You can also find a way to leave, which is actually the safest way, but it’s hard to say whether La Er will come to visit you again.

Only defeating La Er can completely solve the problem.

After all, everyone is destined by destiny. Theresa has no idea of ​​betraying destiny yet, but she still needs to have a good communication with Hollander and the others.

"What's your plan?"

"The main task we received is to protect you, and the second is to solve the matter of Ramses II."

Hollander sat upright on the table and said matter-of-factly:

"Of course I choose to stay with you, unless you choose to leave here directly."

Theresa had already guessed Lord Luto's order, so when she mentioned this matter, it was just a topic of conversation, and then said:

"You have also seen the power of Ramses II. Even us Valkyries may not be able to escape unharmed under the opponent's attack. Those ordinary guards participating in this matter are just seeking death in a worthless way. .”

That's right, Theresa's real purpose is to bring the destiny clerk brought by Hollander. This level of battle is not something that only a soldier king can participate in.

She didn't want anyone to sacrifice for nothing because of her.

"That's the fate of a soldier——"

Youlandel said coldly:

"When they choose this path, they should be aware of it."

Teresa: "But this is just to die!"

Youlandel: "You are still so naive, Senior Theresa——"

The argument between the two made the atmosphere tense again.

Youlandel also knew that the men she brought would be of no use in the coming battle, and would even become scumbags. But now they were trapped inside the world, unable to leave or contact the outside world at all.

Should these people be left on the cruise ship and go to attack Ramses II?

Who can guarantee that it will be safe to stay on the ship? Besides, the materials on the ship are limited. If you don’t give it a try and find a way to leave, it will always be a dead end!

Taking them away with Theresa and the others is the most correct choice. If they die on the way, they can only blame them. This is the fate of soldiers.

In fact, Teresa's subconscious idea was to let Hollander and Rita stay here and lead others to find a way to leave.

Youlandel heard this, and it conflicted with her mission, so Youlandel naturally refused.

So there was a scene where neither of them could convince the other party and were in a stalemate.

"Everyone, please stop fighting--"

At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that he needed to stand up, otherwise Teresa would pick up Judas and have a fight with Hollander. In the end, he was pressed to the ground and rubbed by the other party, and called Mo Yi's father to help her take revenge.

"Please listen to me!"

Chapter 514: Even if I, Youlandel, die in the desert, I will not——

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's words, "Listen to my words," Theresa and Hollander both stopped subconsciously, as if this sentence had extraordinary magic power, attracting their attention.

The two of them tilted their heads and stared at Grandpa Mo Yi, just to see if he had any wise ideas. Of course, they are both determined people. When it comes to basic principles, they will not change easily because of other people's opinions. It is the basic quality of successful and strong people.

Very few strong people will change their minds easily because of what others say. Without such resilience, how could they survive the various temptations and pains in the process of becoming stronger.

"Theresa is right. Ordinary people are not even cannon fodder in the upcoming battle. Bringing them along is just a useless sacrifice and a waste of food and water."

Hearing that Grandpa Mo Yi agreed with her statement, Theresa raised her head proudly, "We are dear friends, if Mo Yi doesn't help me, who else can I help?"

Youlandel, don't you always act arbitrarily just because you are the best at fighting? You don't like me here, don't you dislike me somewhere?

I, Teresa, will ask you now, is the reality that you are stronger? !

Grandpa Mo Yi stretched out his hand to touch Theresa's long silver hair and continued:

"I can use great magic to transfer them back to the real world. What do you think?"

Teresa: "Uh (⊙o⊙)..."

Isn't this here to help me?

"Are you sure you can do it?"

Youlandel was stunned when she heard Mo Yi's words. Theoretically, the outside of the world and the inside of the world are both on the same earth, but in fact, this is not the relationship between the outside and the inside at all in the physical sense. But two different dimensions.

She had never heard of anyone being able to travel back and forth between the inner and outer worlds, otherwise the Green Trustee and the Magic Association would have attacked the inner world. You must know that the inner world is a world that still exists in the legendary mythological era. The things in it have extraordinary significance if you bring them to the real world.

In order to go to the inner world, both the scientific side and the mysterious side have spent thousands of years searching, but still found nothing. Whether it is humans living in the real world or the mythical creatures inside, they can only be obedient. He stayed on one side and couldn't even observe the other party.

Perhaps only the legendary magician, the enemy of the world, can do such a thing.

Of course, Hollandel felt in her heart that Archbishop Otto should be the person closest to opening the doors on both sides in the world.


Grandpa Mo Yi said with certainty:

"According to my idea, we need to prepare all the supplies tonight. Tomorrow morning I will transfer the entire cruise ship back to the original world. You will decide who will stay tonight, everyone of destiny."

"I see."

Youlandel finally accepted what Grandpa Mo Yi said. How can a man who can defeat him look at someone who doesn't want to lie? What's more, lying will be exposed as soon as tomorrow comes. Who would be so stupid to tell such a lie? .

At this moment, she couldn't help but have an unbelievable but most likely guess in her mind. Could it be that the other party was one of the legendary magicians? !

Thinking of this, Youlandel had to be convinced. No wonder she couldn't beat the opponent. How could a krypton gold player beat a low-level player?

"If that's the case, I'll make arrangements as soon as possible."

"And thank you very much, Mo Yi——"

The method mentioned by Grandpa Mo Yi is indeed the best solution now, but in the final analysis, they are the ones who benefit.

"It's no big deal—"

Grandpa Mo Yi waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

"I only took action for Theresa's sake."

There is no way, I, Master Mo Yi, am so honest.

Teresa: (*^▽^*).

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