This is very scary, but no one present is afraid of the so-called warning. If they were afraid, they would not mind their own business, and they would definitely enter this forest.

However, the Theresa was not suitable for sailing in the forest environment, so Grandpa Mo Yi put away the Theresa and chose to walk through the forest to the pyramid.

Hmm, after being on the boat for more than a day, it’s a good after-dinner activity to find some monsters to brush and exercise your body.

As for the three Ou Kangs, looking at the excited faces of everyone, what else can they say, they are all big guys!

After walking into the forest, I found that it was no different from an ordinary forest. It was densely packed with trees of different heights and various animals living in the forest.

This kind of scenery is quite interesting at first, but for people who have lived in the city for a long time, the ground remains unchanged and still so dirty. After more than an hour, everyone becomes a little boring.

The most important thing is that the expected enemy never appeared!

"It's so boring. When can we get out of the forest?"

Kiana put her hands on the back of her head and complained boredly:

"I'm starting to miss playing cards aboard the Theresa."

People are always like this. If they stay in a comfortable environment for a long time, they will feel bored and want to change their environment. Then there is the so-called tourism.

Traveling means spending money and energy to visit places that others hate, and take a look at them. After a long time, you will miss the original place again. In common terms, it means homesickness.

But once you get home, you will soon get bored again.

"Auntie, what are you looking at? If you don't catch up quickly, you will lose the team."

Kiana suddenly saw Theresa deviating from the direction of the team and looking at a big tree, as if she had discovered something.

Kiana called Theresa, but walked towards Theresa. She was obviously very curious and wanted to see what Theresa was doing.

"I found something -"

Theresa looked at Kiana who came to her side, pointing her finger at the base of a tall tree.


Kiana followed Theresa's gaze and looked carefully, and found that the tree body was not ordinary, it was very eye-catching, because there was a skull that looked like a child's age embedded in the trunk.

Well, it's like growing out of a tree trunk.

What's even more impressive is that, with only the skeleton left, Kiana, you can see the resentment and distorted expression caused by pain from the other person's hollow facial features.


Kiana didn't expect that Theresa would let her see something like this from a guy. With his rough temperament, she was made a little timid for a while.

"Isn't it just a skeleton? What's so interesting about it, aunt."

Kiana held Theresa's hand and muttered in a panic:

"We'd better leave quickly, otherwise we won't be able to keep up with the group."


Theresa still stared at the skeleton and said with some confusion:

"Kiana, don't you think the other person is still alive?"

"Also, along the way, I found similar skeletons in many tree trunks. This is very suspicious!"


Kiana was somewhat reluctantly pulled by Theresa to the skeleton and said:

"So what, they stay here anyway, we can go our own way and leave them alone."

"How can we wait until danger to respond?"

Theresa pointed to the skeleton and said to Kiana:

"Kiana, go over and kick it and see if there's anything wrong with it."

"Auntie, why don't you kick it yourself!"

"Your feet are long-"

Kiana: "..."

Theresa looked at Kiana with contempt and said with a smile: "Kiana, you are not afraid anymore, are you?!"


Kiana immediately jumped up and retorted:

"I, Kiana, would be afraid of such a skull? What a joke! I clearly just don't want to cause trouble."

"Hmph, I'll kick it to you now!"

Kiana, who was feeling fuzzy in her heart, still fell for Theresa's provocation. She walked up to the tree trunk angrily, raised her foot and was about to kick it!



The moment Kiana walked in front of the tree trunk and stretched out her foot to kick the skeleton, the skeleton suddenly moved and shouted loudly at Kiana, and then it was about to fall on Kiana.


"What the hell!"

Well, Kiana was really frightened by the opponent, and then she subconsciously reacted by kicking him over. Because she was frightened, her kick was extremely powerful and kicked the skeleton that was coming towards him into pieces.

The skeleton's shout just now was like a war drum reverberating throughout the forest.

"There is a situation——"

After everyone heard the shouts, they immediately became vigilant, and the skeletons sleeping in the tree trunks also woke up with the shouts. You struggled out from the tree trunks, and then rushed towards Grandpa Mo Yi and others.


Seeing the dense skeletons suddenly rushing towards him, Ou Kang subconsciously picked up his son and was about to escape and start a wave of temple escape.

"Why are you panic-"

Grandpa Mo Yi took out the golden sword from before and waved it at the charging skeleton. A crescent-shaped golden light was slashed out, and the skeleton that was touched by the golden light was directly vaporized.


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