"Then I'll go back to my world first, and then call you out to help."

After that, he opened the door and walked into the void, disappearing.

————The dividing line of the Valkyrie——————

Grandpa Mo Yi spent a whole day in Ilia's world. When he returned to the real world, he was in a daze for only a few seconds, much earlier than the ten seconds he had told Cecilia in advance.

"Attention everyone, I'm going to summon some helpers-"

Grandpa Mo Yi said to the Valkyries who were struggling to destroy the scorpions:

"Don't be nervous, everyone. It's not good if you get injured accidentally."

"Then hurry up -"

Everyone was very convinced of Grandpa Mo Yi's ability. They had also summoned Scathach, who could single-handedly kill Hollander before, so everyone quickly accepted Mo Yi's words.

Kiana, who didn’t have any Scorpion skills, said happily after hearing this:

"I've had enough of these disgusting things that can't be killed."

"Summon helpers with better skills. Scathach was very good before."

"Don't worry, the helpers summoned this time are also very powerful."

Grandpa Mo Yi opened his right hand and output magic power, and then a complex magic circle appeared on the ground, followed by a dazzling light.

Seeing this familiar scene, everyone knew that the powerful foreign aid Grandpa Mo Yi talked about was coming soon.

Then, three simple Illya Loli trio appeared in front of everyone.


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

They were all guessing what Grandpa Mo Yi said about giving your teammates, how could they imagine it? This is the so-called giving your teammates!

"Hey——, are you here?"

Ilia, who was still wearing casual clothes, looked around. After finding Grandpa Mo Yi, she breathed a sigh of relief. There was no error in the space shuttle.

"Is this the world of Onii-chan?"

After the light dissipated, Xiao Hei's slightly curious voice said:

"It seems no different from our world."

Feeling the strange looks cast on him, Grandpa Mo Yi forced himself to calmly and calmly introduce Ilia and the three of them.

Illya and Xiaohei are magical girls he met in other parallel worlds, while Abigail is a heroic spirit, well, at the same time, he is his adopted daughter.

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's introduction, the atmosphere became a little better. Abigail's identity as a heroic spirit is quite useful. After all, the heroic spirit gives people the impression of a great hero from the past or a mythical figure. There are no two. You can't even use it as a brush.

In particular, Cecilia next to her was the first heroic spirit that everyone had come into close contact with. Subconsciously, their initial favorability towards the heroic spirit would also be affected by this and increase.

Illya and Xiaohei, who were introduced as magical girls by Grandpa Mo Yi, were quickly accepted. Even Yae Sakura, who lives a more traditional life, also knows something about magical girls. After all, this is what all girls have experienced. Fantasy, just like when boys were young, they once imagined that they were Ultraman. When they grow up, they have to bear the burden of beating little monsters, saving the world from crisis, and maintaining human peace.

When she heard the term Mahou Soju, Teresa was the most excited. She had a dream of becoming a magical girl, and she had already thought of a code name - Tritri.

Now that I finally saw a living magical girl, I became curious.

But looking at Illya and Xiao Hei like this, Theresa felt bad!

With the same silver hair, big eyes, and lolita figures, Theresa and Illya have too many similarities. What’s even more frightening is that the other person is really a lolita, not someone like Theresa who can’t grow up. situation.

In addition, the opponent also has a protagonist-level attribute - Mahou Soju.

Theresa suddenly had a premonition that her title of 'the world's cutest' was about to be lost!

A strange thought automatically came to her mind - could this girl named Illya be her natural enemy of Theresa, the cutest person in the world? !

"Illya, Xiao Hei, be careful when fighting-"

Grandpa Mo Yi responded to everyone, and then said:

"When exterminating the bugs, be careful not to damage the surrounding environment. We are still in the pyramid. If it collapses, we will be in trouble."

"Copy that, Onii-chan——"

With the ruby ​​in her right hand and the sapphire in her left hand, Illya was instantly enveloped in the holy light and transformed into a magical girl, entering the state of a star girl.

I think that when Illya used the Star Girl mode, it was to use the opponent's Gilgamesh who was summoned by the class card. With the power of the Kaleidoscope Magic Ceremony created by the complete second method, he was exercising partial power of the second method. Illya defeated Jin Shining's proudest weapon, the Lili Sword, in a duel.

Of course, the price is also very high. All the organs and tissues of the body are eroded by magic. However, after such a period of growth, Illya's own quality and ability have been greatly improved, and after Master Mo Yi's transformation of rubies and sapphires, , the Star Girls mode will never again cause great burden and repercussions to Illya like it was originally done.

It has to be said that the pink transformation of ruby ​​or the blue transformation of sapphire is just a cute style, but the combination of ruby ​​and sapphire looks like a star girl, but it makes Illya who looks like a primary school student become She looks like an older lolita about fifteen or sixteen years old.

The blue and purple clothes and the starlight surrounding the clouds made Illya exude extraordinary charm in an instant.

Theresa carried Judas on her back and continued to input Honkai energy into Judas, allowing him to maintain the field of light and destroy the scorpions, while staring at Illya with envy——

This is what she has always dreamed of as a magical girl! !

Theresa took another look at the 'Ode to Divine Grace' Valkyrie armor she was wearing at the moment. It's not that she didn't like it. Whether it was performance or design concept, Grandpa Mo Yi's set of Ode to Divine Grace suited Theresa very well. aesthetics and needs.

However, Theresa still really wants a magical girl-style Valkyrie armor like Illya! !

Compared with Illya's slightly longer transformation time, Xiao Hei transformed into a red tights battle suit in a flash, and then the two of them consciously joined the Valkyrie in her mission to eradicate insects.

"Magic cannon, scattering mode——"

The magic wand in Illya's hand was waved in the direction of the scorpion, and a colorful magic cannon shot out. After the magic cannon flew not far away, it split in mid-air and turned into countless beams of light as big as raindrops. , hitting the scorpion group with no blind spots and covering it, and in an instant, a large number of scorpions were wiped out.

Illya then waved her magic wand continuously, sending out a stream of magic bullets that would split into dense raindrops. In an instant, the situation was so fierce that the countless scorpions suppressed them and cleared a large open space.

However, Xiaoheyou, who has the red A ability, can eliminate scorpions as fast as Illya, who is good at magic cannon attacks. He projects a broadsword emitting flames and waves it at the surrounding scorpions, and the flames on the broadsword Burn the swept scorpion to ashes.

With the addition of two new combat forces, Illya and Xiao Hei, the Valkyries, who had been forced to form a defensive circle to fight back, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and could relax for a while.

Although these scorpions individually have a combat power of only 5, they can't stand up in large numbers, and the opponent doesn't need to attack everyone. They just need to keep pouring out and let everyone attack, and everyone will be tired.

"Abi, have you seen the perspective I shared with you?"

Grandpa Mo Yi shared with Abigail what he saw with clairvoyance about the connection between the underworld and the pyramids, and that scorpions kept crawling out of the underworld.


Abigail held the teddy bear Tibbs given to her by Grandpa Mo Yi, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said:

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