Orochimaru killed the third generation, which is a typical negative teaching material.

Jiraiya handed over Nagato, and Nagato killed Jiraiya. This is simply the tradition of the Hokage lineage.

Although Grandpa Mo Yi doesn't think that the offspring he raised or the disciples he taught can stab him in the back, health education is essential. People can be mediocre, but they must not know how to behave.

Therefore, Grandpa Mo Yi wanted to take Abi to his own world, have adventures together, fight monsters, improve the intimacy level, and teach him by words and deeds, so that he can become a person like him who is beneficial to the world, mankind, society, and others. "Four Haves" citizens in the new era.

"Then let's go back tomorrow. Abi-chan, you go to bed early tonight and have a good rest-"

Grandpa Mo Yi stroked the other party's long, silky hair and said with a smile:

"We need Abi-chan to help us tomorrow. It won't work if we don't have energy."


Xiao Hei, who had been paying attention to the troubles on Grandpa Mo Yi's side, pulled Ilia over and squeezed over, holding Grandpa Mo Yi's arm and pleading with a pitiful look on his face:

"Onii-chan, we also want to go to your world——"

"You said before that you would take us to play in your world."

"Xiao Hei, but we have to go to school tomorrow -"

Ilia's voice became softer and softer. In fact, she also wanted to go to Grandpa Mo Yi's world. According to the original plan, they should go to each other's place during the summer vacation, but the daily visits at that time were not what they are now. It’s fun to go on adventures in each other’s worlds together!

Magical girl Illya has not moved for a long time. If this continues, Ruby will become a piece of waste sooner or later, and she will not be able to move even if she wants to.

Well, actually, Illya once again wanted to get addicted to soju.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

The behavior of Xiao Hei and others cannot be hidden from Grandpa Mo Yi's perception. Grandpa Mo Yi chose to speak here because he had no intention of hiding other people's thoughts.

Since the other party wants to go, Grandpa Mo Yi has nothing to do with it, just take everyone out for an outing.

"Let's go together if you want. As for the time issue, I can adjust the time difference between the two worlds."

Chapter 523: Abigail: I am the one who holds the key to silver

After saying goodbye to the others, Grandpa Mo Yi took Illya and the three of them to the small dark room at the deepest part of the Root Vortex. Well, it was the house where Grandpa Mo Yi and Shatiao Aige used to live.

After returning there, he found that Sha Tiao Ai Ge had not come back yet. Grandpa Mo Yi breathed a sigh of relief. If Ai Ge found out that he was back and wanted to go back again, the other party would definitely not let him go easily. It was more likely that he would follow Ai Ge. Go back together by yourself.

It is not difficult at all to take Ai Aotian to clear the dungeon of La Er. Theresa and the others just paddled beside them the whole time and shouted 666. That would be a good opportunity to train everyone.

It was not the first time for Abigail to come here, so she was not curious, while Illya and Xiao Hei looked around and asked Grandpa Mo Yi such and such questions.

After Grandpa Mo Yi answered the two people's questions, he began to explain to them the situation they were about to face later so that they could be prepared. After all, magical girls and bugs had a restrained relationship.

Well, scorpions are also considered a type of insect.

If he didn't make it clear to the three of them, he might have just summoned them, and then Ilia was yelled at by Scorpion in disgust, and instead of helping, he backed away.


After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's explanation of the situation, Ilia visibly trembled a few times. A charming young lady like him, who grew up in a peaceful environment, would have to scream when she met a cockroach, let alone Mo Yi. Of course, the 'gurgling' sound of the sea of ​​scorpions described by my grandfather was not made by Illya, but by the ruby ​​​​of Ilya's portable equipment:

"When horse and monkey soju meet bugs, just thinking about it makes me excited, gentlemen!"

When Illya heard this, her face instantly turned red like an apple, then she grabbed the ruby ​​floating beside her and threw it out, shouting:

"Ruby, you guy, shut up!"

Ruby was already accustomed to Illya's beatings, and flew back smoothly, circling around Illya, and teased in a wretched uncle's tone:

"I didn't expect that for someone like you, Illya, I would tell you so secretly, but you would immediately realize it——"

"It seems that Ilia, you did a lot of interesting things while I was away."

Illya: "..."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense-"

Illya, who was exposed, grabbed the ruby ​​​​directly this time, stuffed it into the small backpack she was carrying, and zipped up the chain, not giving the other party a chance to slander her again.


After dealing with the traitors, Illya pretended not to notice Xiao Hei's ridicule and Xiao Abi's curious eyes, and smiled awkwardly:

"The prisoner's guy has been dealt with——"

"Onii-chan, you can continue talking."


Grandpa Mo Yi was such a pure person, so naturally he didn't know what Ruby was talking about. After coughing lightly, he continued:

"So you have to be mentally prepared to face the sea of ​​scorpions. If you really can't accept it, wait until I finish dealing with the scorpions before calling you over."

"It doesn't matter--"

Although she hated bugs and other things in her heart, Illya decisively patted her small mouth and said:

"I borrowed the sapphire from Miyu. I can enter the star girl state at will. No matter what kind of enemy I am, I am confident that I can smash it into dust!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Sure enough, the combat effectiveness of a magical girl is reflected in the question of whose magic cannon fires more fiercely. There is no enemy that cannot be solved with magic cannons. As long as they eat my cannon, the other party will become her good friend.

The card-playing ability of Sakura Kinomoto, the first Moe King, seems to be heresy.

"We came here to help Onii-chan——"

Xiao Hei clenched his fists and answered:

"I'm not afraid of even the most useless Illya, so of course I'm useless!"

Little Abi nodded in agreement:

"Abby wants to be a good boy who can help Onii-chan!"

Illya: "..."

Please explain to me what the most useless Illya is!

"Then it's no problem——"

Grandpa Mo Yi comforted the unhappy Ilia and said with a smile:

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