessary combat personnel.

Hollander, who advocates simplicity, did not think of leaving the service staff on the cruise ship. After all, the original plan was to launch a battle against La Er at dusk, and the service staff would only die if they stayed.

As for lunch, military cans and energy biscuits are enough to solve the problem.

Regarding the dry food provided by Youlandel, Grandpa Mo Yi politely refused, saying that they could cook and solve the problem by themselves, and invited Youlandel and Rita to have dinner together.

Youlandel wanted to refuse, but was persuaded by Rita. The reason was that Theresa was the object of their protection, and Mo Yi was obviously familiar with this place, and had the highest combat power. It would not be a good idea to fall out with her. choose.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Youlandel finally admitted that Rita was right, and finally accepted Grandpa Mo Yi's invitation.

In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi was just polite in a Chinese way. After all, in China, when eating at home or eating out, he would politely ask others, "Have you eaten?" Do you want to eat together? ’, this is more of a polite word. Unless the relationship is really good, ordinary people will refuse this kind of invitation.

However, this trend does not exist in Western culture.

When Rita heard Hollander's promise, she smiled in her heart and said, 'The plan works.' It's been a long time since she had played with Teresa up close. As the most adorable creature in destiny, Rita, as a senior lolita control, must be the one. He has been coveting it for a long time, and never misses any opportunity to get close to Theresa in the past.

It had been a long time since she had played happily with Theresa, how could she let go of this opportunity to get close!

As for cooking ingredients, there are many restaurants on the cruise ship. After all, the previous evacuation was so urgent, and people and precious finances were transferred away. Rich people like Mr. Luto don't care about such worthless things as cooking ingredients.

Grandpa Mo Yi originally wanted to take action himself and cook dinner for everyone.

But Lei Dian Meiyi took the initiative to stand up and said that Grandpa Mo Yi was fighting today and they were making soy sauce. It was better to let them cook and let Mo Yi take a good rest and eat later.

Grandpa Mo Yi is naturally not the kind of person who refuses other people's good intentions. Sometimes he doesn't want to trouble others, and rejecting other people's good intentions is actually a kind of indifference and hurt.

So, I watched Raiden Mei take her cooking friends Himeko, Semilia and Yae Sakura to the restaurant kitchen to cook.

Now only Grandpa Mo Yi, Theresa, Kiana, Bronya, Hollander and Rita were left, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

After all, Youlandel just fought with Grandpa Mo Yi not long ago, and now they are sitting together to eat. Do you expect someone as proud as her to pretend that nothing happened and chat and laugh with everyone?

In the end, It was Theresa who took the lead to break the deadlock and said:

"Grandale, Rita, we will set off tomorrow to the 'Tower of Light' to resolve the matter of Ramses II."

In fact, their choice is not only to obey La Er's words and find a duel with each other.

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