"Hey hey hey——"

After hearing this, Theresa's little face finally showed a smile.

"That's good."

After bringing everyone to the desert, Grandpa Mo Yi took out the Theresa from his pocket.

A wooden boat eight meters long and two meters high suddenly appeared, which really shocked everyone.

"Is this a wooden boat?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw Grandpa Mo Yi's move, but what do you want to do when you take out a wooden boat that sails in the water in the desert?

"This is not a wooden ship, but the Theresa——"

Teresa carefully corrected everyone's mistakes.

Grandpa Mo Yi did not show off, and explained to everyone again what he had just explained to Theresa once, in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

Bronya discovered another blind spot——

"But the size of the ship's hull has been fixed, how can it accommodate so many people?"

Grandpa Mo Yi had already thought of this.

“This can be solved through space folding technology to solve the problem of insufficient internal space.”

Bronya: "..."

For a magician like you, why are your terms so sci-fi?

"Because you may have to live in the ship for the next few days, so you will decorate your room later."

After that, Grandpa Mo Yi helped everyone enchant them so that they also have the ability of 'Minecraft'. Under Theresa's guidance, it shouldn't be a big problem to transform their own rooms.

Grandpa Mo Yi is responsible for folding the space first to expand the internal space, and then transforming the power and propulsion system. After all, there is a big difference between moving in water and moving in sand.

The original magic transformation power system can be retained, and on the original basis, just add magnetic propulsion.

In this way, even in the sand, you can move quickly at will, because essentially, it is no longer relying on the propeller to rotate in the sand and generate kinetic energy to move, but like a maglev train, using electromagnetic force to fly on the ground.

After such modification, let alone in water and sand, you can even fly at low altitude if you want.

I keep the propeller just out of sentiment.

————The dividing line where everyone stays up all night——————

After coming into contact with the real-life version of 'Minecraft' for the first time, everyone was just like Theresa who had a great time playing. They took various wood and stone raw materials and piled them up in their rooms, waiting for everyone to finish them. After building my own room, it was already getting cold.

At this time, Youlandel and others also came up and informed Grandpa Mo Yi that they had made arrangements to transfer the ship back to the real world.

After sorting out the available materials on the cruise ship, Grandpa Mo Yi began to move the cruise ship and move it back to its original location.

Everyone looked expectantly at Grandpa Mo Yi, who was standing in front of the huge cruise ship, as he opened the inner and outer worlds and moved the cruise ship back.

I saw Grandpa Mo Yi putting his hand on the cruise ship, and then the entire cruise ship emitted a burst of blue light, and then suddenly disappeared.

Youlandel: "..."

This is too casual!

According to his conjecture, opening the inner and outer passages would lead to dark clouds, turbulent winds, lightning and thunder, and then the cruise ship would be sucked into a black hole under the sudden changes in the sky and the earth. This is the correct way to open it!

You disappeared as soon as you touched it. Who dares to touch you in the future? You will teleport somewhere by accident!

"Done, let's call it a day—"

Grandpa Mo Yi clapped his hands and prepared to go back to Teresa. Naturally, he could not guess that the expressionless Hollander was complaining about him crazily.

"Miss Hollander, Miss Rita, I have prepared your rooms in Theresa. You can go and see if they suit you."

"If you don't like it, I'll help you change it."

Youlandel knew that Grandpa Mo Yi and the others ran out last night, made a wooden boat, and then everyone walked inside, not knowing what they were doing.

How could such a small ship accommodate so many people?

Even if I, Youlandel, were to be scorched to death by the sun, buried by the wind and sand, and die in the desert, I would never be crowded into a small wooden boat with a group of people!

Chapter 515: The electric light dancing on your fingertips is my unchanging faith in this life

The ten basic qualities of human beings, pigeons, repeaters, lemon essence and the law of true fragrance!

Although she said no, but her body was still very honest, Hollander finally succumbed to the law of sincerity and boarded the Theresa.

Then she discovered that this wooden boat was really comfortable. She didn't know what kind of black technology was used inside. Sitting on it, even if she was told to move, it didn't shake at all. There was also a central air conditioner to adjust the temperature and humidity. If it weren't for the The glass windows look out at the endless desert and the sun hanging high in the center of the sky. It really makes people feel like they are enjoying themselves in some resort.

As for her initial concern that the wooden boat was too small to accommodate so many people, it didn't exist at all. She didn't even know what technology Grandpa Mo Yi had used, and the internal and external spaces were simply not proportional.

Not only does everyone have their own room, but there are also various public spaces such as living rooms, kitchens, and storage rooms.

Youlandel, who couldn't wipe it off, wanted to find some shortcomings to complain about Theresa to maintain her little self-esteem, but in the end she knelt down under Grandpa Mo Yi's caress.

When the membrane technique is practiced to a high level, everything can be membrane. Even a cold and arrogant woman like Youlandel cannot compete with the true power of the membrane method.

So, under the leadership of Captain Theresa, everyone embarked on a pleasant journey across the desert.

Driven by magic power, the Theresa moves extremely fast, even a few minutes faster than in the sea. Wherever it passes, a burst of sand and dust will be kicked up.

Even the distance of more than 800 kilometers estimated by Bronya could be reached in three days at the speed of the Theresa.

The first day of the journey went very smoothly. There were no men sent by La Er or other obstacles. Everyone gathered together and played board games for a day, and the day passed.

——————The dividing line where a new storm has emerged——————

"what is that--"

Leiden Meiyi, who stayed on the deck to observe the situation, suddenly saw a wall made of sand in the distance, advancing rapidly in their direction.

Although she knew something had happened, Raiden Meiyi, who was unsure of the details, quickly shouted to the cabin:

"Senior Mo Yi, come quickly——"

"There's a situation ahead!"

Everyone who was playing board games on the boat put down their cards and ran directly to the deck to check what was going on.

"what is that?"

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