"Yes, that's what it looks like."

O'Connell and the others had been following Immortun, so they naturally knew what he looked like, so they asked in surprise:

"Mr. Mo Yi, have you seen each other before?"

Although Grandpa Mo Yi is much younger than him, an old man whose son knows how to do soy sauce, the other party is obviously a boss. When it is time to lick, he must lick it decisively. This is the success of dog licking. way.

In fact, following Ou Kang's description, Grandpa Mo Yi had already remembered who they and Immorton were.

I don't know how many years ago, I did watch a movie about their story, well, it was a movie called "The Mummy" series. It's hard to remember because it's a bit old.

The most profound impact is that Immorton's ending was so tragic.

For the sake of his old lover, he endured thousands of years of torture and finally came back to life. He immediately thought of resurrecting his old lover, but was stopped by the protagonist group.

Then he rose up again and finally resurrected his old lover. However, when he challenged the Scorpion Emperor, he was stripped of his magic power by the opponent. He looked at his old lover and liked that he could come to save him, but after hesitating for a while, he gave up on him.

In the end, Immorton showed a look that gave up on treatment, and was dragged into hell by a group of skeletons, who ate them up.

This is simply a tragedy!


Grandpa Mo Yi talked about what happened before——

"When I encountered a sandstorm before, I discovered that it was a bald man who was causing trouble, so I picked up a stone and threw it over, blowing the opponent's head off."

"I thought the other party was dead. If, as you said, the other party is a mummy with a curse, then even if his head is blown off, he probably won't die."


Ou Kang stared at Grandpa Mo Yi in shock, this was a look of confirmation——

Yes, these are the super thighs he wants!

"Then please ask Mr. Mo Yi to rescue my wife Evelin."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

We just said that Immorton released the Scorpion Emperor and the undead army, but there was another mission to save a female archaeologist.

"Go away!"

When Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know how to complain about Ou Kang, who was trying to trick him, Kiana yelled angrily.

It turns out that O'Connell's lecherous and money-grubbing brother-in-law, Jonathon, fell in love with Leiden Meiyi, so he carried forward the shameless qualities of the Eagle Country people and went directly to chat with her.

The well-educated Leiden Meiyi couldn't help but refuse to answer the question directly. She just politely rejected this man who could be her father.

But Kiana couldn't bear it. After hearing the WeChat message from the opponent's tree demon Leiden Meiyi, she finally couldn't help it and kicked the guy away.

On the side, Aisilis (O'Connell's son) covered his face with one hand and was too embarrassed to look at his shameful uncle.

Can't the other party see that the people here are not ordinary people? You dared to strike up a conversation with a young girl like you usually do in bars, and you won over her.

Even he wouldn't dare to rely on young models to have close contact with these beautiful ladies!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that all the ladies here are from the harem of Brother Mo Yi!

Now you are still asking others for help and still dare to cause trouble. Isn't this the so-called seeking death?

"Mei Yi is mine——"

After kicking Jonathon away, Kiana hugged Raiden Meiyi domineeringly and declared her sovereignty.


With a green face, O'Connell looked at Jonathan who was about to stand up from the ground. He quickly ran over, held down the opponent's head, and used the most solemn apology method commonly used by people in District 11 - the fierce tiger. Floor standing.


This is the sound that occurs when your head hits the ground.

Apologizing loudly:

"I'm sorry, everyone-"

"I'm very sorry for offending Mr. Mo Yi's girlfriend!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Feeling the glances from all around, Grandpa Mo Yi had the urge to send the three of them off the boat.

You are obviously causing trouble!

Does it mean that just because I am the only male in this outfit, this is my harem?

Moreover, understanding without speaking out is the way to behave in the world. If you are so straightforward, don't you know that you will narrow the road!

Chapter 517: Cecilia: Human beings have limits——

Under the iron fist education of Kiana's love, Jonathon understood what "what a painful realization" meant, and finally did not dare to think about the Valkyrie on the ship anymore.

In fact, he should be lucky that the person he is interested in is Raiden Mei. After all, Raiden Mei has the gentlest personality and the best threat among his friends. If he makes the other party angry, it is just a hundred thousand volts that can kill people. As for Raiden Meiyi's dog-licking Kiana, she only has a fierce mouth, and her attacks only cause the opponent to suffer some physical pain.

If it were anyone else——

Teresa would probably knock the opponent away with her Judas, Yolandel would kick him away, and Yae Sakura's hands would slip and she couldn't control the hand holding the knife.

But no matter what, after getting along for a period of time, the three Ou Kangs witnessed the discussion on the boat because everyone was bored, and they hugged everything and trembled. They were all evil people!

After a period of chatting and getting to know each other, everyone discovered that the era that the three Ou Kangs lived in was different from the era that Grandpa Mo Yi lived in. The world of the other party was still the 1990s.

Regarding this issue, Grandpa Mo Yi guessed based on his own experience:

"This place is like the ultimate place of all ancient Egyptian civilizations. The ancient Egyptian civilizations in other world lines are like streams flowing into the sea. The process is different, but they will eventually converge to the land of the gods where the gods of ancient Egypt are. .”

Under the speed of the Theresa and the guidance of the three O'Connells, they will soon catch up with Immorton.

"This is--"

Theresa looked at the towering pyramid in the distance, and the forest blocking the direction of Theresa's movement, surrounding the pyramid like a guard.

"This is so strange. There is no green space in front of us, and suddenly there is a dense forest that is no different from a tropical rainforest."

"This is obviously a ghost!"

At this time, O'Connell came out and told what they had learned from the literature. This forest was created because of the curse of the Scorpion Emperor. It was populated by the subjects and slaves of the Scorpion Emperor during his lifetime, and it still protects the resting place of the Scorpion Emperor. Any human who enters the forest will be punished by them.

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