After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's words, the three Ou Kang calmed down and looked at their surroundings carefully.

It's completely different from the previous development of distress. In the past, everyone ran together, and whoever ran slower would die. Now they are slaughtering skeletons?

After being startled, Kiana quickly came to her senses, instantly completed the Valkyrie armor transformation, and then used her double guns to shoot at the skeletons who dared to scare her.

Those two guns are extremely powerful. They are not firing ordinary bullets, but laser-like Honkai energy. When they hit those skeletons, the Honkai energy can instantly kill these powerful ones. They look ferocious. , a skeleton that was actually weaker than an ordinary person with some fighting skills was blown into pieces.

In the past, these skeletons hunted intruders in the forest, relying not on individual strength, but on the tactics of the sea of ​​people and the complex environment of the forest.

Coupled with human fear, it can be said that they are omnipotent. All the intruders were brutally killed by them, and then stuffed into the trunk of the tree, they were cursed and transformed into one of them.

However, what they encountered today was not ordinary people. The wolf pack tactics in the past would not work well on an extraordinary person like Valkyrie who could fight one against a thousand.

Even if someone occasionally crosses Kiana's defense line and successfully attacks Kiana, they will be bounced away by the built-in shield of the Valkyrie armor made by Grandpa Mo Yi.

"This lady has discovered you a long time ago."

Theresa's tactical literacy is still very high. When the skeleton jumped out, trying to scare Meng Kiana, and then made a sneak attack, Theresa took out the Judas behind her, then thrust it into the ground hard, shouting:

"The oath of Judah, unfold—"

The cross-shaped Judas suddenly deformed and changed into a Judas launcher. Countless light spears were shot out from Judas, and then fired at the skeletons hidden around him.

Teresa's name as the Judas Launcher is no joke. Her ability to become an S-class Valkyrie has a lot to do with Judas' full-map, automatic tracking and striking capabilities.

Teresa's single combat ability is not strong, but Judah has powerful group attack capabilities, as well as various control, blockade, auxiliary blessing and other abilities, which are things that Hollander and Rita cannot do.

Having said that, the above-mentioned abilities seem to be brought by Judas, and Teresa's role is Judas's energy supply battery. Therefore, it can be seen that the reason why Teresa was destined to become a nun of the oath, and the oath refers to It's the 'Oath of Judas', and the nun refers to Teresa - Judas is the true form of Valkyrie Teresa!

"Boom boom boom——"

Under Judah's powerful firepower, the skeletons' human advantage suddenly disappeared. As long as they dared to gather together, they would be bombed on the spot.

"Auntie, be careful of accidentally injuring your teammates!"

A spear of light exploded next to Kiana, protected by the Valkyrie armor. Naturally, Kiana was not harmed, but the force of the explosion still shocked Kiana.

Of course, another reason is that Teresa's carpet bombing clears monsters too fast. Kiana, who was very excited to fight wearing the Valkyrie armor for the first time, felt that the fight was not enough.

"Humph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

After hearing Kiana's words, Teresa still put away Judas, gave up the combat mode of the Judas launcher, and used Judas to target the charging skeletons with a 'world's most adorable blow'——

"Slap you nasty bugs to death!"

Even if bombing attacks are not used, the aunt is still Kiana's aunt. With one hand, Judas dances like a big windmill. Within three feet, no one can control the empire. As long as she dares to get close to Theresa, she will be killed by more than 200 kilograms in an instant. Judas was beaten to a pulp, and the speed of clearing monsters was still much faster than Kiana.

As for where Grandpa Mo Yi's army was, it wasn't even a problem. Except for Ou Kang's three salted fishes, who were trembling in their arms for fear of being accidentally injured by unknown AOEs, everyone else was chasing the skeletons and killing them.

Of course, what frightened the three O'Connells the most was Rita, who was wearing a maid uniform and was initially thought to be a maid. She kept her usual smiling expression and held a huge scythe as tall as a person in one hand, like Like the god of death in Western legends, he harvests this life at a crazy and high speed.


The black abyss white flower in the hand of Youlandel was swung at the skeletons who rushed up like a tide without fear of death. The decomposition power of the black abyss white flower, as long as it was slightly touched, the skeletons were instantly decomposed into molecular-level particles. .

What Youlandale has to do is wave the black abyss white flower in his hand repeatedly and accurately.


Youlandel accidentally glanced and discovered a shocking scene!

The name is Cecilia, the name is a bit familiar, but she is usually very quiet. She takes care of Kiana's group of noisy guys like a wife. She holds a white spear exactly like hers and uses a similar fighting style to hers. method, constantly destroying the skeletons coming up.


Youlandel looked at the Black Abyss White Flower in her hand and confirmed again and again that the other party was indeed holding a Black Abyss White Flower!

Moreover, after those skeletons were touched by the spear in the opponent's hand, they decomposed and dissipated instantly, which was exactly the same as her reaction after hitting the skeleton!

The Black Abyss White Flower is said to be made using the core of the Herrscher. Each one is unique and has corresponding legal abilities. But now she sees the second Black Abyss White Flower. What is going on?

At this time, Lord Luto's sneer appeared in Youlandel's mind.

It seems that the only one who has the ability and opportunity to do this is Destiny's number one scientist, Mr. Lutuo!

As a result, Mr. Lutuo once again lay innocently at gunpoint.

Hollander used her gun to sweep away the skeletons blocking the way, walked up to Cecilia, and asked the questions in her heart so straightforwardly.

"Is your weapon also a black abyss white flower?"

"Are you also a person of destiny?"


Cecilia had long known that when she took out the Black Abyss White Flower to fight, Hollander and others would definitely find something wrong, so she initially planned not to take action until it was necessary.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi said that there is no need to worry about these small things. Even if Master Lutuo knows about her resurrection, it is not a big deal. After your matter is over, Cecilia and Kiana can go to Fuyuki City to live together.

Midorito-sama's hand can't reach Fuyuki City yet.

"It is indeed the White Flower of the Black Abyss——"

Cecilia looked at Youlandel's Black Abyss White Flower. It was once her own spear, but now it fell into the hands of others. She always felt an inexplicable feeling of melancholy.

However, compared to the real version of the Black Abyss White Flower, Cecilia prefers the current version of the Noble Phantasm version of the Black Abyss White Flower, because it is an armament based on her own deeds and legends. It is no different from her own hands and is far more beautiful than the real one. The version of Black Abyss and White Flowers works well.

In the past, when the Black Abyss White Flower was used, the opponent of the General Administration resisted him. According to Mr. Lu Tuo, the God Key was an artifact made from the core of the Herrscher. It had its own consciousness and would naturally resist the user.

Looking at her successor, Cecilia smiled and said:

"I used to be a man of destiny, but not anymore."


"Are you a traitor?"

Hollander's eyes suddenly sharpened and she stared at Cecilia, as if she would attack her if she said 'yes'.

"You put it this way, it seems there is no problem -"

Cecilia was not someone who was afraid of getting into trouble. She couldn't bear the way the other party was pressuring her. She had many teammates present, and in terms of strength, she didn't think the other party was better than herself.

What's more, with the unlimited supply of magic power from Grandpa Mo Yi, she became a heroic spirit and was much stronger than before. Unlike the human body, she would become weak or feel tired if she was injured.

Therefore, human beings have their limits. If you want to become stronger, there is a limit to "stop being human"!

Chapter 518: Those who show affection will die quickly

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