Xiao Hei sighed with regret:

"If we buy a strawberry cake for Oni-chan, he will definitely be very happy!"

"It's a pity, then I have to let Ilya and I go."

After that, he pulled Illya and Miyu, who was holding back his laughter, away.

After listening to Xiao Hei's words, the hesitant look on Xiao Abi's face disappeared instantly. He raised his hand to block Xiao Hei and others, and said firmly:

"Finish shopping early and go back early, then there will be no problem!"

After saying that, little Barbie couldn't help but think of the scene where Grandpa Mo Yi received her strawberry cake with a happy and gratified smile on his face.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who had been waiting for them near the school for a long time, had a black line on his face. He didn't know how to complain. Was he right or wrong to leave little Abi in this world?

The most important thing is that Grandpa Mo Yi is a typical salty person and doesn't like strawberry cake at all!

Chapter 521: Sakura's Dream

The good boy, little Abi, was finally fooled by the 'bad boy', Xiao Hei. Carrying a small schoolbag, he happily followed the trio of Ilia out of the school gate.


When the four of them just walked out of the school gate, they saw a familiar figure under the big tree at the school gate. If it wasn't Grandpa Mo Yi who had been waiting for them somewhere, who else could it be?

Little Abi accidentally recognized Grandpa Mo Yi first, but it was Xiao Hei who was the most lively and active person who reacted the fastest. Xiao Hei didn't care that this was the school gate, and when he saw Grandpa Mo Yi, he was very excited. He jumped forward excitedly and happily.

"Xiao Hei, you guy——"

After realizing it, Illya muttered dissatisfiedly, but seeing Xiao Hei's back sneaking away, there was no way she was willing to suffer!

Although she can see Grandpa Mo Yi's clone every day, and even Sera and Li Jieli compete for the right to use Baymax every night, the feeling of seeing Grandpa Mo Yi at this moment is very different from the usual Baymax!

Just like the feeling that Baymax gave her when she was a magical girl and saved the world with everyone.

And the fact that Grandpa Mo Yi left and left behind a clone was not hidden from Illya and others.

Could it be that the Oni-chan in front of me is the real body? !

No matter what, Illya will not lose to Xiao Hei. As the saying goes, she can lose to anyone, but she cannot give it to another person!

In a public place like the school gate, Xiao Hei and Illya naturally couldn't unleash their magical girl power, and their running speed was only that of ordinary elementary school students. Grandpa Mo Yi, who was well prepared, smiled and opened his hands, very easily Catch two people.

There was no embarrassing situation where he opened his arms to catch the girl's flying attack, but was thrown to the ground by the other party. From this, we can see the importance of a strong body, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

"Is it really you, Onii-chan?"

Since Ilia can detect the surprise of Grandpa Mo Yi's body and clone, Xiao Hei, who is another Ilia, can naturally do the same. Xiao Hei, who was held in Grandpa Mo Yi's arms, rubbed her affectionately. , then raised his head and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, expressing his doubts.

"Dabai, long time no see!"

"Well, it's me—"

Grandpa Mo Yi was still a little surprised that the two of them could recognize him instantly. Are girls' intuitions so terrible?

Well, although Illya and Xiaohei are still elementary school students, they can still be considered girls.

"Long time no see, Illya and Xiao Hei."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's admission, Ilia and Xiao Hei were naturally very happy. Although they often see Grandpa Mo Yi's clones, there are some differences between the clones and the real body, even though the two of them couldn't say anything in words. That's the difference.

When Xiao Hei heard Grandpa Mo Yi call Ilia's name first, he suddenly became a little unhappy. It was obviously her who fell in love with the other person first, or who jumped on the other person at this moment. Why should she be photographed when her name was called? Illya, a fool with evil intentions but no courage, squeezed Illya beside him very unhappily and complained:

"There's not enough space here. Illya, you idiot, go away first. Anyway, it will take a long time -"

Illya: "..."

I won't tell you if you squeezed hard, but now you actually want to fool me, Xiaohei, you are so bad!

Since you usually have a lot of time, you guy who always says you are your sister, why don't you know how to be polite to your sister?


Seeing the daily struggle between Illya and Xiao Hei, Grandpa Mo Yi smiled nostalgically. This is the normal way for magical girl Illya to open up, so it is not surprising at all, let the two of them fall in love with each other. Killing.


At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi set his sights on Abigail, who recognized him for the first time. Although he had not known each other for a long time, many people would feel like they knew each other when they met for the first time. This is probably what people call a long-lasting illusion.

This is the situation of Grandpa Mo Yi and little Abi. Grandpa Mo Yi loves this lonely, kind and self-loving child who was brought to this small world by him 100%.

Abigail, who can sense other people's feelings for her, will have the same feelings for Grandpa Mo Yi, who suddenly appeared next to her and said to himself that he brought her here.

Compared with Illya and Xiao Hei, Abi is a shy kid, so naturally he cannot behave like Illya and Xiao Hei, who in her eyes are as bold as bad boys.

But, she was so envious in her heart that she could only stand there and watch.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi noticed the other party's psychological changes and said with a smile:

"You come here too."


After hearing this, Abigail laughed happily, and then followed the example of Illya and Xiao Hei and hugged her.

Regarding Little Abi, Xiao Hei did not complain like he did to Illya. This means that people with different personalities must be treated differently.

For a cute guy like Illya, Xiao Hei can complain as much as he wants without much problem.

But a well-behaved child like little Abby cannot be treated in the same way!

Although Xiao Hei is extroverted and always does some bold things, his heart is actually very delicate. After all, he is also another Illya. There is no difference in essence. Rather, because of being separated by Irisviel and Che With the silk rake sealed, she could only passively observe the outside world in the dark from the third perspective of Illya's world. This experience made her understand people's hearts and thoughts better, and be considerate of others.

Therefore, regarding the situation where little Abi was also hugged, he once again targeted Illya and complained:

"Illya, there's really not enough space. I told you not to eat so many snacks, but you only occupied half of the space."

"You've been holding me for so long, why don't you let go quickly and give it to Abi-chan."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense-"

Hearing Xiao Hei frame her up to Grandpa Mo Yi like this, Illya definitely couldn't bear it, so she denied it three times in a row, and then complained:

"You robbed all my snacks. Even if I gain weight, it should still be you!"

"Why are you telling me to let go? Even if you have to, it should be Xiao Hei who has been holding me the longest. You should let me go first!"

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