No matter what, the dispute between the two stopped and the journey began again.

Then, something else happened in the forest. After several hours of hiking, everyone finally walked out of the forest. Then a pyramid came into view. If nothing unexpected happened, this was everyone's destination, the sleeping place of the Scorpion Emperor.

"That is--"

Before he could sigh, Ou Kang, one of the salted fish trio, suddenly shouted:


Then he ran towards the pyramid in front of him like crazy.

Grandpa Mo Yi looked over and saw a brown-haired woman with a dagger stuck in her belly. The other person was Ou Kang's wife Evelin, who had been captured by Immortun before.

"How could this happen? Wake up, Evelin!"

O'Connell looked at Evelin who was lying on the ground with her eyes half-opened, looking at him and asked:

"Cheer up, I'll teach you right away."


When Evelin heard her husband's voice, she regained consciousness a little. She opened her eyes with great difficulty, looked at Ou Kang, showed a delighted smile, and murmured in a low voice:

"Great, you're okay-"

"Where is our son?"

At this time, a large army of Mo Yi and others also arrived. Their son Aisilis was the first to walk to his mother's side. Unlike his father who had already panicked and could only talk to Evelin, Aisilis You took out an ancient book made of gold from your personal backpack and said loudly:

"Father, quickly report mother to the pyramid."

"Inside the pyramid, which is the territory of the Egyptian gods, you can use the Sun Gold Sutra to treat your mother!"

"Yes, that's right——"

O'Connell listened to his son's reminder, quickly picked up Evelin, and quickly ran into the pyramid, while his brother-in-law Jonathon picked up Islis and followed.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Why are you walking so fast?

There is such a big thigh here, I want to help cure it, but you just ran away.

When Grandpa Mo Yi followed again, Ou Kang and Islis finally managed to cure Evelin with the help of the Sun Golden Sutra, and then briefly told Evelin their previous experiences.

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Evelin who was very pale, probably very weak from excessive bleeding, and asked:

"It seems everything is fine."


After seeing that his wife was finally fine, Ou Kang, who had been looking gloomy all the way, finally smiled, hugged his wife and thanked Grandpa Mo Yi:

"Mr. Mo Yi, you all helped me a lot along the way, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get here and reunite with Evelin."

After hearing her husband's brief introduction, Evelin knew that Mo Yi and others were not ordinary people, and she did not show contempt for Grandpa Mo Yi and others because of their age, so she and her husband bent over and started to have sex together.

"Thank you for taking care of me along the way -"

Then he rolled his eyes at his husband and said with a smile:

"Ookang is always careless and doesn't make people worry. Without me watching, I don't know how much trouble he has caused for everyone."

"Anyway, thank you very much for your help."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Seeing the two of them seemingly thanking themselves and others, but actually handing out dog food like crazy, Grandpa Mo Yi expressed that he was very unhappy!

Damn it!

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Theresa, who was not even 1.5 meters tall, and complained in his heart:

You guys, don’t you know that hugging and hugging in public will teach bad things to children? (If teachers Ai Ge and Dirty Shizi were here, Grandpa Mo Yi would definitely put his arms around each other and generously say no need to thank him. Your dog food is ineffective on me! However, there is only one with the intimacy of Theresa. After doing this kind of behavior, in the eyes of others, Teresa, who is 1.5 meters tall, looks more like Grandpa Mo Yi’s sister than a good female friend.)

That's right, even Grandpa Mo Yi can't escape the lemon essence theorem, one of the four basic essences of human beings.

Since the other party made Grandpa Mo Yi unhappy, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally wanted to make the other party unhappy too, so he asked with a smile:

"Miss Evelin, I see that your face is a little pale. You may have lost too much blood. How about I treat you now? It only takes ten seconds."


When Ou Kang heard this, he also found that his wife was indeed pale, like an aunt who had been here for a month. As for what Grandpa Mo Yi said, he had seen the magical side of everyone. He could shoot out thunder, flames, and holy light at will. , so it is normal to know the healing ability.

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Mo Yi."

Hearing what Ou Kang said, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that the other party had taken the bait, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth——

Those who show affection will die quickly!

After Evelin saw her husband say this, although she was a little confused, she still obeyed and asked:

"Mr. Mo Yi, what do you need me to do?"

"No, you can just stand there -"

Then, Grandpa Mo Yi raised his hand, and a burst of green light appeared on the other party, making Evelin feel warm and comfortable all over.

In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi has slowed down the treatment speed, otherwise it can be done in just one second to help ordinary people treat such trivial matters. Taking advantage of the treatment time, Grandpa Mo Yi casually mentioned:

"Actually, I wanted to help Miss Evelin treat her stomach injury just now, but it's a pity that O'Connell hugged you and ran away without giving me a chance. Fortunately, the Golden Sun Sutra is still effective, otherwise I would have been in trouble."

"Okay, it's okay."

When Ou Kang heard this, he suddenly felt bad.

Yes, there are thighs here, why would they risk using the Sun Sutra?

Suddenly I feel so stupid!

Fortunately, it was successful in the end.

"What a useless dad -"

Aisilis, who suggested using the Sun Gold Sutra to treat his mother, quickly took the blame and complained in the tone of a young adult:

"Don't be so impatient next time."

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