Under the cover of the sandstorm, the Scorpion Emperor finally completed the cast and swung forward. As the scorpion's tail hit the ground heavily, waves of yellow energy waves spread out around him with him as the center.

In an instant, the earth was torn apart, as if the world was turned upside down. Under the shock waves emitted by the Scorpion Emperor, the temple could not survive for a few seconds before it collapsed and collapsed.

And Theresa's defensive barrier was about to shatter after holding on for two seconds.

It's not a matter of a big difference in strength between the two sides, but the ground on which everyone is standing has been shattered, and there is no place to stand. The embarrassment of Theresa's short legs is once again reflected. She can't stand firmly, and there is still time. Make every effort to maintain the defensive barrier.

First, the sandstorm hides itself, then it expands, and then releases a seismic wave attack that destroys the world, coupled with the appearance of the scorpion spirit.

That's right, my master has recognized your identity, Sand King Chryseles. Don't think that I won't be able to recognize you just because you have changed your vest!

Of course, complaints are complaints. What Grandpa Mo Yi has to do now is to take action, otherwise he will fall down in the pyramid and his friends may be injured.

"Don't wander around, I'll take you away now -"

Grandpa Mo Yi called out to everyone who was in a panic. He first opened a magic barrier to protect everyone again, and then led them to a space transfer.

One second, everyone was still panicking to avoid the boulders falling from their heads. The next second, everyone found that they were floating in the sky because they were wrapped in a blue magic barrier and were not under the influence of gravity. , throw it away.

"Baymax, where are we now? Where is the pyramid?"

Illya breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that she had left the pyramid, and then looked around.

It is not difficult to maintain such a barrier. Grandpa Mo Yi pointed in the direction under his feet and said:

"Look, it's down there."

The people who were still in shock followed Grandpa Mo Yi's gaze and looked down, and then they saw a scene that frightened them——

It should be an unchanging desert, but now it looks unchanging. Under the influence of the Scorpion Emperor's seismic waves, the desert is like boiling water, shaking and boiling crazily, but what is spewing and rolling is not boiling water, but yellow sand.

The entire ground was covered by the raised sandstorm, and the pyramid rising from the ground was only vaguely visible under the cover of the sandstorm.

But in front of everyone's eyes, the looming pyramid could not hold on for long before it suddenly sank. It was obviously destroyed by the earthquake and collapsed!

If Grandpa Mo Yi hadn't deliberately blocked out the sound, the noise caused by the earthquake would have been enough to make everyone temporarily deaf, but even in the silent movie state, the scene below would have been enough to shock everyone.

The power of nature has never been something humans can resist, and earthquakes are a common and irresistible natural force!

At this moment, the Scorpion Emperor is recreating the power of 'earthquake' that can destroy the world.

"This was made by the Scorpion Emperor?!"

At first, when everyone saw the clumsy and ugly appearance of the Scorpion Emperor, and the way he was knocked away by Theresa, they all couldn't help but look down upon him - for a big guy like this, I can fuck him, just do it alone. no problem!

Then the other party exploded, causing a huge earthquake that destroyed everything.

If Grandpa Mo Yi hadn't transferred everyone to high altitudes, everyone present, except for Ilia and Abi who could fly or float, would probably not have been able to survive such a major earthquake attack. Would they have survived? , it also depends on luck.

Looking at the disaster-like scene, Ji Zi, the most educated person here, couldn't help but sigh:

"The Scorpion Emperor is so terrifying!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Teresa likes to read comics, and Himeko probably likes to read novels, otherwise she wouldn't have said the classic lines "The plan is about to be laid out" and "It's so scary."

People who read a lot are not different, or to describe it as Kiana, I am afraid it is, "This is too scary", how can it be as contagious as "It's so scary".

————The dividing line after more than ten minutes——————

Under the Scorpion Emperor's ultimate move, the riot in the desert lasted for more than ten minutes. After the earthquake stopped, Grandpa Mo Yi controlled the spherical magic barrier and flew down to the ground.

Soon, they found the Scorpion Emperor who was very proud and roaring to the sky.

Well, in the eyes of the other party, Grandpa Mo Yi and others had long been buried in the yellow sand under his power, so they were very proud of themselves.

How could he, who had never read a book, know that the impact of earthquake waves on the air was minimal? He was not a white beard, and he knew how to hit a cow from across the mountain with an aerial shock. Naturally, he could not do anything to Grandpa Mo Yi and others flying high in the sky.

On the other hand, Immorton, who lost his magic power, and his old lover were buried under the desert by the Scorpion Emperor's 'earthquake' move.

This fully illustrates what it means to beat teammates and protect enemies.

The first thing every qualified villain boss has to do after appearing on the scene is to clear out his subordinates. On the one hand, he shows his strength, and on the other hand, he wipes out the experience points of the protagonist group and prevents the other party from continuing. Fight monsters and upgrade.

The Scorpion Emperor, who was shouting proudly, was suddenly stunned.

Because he was looking up to the sky and roaring, while Grandpa Mo Yi and others were falling from the sky. At this moment——

A determined look means meeting the right person.

His most powerful ultimate move has not yet destroyed the opponent? !

At this time, the Scorpion Emperor was really panicked. He quickly used the skills that all bosses know and summoned his younger brother. Under his magic power, the sleeping undead legions woke up from the underworld one after another.

Since the ultimate move is ineffective, let's use the crowd tactics.

"Ho ho ho (ancient Egyptian) -"

Anyway, no one present could hear it. Following the spell, countless skeletons, mummies, or sand soldiers made of condensed sand crawled out of the yellow sand.

In just over ten seconds, his eyes were filled with the little brother summoned by the other party.

This made Theresa panic. She tugged on Grandpa Mo Yi's clothes and said something casually to divert her attention.

"Mo Yi, do you understand what the other party is saying?"

"You can probably understand——"


Now Evelin, who had been always making soy sauce, became very curious. Even she, an expert on ancient Egyptian culture, couldn't understand it, but the other party actually knew it?

"Mr. Mo Yi, what is the other party talking about? Maybe we can use the other party's spell to crack the other party's undead army."

Indeed, Evelin held the Golden Sun Sutra in her hand, which symbolized the power of the Sun God. It contained many spells. If the spell could be solved, it was really hard to say. If one spell was cast, the oars would be wiped out.

After that, Evelin took the Golden Sun Book from her husband Ou Kang and started reading it, looking for a spell to deal with this situation.

When everyone heard this, their eyes on Grandpa Mo Yi became intense and expectant.

If such a large number of undead legions can be avoided, who would be willing to waste their energy on attacking the other side? Not to mention that the number of the other side is indeed a bit exaggerated. At a glance, they are densely packed.

Grandpa Mo Yi looked away from the undead legions around him and said seriously:

"The translation is - Shurima, your emperor is back!"

Chapter 526: Fuyuki’s Finger Snap King

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