Cecilia didn’t want to respond to Youlandel’s accusation at all!

She was born in one of the three major families of Destiny. She was once the strongest Valkyrie in Destiny. She fought the Honkaiju and organized the Herrschers for Destiny. She even died because of it in the end. She was unable to bear the responsibility of being a mother and taking care of her children.

And what about Green Trust?

If the other party hadn't stabbed her in the back, how could she have died so painfully? Even if she couldn't defeat the Herrscher of the Sky in the end, it wouldn't be a big problem to protect herself and leave safely.

Now, how dare you call her a traitor?

Although Cecilia is not a grumpy person, it does not mean that she has no temper. Now she just wants to ignore the self-righteous silly Baitian Youlandel. Only when the other party is harmed by Master Lutuo once, will she understand how cruel she is. madness.


Cecilia now just wants to live a good life with her daughter Kiana. As for the matters of destiny and Lord Lutuo, although she is unwilling to do so, it is far more important than living a good life.

After snorting in displeasure, Randall continued to kill the skeletons with the black abyss white flower in his hand.


Youlandel thought that the other party would have some wise ideas, and would either admit it directly or start telling a series of painful and affectionate stories. She never expected that the other party would actually ignore her!

In fact, she also knew that when she was still in Grandpa Mo Yi's territory, she only had Rita as her friend, so it was impossible for her to turn over. After all, if they really fought, they would be beaten by others.

After being so angry by Cecilia, Hollander suddenly had some thoughts of comparison in her heart, and stayed directly next to Cecilia, grabbing monsters and killing them.

Cecilia was not angry at all at the other party's provocative behavior, and even wanted to laugh.

Is the other party a child? Why are you so naive like Teresa? If the other party wants to grab the monster, let them grab it. She doesn't care anyway.

However, as time passed, the smell of fire between the two became stronger and stronger, mainly due to Youlandel's provocation. By the end of the fight, the two were already fighting skeletons while 'unintentionally' fighting.

"Boom, boom——"

Two handfuls of black abyss white flowers are constantly connected in the air, and the Honkai energy carried on them collides and explodes, disintegrating everything nearby, including the attacking skeletons, trees, and even a large layer of soil on the ground, into nothingness.

The three salted fish who had been shouting 666 beside Grandpa Mo Yi could only sit behind Grandpa Mo Yi, trembling. It was too dangerous.

In the eyes of tall Westerners like them, Cecilia and Hollander are really weak, but they are such women, and they beat them so brutally. The main danger now does not come from those who are looking at but useless. On the skeletons were the aftermath of the battle between the two women. They saw that the pure white spears in the hands of the two men would emit a burst of white light, and the nearby environment was turned into nothingness by this light.

Moreover, there were already several rays of light that almost hit them, but Grandpa Mo Yi blocked them casually, otherwise they might have been shot innocently.

After more than ten minutes, the skeletons like a tide were still wiped out by the fighting power of the Valkyrie. The last two or three remaining kittens lost their strength after witnessing their companions being so brutally slaughtered. For the first time, an emotion called fear arose in his heart, and he ran away directly, never daring to provoke these cruel people again.

Theresa and Kiana, who were sweating from the exercise, walked away from the large group with refreshed faces, and then they discovered that Cecilia and Hollander were still fighting.

"Why did they start fighting?"

After coming back, Teresa Haqiana naturally saw the situation of Cecilia and Hollander. Kiana saw her mother fighting. It didn't matter what the reason was. She had to go up to help with two guns. The destiny dog ​​that she had long disliked understood the principle of 'mother and daughter are of the same mind, and their power can break metal'.

However, Theresa, who has quick eyes and quick hands, took the lead and prevented her from rushing out to cause trouble, otherwise the situation would become more and more troublesome, and if a real fire broke out, it would be difficult to end.

Although, when it comes to choosing between Hollander and Cecilia, Theresa will choose Cecilia 100% and without any hesitation for a second.

But Youlandel can be regarded as friends who love each other and kill each other. Moreover, the other party represents her grandfather, Mr. Lutuo. Theresa has no idea of ​​betraying her destiny in the future.

It can prevent the situation from getting worse and certainly not make things more troublesome.

"Let me go, I'm going to help mother!"

Kiana wanted to break away from Theresa's little hand, but in terms of strength, even ten Kiana might not be as good as Theresa, who is known as the "Nun of Weird Power".

"You idiot, ask me about the situation before you--"

Theresa had no choice but to ask for help from Grandpa Mo Yi, who was watching the play with great interest.

"I think it was that Hollander recognized the black far white flower in Cecilia's hand, and then asked about its identity. Cecilia didn't take it very seriously, so the two of them had a conflict, and it ended up like this. .”

Grandpa Mo Yi briefly told Theresa a few words and then said:

"Don't worry too much, you can't kill anyone anyway."

Teresa: "..."

Looking at the elegant fighting postures of the two men, the two identical pure white knight guns continued to clash in the air, collide, and then separate again.

It was said to be a fight, but more like a dance. This was related to the fact that they did not expect to actually kill each other.


"Stop it—"

Theresa also saw that they were still restraining, but continuing to fight like this was not an option. It was just a waste of time. If Kiana and Rita couldn't help but help, the situation would escalate.

So Teresa chose to stop them, holding Judas, releasing the realm of restraint and suppression, suppressing the collapse of the two, and then supported the two to stagger again, quickly stepped forward, and pulled Cecilia said:

"Stop fighting."

"You won't be able to kill anyone if you continue to fight. It's just a waste of time."

After Cecilia was pulled, Hollandale saw that she would continue after everyone came back, so she snorted coldly and walked back.

As for Cecilia's identity, she also recalled it during the awkward dance just now.

The other party had obviously been dead for many years, why did he suddenly appear again?

Thinking of this, Youlandel looked back at Mo Yi——

No need to think about it, the only person here who has the ability to do such a thing is this guy.

"I'm sorry for making you worry."

After the two stopped fighting, Kiana walked up very worriedly and carefully examined her mother's body, worried that the other party would be injured.

Cecilia also knew that Kiana was just too worried about her, so she didn’t say anything and let the other person check her body, and said sheepishly:

"I was impulsive."

Cecilia didn't want to talk to Youlandel at first, but the other party went too far. In addition, Cecilia always had a resentment towards Tianming and Lord Luto in her heart. After being repeatedly provoked, she finally couldn't help but take action. , venting the anger.


Kiana said categorically:

"It must be the fault of that cold-faced, self-righteous golden retriever!"

Teresa: "..."

This description is really vivid and concrete.

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