The endless wall of sand in the field of vision became faster and faster, and became larger and larger.

Of course, such an illusion occurs because the other party is rapidly advancing in their direction, making it appear larger and larger.


Bronya looked at the sand wall and quickly analyzed what the situation was.

"A huge sandstorm is really blowing in our direction!"

"Turn quickly -"

Bronya, who had always maintained a military reserve, showed panic for the first time, and the Homu doll she held in her hand was deformed by her force.

"If we encounter a sandstorm head-on, the Theresa will be blown away and torn apart!"

The power of nature is not something that humans can contend with. Even the power of the Valkyrie is limited.

Honkai can also be said to be a disaster used by nature to purify the earth's surface. The same is true for the sandstorm at this moment. When encountering a sandstorm in the desert, life or death depends on the character of the person.

It's not that a strong storm blows people into the air and they fall to death. Just the sand carried in the storm hits people like steel, which is enough to make people miserable. However, it is difficult to move in the sandstorm, but if you can withstand the storm, you can't even survive. It may be buried under the sand and buried directly on the nameless dunes.

It is not a big problem for Theresa and other Valkyries to protect themselves, but for a wooden ship as big as Theresa, you have to know that the larger the force-bearing area, the greater the impact of the sandstorm. Just looking from a distance, that Like a wall of sand that pushes everything flat, the Theresa will be blown away in an instant.

After hearing Bronya's analysis, everyone became more and more nervous.

You know, the fact that this day was so comfortable and relaxing was all thanks to the Theresa. If the Theresa was destroyed by a sandstorm, then they would have to walk across the desert by themselves. Just thinking about it makes the road ahead bleak!

They are not a group of four people who have learned from the experience. How can they spend more than ten or twenty years in this desert.

After hearing that the Theresa might be destroyed, Kiana, who was the most anxious, said loudly:

"How about we attack the sandstorm together and open a safe passage."

"Sandstorms are essentially just air currents carrying sand. The invisible and invisible storm is like cutting off water with a knife, and it cannot cut it off."

Leiden Meiyi denied:

"Besides, we don't know how long a storm will last. We can't rely on our own abilities to fight against the sandstorm all the time."

Everyone suggested several ways, but they were quickly rejected by others. As for Bronya's suggestion of running away, it was theoretically the best, but the sand wall visible to the naked eye was about to blow over, and it seemed impossible to run away. Can't run away.

In the end, everyone looked at Grandpa Mo Yi who was very calm.

Everyone: We all make it so clear - if you can't fight, you can't fight, just wait for death, Mo Yi, why don't you start your performance quickly?

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

From the very beginning, Grandpa Mo Yi felt the eyes of the Valkyries looking at him, just because they were talking so happily that it was hard to interrupt them.

If you want to, just say it directly, beat around the bush or something, it's really not candid.

"take it easy--"

Grandpa Mo Yi stretched out his hand and pressed it down, making a gesture to calm everyone down, and said:

"First of all, the Theresa is not as fragile as you think. As long as the defense mode is turned on, there is no threat from such a sandstorm."

"In addition, this sandstorm is man-made. As long as we defeat the troublemaker, the sandstorm can be stopped."

Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes staring into the distance seemed particularly ethereal at the moment, and he could clearly see what was happening in the distance.

First, in the center of the sandstorm, there was a giant face made of sand. It opened its mouth and chased a small plane that looked like it was made by the Civil Engineering Department. There happened to be three foreigners and three people on the small plane. A foreign child, the caster of this sandstorm is obviously these four crooked nuts.

Looking further ahead, he saw a bald man standing on the ground several kilometers away with his hands spread out in a spell-casting pose.

Well, it seems that with the typical Egyptian skin color, coupled with the bald head, and the evil and proud smile, it looks like the villain boss will not survive the finale.

In addition, standing next to the bald demon king were several crooked bastards who looked very respectful, as well as a woman who looked worried and at a loss.

Hmm, Grandpa Mo Yi always felt that this scene had a sense of déjà vu.

Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore. Anyway, this is the fault of the bald guy. I probably remember that he is the villain boss in a certain movie.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who decided not to waste his brainpower and recalled the memories of the bald man, took out a small stone from his pocket, then applied strengthening, reinforcement and lightning magic on it, and complained:

"The electric light dancing on your fingertips is my unchanging faith in this life."

Then he threw it casually at the location of the bald man.


The pebbles carrying the electric light suddenly erupted into bursts of sonic boom ripples, and shot towards the bald man's bald head at an initial speed of three times the speed of sound.

————Guess who I am (bald guy) dividing line————

The bald tycoon Yin Morton was once a high priest in ancient Egypt. His greatest achievement was to rape Seti I, the grandfather of Ramses II. He even stabbed Pharaoh Seti I in the back because his love affair was exposed, which ultimately led to Yin Morton's lover Ansu Namu committed suicide, and Yin Morton also stole the Black Book of the Dead in an attempt to resurrect his old lover, which angered the gods. Then his affair with the Pharaoh was exposed, and he was pulled into a trap by La Er's father. The most cruel method was to take her away with a dog, and she eventually became a mummy that was sealed in a pyramid, enduring the pain of insect bites forever but not dying.

He should have been subjected to this kind of torture for eternity, until his mummified body disappeared due to the passage of time, and he died.

However, many people in the Eagle Kingdom are seeking death. A certain archaeologist accidentally visited and released Yin Moton. However, Yin Moton, who had been imprisoned in a coffin for nearly four thousand years and endured endless pain, could only yell at the people of the Eagle Kingdom angrily. In addition to saying, "You are asking for your own death," you also have powerful magic power due to the curse.

Then he followed the plan and ate the person who lifted the curse, fully resurrecting him.

Of course, because he was destined to be a villain, he was eventually killed by O'Connell, the male protagonist of Eagle Country who was once a soldier and a homeless man for a period of time, and Evelyn, a beautiful librarian. After some coquettish manipulations and various By chance, it was resealed.

And because of the needs of the plot, he was later released by a certain Eagle Nation man who wanted to die. Now he is carrying out an extremely evil plan in order to resurrect his former princess, La Er's theoretical grandmother, and conquer the world.

The woman staying next to her is Evelin who once sealed him, because Evelin's appearance is very similar to that of La Er's grandmother and Yin Moton's old lover Ansu Namu. Yin Moton has always been... It is to capture the opponent without killing him, prepare to use him as a living sacrifice (to attract the protagonist group to destroy his plan), and then use the Black Book of the Dead to resurrect the opponent.

Yin Moton is now releasing the sandstorm created by him, and the target to be eliminated is naturally Ou Kang, the man whose wife was kidnapped by Yin Moton. He is one of the crooked men on Grandpa Mo Yi's previous small plane.

"Damn it, what should I do-"

Evelin, who was taken away and taken with her, could only watch helplessly as Immorton summoned a sandstorm to hunt down her husband and son, but there was nothing she could do.

Rush over and fight the opponent?

It's a joke. Although Yin Morton looks like a human being at this moment, in reality, he is still a half-living, half-dead, Schrödinger's mummy state. The flesh and blood on his body are obtained by devouring living people. Yes, swords and guns all kill the opponent with dark magic power.

Not to mention, the opponent was a high priest (arch mage) thousands of years ago. Which mage has poor melee ability?

Evelin rushed forward, but it was just a useless sacrifice!

When people are in a hurry, they often show off their wits, and Evelin instantly thought of a feasible solution, which was to rush up and block the other person's mouth with her mouth. According to the other person, she was very similar to the other person's lover. , the other party will definitely be addicted to her charm.

In this way, the opponent will be distracted and can no longer maintain the spell! !

At this time, Evelin didn't care about the fact that the opponent's body was a terrifying mummy, and there were even several scarabs wandering around in its belly, so she stepped forward and used Ahri's 'Charm' skill.

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