"They agreed to come and sit for a while today and see if there is anything they need help with."

Illya and others immediately knew who Matou Sakura was talking about——

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia are responsible for Yan Yi and Zhi Mo (negative teaching materials) in the world of "Magical Girl Illya".

After completing the mission dispatched by the Clock Tower, the two of them went back to the Clock Tower to repeat the mission shortly after Grandpa Mo Yi left.

Illya and others have been sad about this for a long time. Although they are both unreliable adults who always fall off the chain and cause all kinds of troubles, even a teddy dog ​​can survive after getting along for a long time. There will also be feelings. At most, you can take Teddy to cut his balls, let alone a human being?

Then a few days later, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who had transferred to another school and left, appeared in front of everyone again and asked them the reason. They laughed and said that they couldn't bear to leave everyone.

Then it was revealed by Ruby that after completing the mission, the two of them should have stayed in the Clock Tower to study with Gemstone. However, the relationship between the two of them did not get any relief because they performed the mission together, but instead became more intense.

As soon as the two returned to the clock tower, they didn't know how many public properties were destroyed because of their fight!

In the end, Weber, who transformed into a middle-aged uncle, had a stomachache, so he could only throw the two of them back to Area 11, so that they could reflect on themselves and come back after they understood their mistakes.

certainly. Both Tosaka Rin and Luvia thought it was the other's fault, and they started fighting on the way back, causing the Luvia family's private plane to crash. In the end, the two could only compete in swimming and swam back from the sea.

As for Matou Sakura becoming the younger sister of the two, it is also easy to explain. Although there is no time for Matou Sakura and no existence of Tosaka Rin, there is Matou Sakura in the Illya world, and Matou Sakura is adopted by Lu. Of the Via family.

Under such a relationship, the three of them quickly became familiar with each other, and Tohsaka Rin and Luvia unilaterally regarded others as their sisters.

Matou Sakura, who has a gentle personality, did not deny it and accepted such a setting.

Although the two of them are unreliable, their attitude towards Matou Sakura is really good and they are a perfect girl control.


"Yi Mo Duo, are you there?"


"Sakura is my sister. Get out of here, you familiar guy!"

"It's funny how you, a poor and rude guy, have the nerve to appear in front of Sakura!"

Before anyone appeared, the sound of the two people's quarrel could be heard in everyone's ears.

Chapter 522: Illya: My wand is already thirsty

Regarding these two familiar and ferocious quarrels, even if no one reminds them, everyone can instantly guess who they are relying on? !

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia soon appeared in front of everyone, um, shoulders bumping shoulders, looking like they were about to fight.

"Hey, everyone is here——"

Tohsaka Rin casually scanned and found that all the friends who used to fight monsters and save the world were there, no—

"Mo Yi, why are you here?!"

At this time, not only Tohsaka Rin, but also Luvia was very surprised, because Abigail stayed in Luvia's villa with many rooms, so she could often see Grandpa Mo Yi's Doppelgänger.

But because he is a clone, Grandpa Mo Yi's life is very monotonous and regular. It is like setting up corresponding procedures. When little Abi is not around, he is the pet Dabai at the Emiya family. When little Abi is at home, , then came to take care of little Abi.

Tohsaka Rin, Luvia and others also knew that this was just a clone of Grandpa Mo Yi, so they were not curious about Grandpa Mo Yi's daily behavior.

As for taking the initiative to go out to other places like today, this is the first time!

Could it be? !

"As you might think—"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"This is me. Because I have something to do, I came here to talk to old friends and see how you are doing."

"Seeing how energetic you are, Rin and Luvia, I know you are doing well."

"Also, little Abi has been taken care of by you in the past, thank you."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

After it was confirmed that Grandpa Mo Yi, the missing person, had returned, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia had no intention of falling in love with each other and venting their anger on their mortal enemies. They could do it at any time, but when they met Grandpa Mo Yi, the missing person, they But it's a very rare thing,

All in all, the Demon King Goetia has been disappearing since he defeated him. The loss in the two worlds is not the same. It has only been more than half a month in Grandpa Mo Yi's world, but the world of Magical Girl Illya has already passed. It had been more than three months. If everyone hadn't been able to understand each other's situation through Grandpa Mo Yi's clone, they would have thought that the other party had forgotten that there were still a group of friends who missed him in this distant world.

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's polite thanks, Tohsaka Rin complained happily:

"What kind of relationship do we have? Why do we say such sour and polite words? We haven't seen each other for a while, Mo Yi, you have become even more indifferent."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I'm just being polite as usual, don't blame me if you do this.

"Rin, you are really thick-skinned. Mr. Mo Yi is just thanking me——"

Luvia looked at Tohsaka Rin with disdain and complained:

"I was the one who came to see little Abby. You useless maid, besides causing trouble, what else can you do -"

After saying that, he no longer looked at Tosaka Rin who was gnashing his teeth and baring his teeth and claws, and the look on his face instantly changed into a graceful smile like a lady, and he smiled at Grandpa Mo Yi:

"Little Abi is so good, I have to thank her. My life is much happier than before."

"Also, I'm happy to see Mr. Mo Yi again."


Tohsaka Rin was very disdainful of Luvia's human-like behavior and complained:

"Stop pretending, who doesn't know the inner nature of this guy that is about to rot!"

Luvia: "..."

"This is etiquette, not pretending-"

Luvia definitely couldn’t bear Tohsaka Rin’s slander and counterattacked:

"That's right. A poor lady like you, Rin, doesn't understand this kind of worldliness."

————The dividing line between falling in love and killing each other——————

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia argued for a while, but after Matou Sakura's persuasion, they finally calmed down and sat down to enjoy the cake together and have a 'class reunion'.

When we meet again, of course we can’t talk about our recent experiences!

After Emiya Juhao and Matou Sakura talked about how they came to this world to open a cake shop and some interesting things about it, Illya and the others said, well, it's just an ordinary elementary school student's life, but in their eyes, it seems very interesting. Talk about some stupid things others have done, and laugh at someone for being too childish.

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