
Xiao Hei squeezed Ilia hard, looked at Ilia with a surprised expression, and muttered:

"Illya, this idiot, actually found a blind spot!"

"You are definitely not Ilia, tell me quickly, who are you -"

Illya: "..."

I found that when it came to bickering, I really couldn't handle Xiao Hei. In the past, I had decisively transformed into a magical girl and had a real battle with him. Anyway, I had a one-sided pain connection with him——

If the other party hurts you, the other party will also suffer the same pain. If you hit the other party, Xiao Hei's pain will be in vain. No matter what, no matter whether the other party makes money or not, he will definitely not lose anyway!

——————The neglected dividing line of beauty tourism——————

After comforting each of them by patting their heads, Grandpa Mo Yi followed them to the newly opened cake shop to eat cakes together. Although Grandpa Mo Yi did not have a preference for sweet foods like cakes, he could not stand Ilia and the others. like.

The happiest thing about hanging out with others is when others accompany you to do things you like, or when you accompany others to do things they like.

So, the five people quickly walked to the newly opened cake shop.


Immediately, a familiar male voice was heard.

Then, except for Miyu, who had nothing to say, everyone was stunned. The person standing at the counter of the store was not Miyu's brother Emiya Juha. Who else could it be? !

As for why everyone knew immediately that the person present was the Great Hero Emiya and not Illya's brother Shirou Emiya, the reason was simple. Because at this time, the high school students had not finished school yet. You must know that Shirou Emiya had been fighting in the Holy Grail War. When I was young, I didn’t forget to go to school, so it was naturally impossible for me to drop out and open a cake shop.

"Miyu, what's going on——"

Illya quickly looked at Miyu next to her.

"This is the cake shop opened by my brother——"

Meiyou's answer was very concise, saying:

"Illya, you didn't ask me this question."

Illya, Xiaohei: "..."

Sure enough, this is a beautiful tour!

"It's Emiya——"

Grandpa Mo Yi stretched out his hand to say hello very familiarly:

"Long time no see."

"Mr. Mo Yi?! I didn't expect to see you here—"

After recognizing Grandpa Mo Yi, Emiya Juxia showed an eager smile. After all, it was Grandpa Mo Yi who cured him when he was nearly paralyzed by the power of Red A. Even his current partner, Matou Ying, , it was Grandpa Mo Yi who helped revive him, which can be said to be a real life-saving grace.

The former righteous partner was definitely not the kind of ungrateful person. After recognizing Grandpa Mo Yi, he quickly called out Matou Sakura and thanked Grandpa Mo Yi and others.

A minute later, everyone was sitting at the table, with their favorite cakes in front of everyone, and they started chatting happily.

It turns out that after solving the Ainsworth family and Gaetia, the magic girl Illya and the danger of the connected parallel world were completely eliminated. With the help of Grandpa Mo Yi, the great source of the beautiful world The dissipation problem has also been solved, and Emiya Juhao, this term of partners of justice, can retire with success.

Because of the bonds left by Meiyou, Illya and others, Meiyou did not stay in his own world. Instead, he relied on the space door left by Grandpa Mo Yi to shuttle between the two worlds every day.

Although this ending was good, Hero Emiya saw that his sister had to travel between two worlds every day. Although she just opened a door and walked over to the Luvia family's big villa, after all, they were two different people. At that time, if something happened to Meiyou, he, as the elder brother, would not be able to know and arrive at the first time.

This is something that Emiya Juha, a senior girl control, cannot bear!

So, he made plans to live in the world of Illya. As for his wife, Sakura Matou, a senior student, she would definitely not object.

With Matou Sakura's support, the two came to Illya's world, and then the cake shop called 'Sakura's Dream' appeared.

Regarding this matter, Grandpa Mo Yi can only say, sister control is really scary!

After listening to Emiya Juhao's embarrassed story, Xiao Hei said happily while eating strawberry cake:

"Then we have another place to play after school."

"Xiao Hei——"

Although what Xiao Hei said made sense, and Ilia was also very moved, thinking of the contradiction between her poor and helpless wallet and her own inability to control her mouth and craving for snacks, Ilia had a bold idea——


Illya quickly denied her bold idea. There were so many of them coming here every day for free, who could withstand it?

Thinking of the similar personalities of Miyu's brother and her own brother, Illya guessed that the other party would definitely not accept money from her and others, and besides, the other party was also a rich man, but even so, Yili knew that she was originally from a rich family. Ya can't wipe his face and eat in vain.

The clever Illya thought of this compromise and complained about the gangster:

"We can come here to help after school, play or something, it will cause trouble to others, Xiao Hei."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Xiao Hei instantly saw through Illya's thoughts and complained disdainfully:

"You are a clumsy guy like Illya. Even if you help, it will be a disservice. It would be better to just sit there and eat for nothing."

Illya: "..."

I have such a bad temper. I will fight you tonight when I get home. I won’t stop until I make you cry in pain, you damn little black guy!


Seeing Illya and the little black dragon fighting each other, Emiya Giant could only laugh awkwardly and mediate:

"Then please trouble Illya——"

"As long as you come here, I'll be happy."

"Ding dong, ding dong——"

The wind chimes on the door tinkled as someone opened the door, which was very pleasant to hear.

"Why is someone here?"

In order to greet Grandpa Mo Yi and others, Emiya Juxia specially hung a temporarily closed sign at the door, because he and Matou Sakura were the only two busy people in the store. Now they are all sitting together with Grandpa Mo Yi and others chatting. , there is no one to greet others, it is better to close temporarily for a while.

"It should be sister——"

Matou Sakura, who has been taking care of the four children including Illya and Miyu, showed a gentle smile on her face and explained to the Emiya Giant:

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